8.1 The First Kiss (Part 2)

1938 Words

"What...what are you doing?" I couldn't help my mouth. "Can you move back a bit, please," I didn't want to sound rude if I had any chance of staying here but for some reason, whatever comes out of my mouth sounds rude naturally. I was out of habit with politeness or talking or having a conversation. I was more of a robot than a human.  "No...I am going to get closer," He answered, surprisingly still calm. I thought he was kidding but f**k he actually moved in, locking me in between his massive body and the headboard. "You need to feel this, Amara,"  "I have no..." I froze, again the words getting stuck in my throat as his lips closed in just near the corner of my lips. It was the briefest, softest touch and I sucked in my breath as the stupid feeling in my stomach intensified.  "See?" H

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