87. The Ultimate Fight...

1984 Words

"Stop!"  Oh my f*****g god. Not again. Why was one after another s**t going down with me? And I could tackle anything but not this. I cannot deal with Leonardo Ammassari.  What the f**k was he doing here? "Turn around," His voice was hard. "Come on, turn around. And don't try anything. I just want to see your face and then I will let you go. But if you try anything stupid...I will shoot. Right here," My heart wasn't beating anymore. It had literally stopped. What option do I have? I can't go the opposite way because Mario's body has most probably been discovered by now. And if I went this way, towards the exit, well, he was standing there like a massive wall.  "I said turn," He shouted. "Right now!" Oh for f**k sake. I didn't want to do this. If I fight him, it will either be him or me

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