95. Embarrassing Encounter

2214 Words

Amara "What's with you?" Mrs. Agosti asked as I blankly stared at the stupid screen buzzing with stupid stuff. "What do you mean?" I mumbled, not meeting her eyes. "You barely ate anything," She pointed out as-a-matter-of-factly. "You didn't eat properly yesterday either or the day before that and I think even before that," "I am not hungry," I answered flatly. "You do realize you need your strength for what's to come, right?" She pointed out. "All three capos are dead. It's almost time," I fixed my eyes harder on the screen as my insides started to burn again. "I don't need my strength to put a bullet through Leonardo's head," I whispered. "I know what I need to do, no need to repeat," I could feel her eyes boring into my head but I chose to ignore it. I was in no mood to talk to h

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