91.1 Stuck Between Two (Part 2)

1225 Words

"Alessandro...Nico," Leo nodded at both the men. Alessandro was a bloody good actor. And even though it was clearly visible Nico was pissed, his impassive expression more than made up for that.  "Ah, Leonardo," Alessandro smiled, like he was his favorite person in this world. "Oh and who do we have here?" He turned his eyes to me and nobody and I meant nobody would ever believe by the looks of him that this guy has known me for nineteen years.  "This is my girlfriend, Amara," Leonardo said brightly, glancing at Nico. Why does it feel like he already knew Nico has feelings for me? Like everyone else, I nodded at them blankly.  "Oh, that's one stunning young lady you got there," Alessandro complimented. "Don't you think, Nico?"  "Absolutely," Nico smiled. "Nice to meet you again," Crap.

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