It's You

1705 Words
The ride was long and silent with Kaida's heart fluttering so much she was afraid she couldn't hide it anymore. She regretted abandoning Britha for the prince. With Britha she would have had a long, comfortable ride with her heart at peace. And they would have spent it chatting too, which would have made the journey feel shorter than it actually was. Kaida didn't think the prince's castle would be so far away from castle Telarion. She thought all they needed to do was walk a mere few minutes before entering its gates but when they mounted the horses she knew it would be further than a few minutes. She however had no clue just how much further than a few minutes it actually was. For miles on end they rode through the darkness with no hope of seeing the famed castle belonging to his highness. At least for her, it felt that way and she couldn't very well ask her travelling companion about it as he was completely silent except for his occasional one word instructions to his horse. Kaida tried to stretch, after riding for so long all her muscles were beginning to feel numb and it wasn't because of the long ride but her inability to shift comfortably where she sat. She was locked in, much like a prisoner, except hers were human locks that were also easy on the eyes. She felt herself blush at the thought of her human prison. She thought she would ride right at the prince's back. But he had her sit up front and locked her in with his strong muscular arms and she was left to look only ahead otherwise her eyes would land right on his torso. She took a deep breath and relished his muscular scent. For a moment she felt herself drift to some place but her aching muscles brought her right back to her reality. She craned her neck to the right side and found Symund's horse matching their speed. A handful of the prince's soldiers flanked their sides too. They held banners and torches as they rode and only then did Kaida notice the dark head of a dragon on the flags. The emblem of the third prince no doubt. A complete opposite of his father's red dragon. It also made her think of what the emblems for the other princes were. "No doubt dragons too." She thought. "Should we make a stop?" Kaida was startled and almost made the prince lose control of the horse with her movement. She didn't expect to have him speak so close to her and when she turned to him her lips almost brushed on his leaving her completely flustered. "Not on my account." She shook her head but the prince merely raised his hand and as if they had rehearsed it many times before every horse came to a stop. And before Kaida could protest the prince jumped off the horse with grace and once he landed, he held up his hands to her, waiting for her to go to him. She felt herself blush even more at that and she thanked the gods that the only light was that from the torches, otherwise she would have been embarassed with the colour that flooded her face. She would have preferred getting off on her own too, but the damn horse was too huge and jumping off would have probably had her sprain her ankle. She took a deep breath and slipped off the horse instead and landed right into the prince's arms. "I meant I was fine." She glared at the prince for ignoring her answer and deciding to stop. She tried to wiggle out of his hold too but she found herself unable to, making her quirk an eyebrow at him. "You should stretch regardless." He said flatly before finally letting go. And if it wasn't for a tree that she leaned on, Kaida would have fallen flat on her face. Her muscles did really need a stretch and she hated that the jerk of a prince was right after all. She began with her neck, stretching all the way down to her fingers. In no time she could feel her blood flowing perfectly and only the cold night breeze brought her more discomfort. She wrapped herself up in the prince's cloak and a smile tugged on her lips. On the outside, she would never have guessed that the man that was all muscle and strength could have a spot that cared if she was cold. "Better?" Kaida was startled once more when the prince spoke so close to her. And this time she thought it was deliberate. "We can camp for the night if--" "No, no need really." She cut off the prince before he asked his men to pitch up some tents. "All better." She smiled at him and he merely grunted a response before signalling to his men to continue the journey. "May I?" The prince held out his hand to help her up his horse but she just stared at it and bit her lips nervously. "May I ride at your back instead." She tried to hide how embarassed she felt at her request. "I'm sure it'll be more comfortable for my muscles." She added before he could say no. The prince just silently mounted his steed and for a moment Kaida thought she would be left behind. But he held out his hand next and when she took it, he effortlessly flung her over and she landed right behind him. "Hold on" He said and she wrapped her hands round his waist. She felt him stiffen for a bit before they started moving. It took just a couple of steps before all the horses fell into their pattern and galloped away smoothly. She marvelled at how strong the prince's horse was as it galloped at such a speed while bearing both their weights. With her body feeling better now, silence was Kaida's next bother and so she decided to do something about it. "The map, why did you ask if I could read it?" She chose a topic that she thought might interest the prince and get him to talk. But he only stiffened the moment the words left her mouth and for the longest time only the sound of hooves filled the air between and around them. And with the prince choosing to keep his lips pursed, Kaida opted to get lost in her thoughts. She thought of her parents and wondered what they were up to on a night like this, now that she was no longer in their home. She wondered if they were thinking of her or crying for her. Or if they were suffering from the accusations she made against them or maybe they would be sleeping. Kaliyah would no doubt be in their tiny room getting her beauty sleep already. Kaida smiled at that. She was always intrigued by the things her sister chose to spend precious time on. "Your highness, we are here." A soldier announced and Kaida craned her neck to see where here was. They were still far off, but Kaida could make out the tall towers that were definitely a part of the castle. Fires were burning on the castle walls, lighting up the castle's boundary under the dark night. "Welcome to Uthlon." Symund who was now riding next to them after slowing down bowed in Kaida's direction and before she could reply horns blared as the castle welcomed it's king. The prince just stayed silent as he guided the horse through the gates of Uthlon. More soldiers came and lined up on the sides of the roads, bowing their heads in greeting to the prince who simply nodded in response. It was already late in the night and Kaida marvelled at how so many soldiers still stayed up waiting for their prince. "Welcome to Uthlon." The prince held out his hands and helped Kaida off the horse. She was dead tired. And no matter how much she wanted to stare and take in the views of Uthlon, her own body simply declined. And as if the prince could tell how tired she was he offered her a place to rest. "Your chambers?" Kaida swallowed nervously. She understood he had claimed her and that he cared that she was tired but there was no way she was going to end up in his bed. "Forgive me your highness, but I do not wish to sleep in your chambers." Kaida said and she was met with a cold glare. But not even his sword resting on her throat would change that resolve. He may have claimed her but that was all. "Perhaps the lady is right." Symund shot the prince this look and for a few seconds it seemed like they had a whole conversation right in front of her yet she heard nothing. In the end only a string of curses left the prince's mouth before he started barking orders at the maids that had gathered to welcome him. "Tell me your name." Kaida froze mid step when she heard those words. "It can't be." She thought. She was about to leave for her alternative bed chambers With a maid by her side when the prince held her back with that familiar request. "It's late, let me not keep his highness from his moment of rest." Kaida quickly turned instead of answering. She wished to escape his presence before the hammering in her heart got louder for him to hear. She had no idea which way to go but anywhere away from the prince was fine. She tried to wiggle out of his hold, but he still held on tight. "Uther." That name from his lips almost sent her tumbling to the floor. "What are the odds?" Kaida was sure the beating of her heart was as loud as drums now. Slowly he turned to look at him. Deep in his eyes. He had the same look. Even without a mask, the longing she saw that night in the similarly looking eyes was right there begging for her name to leave her lips. "It's you…"
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