Chapter 4: Her Wrath

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Scarlett’s POV: Who the hell does he think he is to just dismiss me and send me back to the hotel? I am his fiancée after all I should have a say in all matters Scarlett fumes while taking the town car back to the hotel. Once she arrives to the penthouse suite, she lets out a startled gasp as she walks into the room and sees that it is covered from ceiling to flow with beautiful bouquets of roses ranging from vibrant yellows, reds, purples, and pinks. Tears come to her eyes as she begins to dream of what her wedding night suite would be filled with. Scarlett proceeds to go to the bathroom to shower and make sure she is freshened up from this unbearable heat she has found herself in. After showering and changing into a light maxi dress that hugs all her curves and shows just the right amount of cleave to make sure she drives Maverick wild when he comes back in. Really Scarlett do you think that is going to change things I keep trying to tell you he is not ours. My wolf Celeste says. Shut it Celeste I have already rejected our worthless mate and Maverick will never know. He was useless anyways with his commoner status as a waiter. I mean really Celeste how could a waiter keep up with our lifestyle anyway. We just have to make sure that Maverick never meets his mate. Scarlett and just how do you imagine that will happen? Huh? I mean you saw the way he stopped dead in his track when that girl Aurora was outside the door. Who is to say that he hasn’t found her already and then guess what you are as good as gone. Whatever Celeste I am in no mood to worry about that I mean Maverick has stated several times he didn’t want to find his mate and plus he says he loves me otherwise why would he have not only proposed to me at the Eiffel Tower but filled the room with roses, hmmm? “Okay Scarlett if that is what helps you sleep at night keep telling yourself that, just don’t expect to me to pick up the pieces when he changes his mind. The mate bond is stronger for some than others.” says Celeste as she retreats to the back of my mind. Three hours later Maverick strolls into the suite as I am lounging on the balcony. I immediately get up and run to be in his arms. However, there is something off when I get to him his tie is loose and the first two buttons of his shirt are undone. Maverick what’s wrong my love don’t tell me you and your dad had another fight. No Scarlett its not that, look we need to talk. Okay Mav I have made reservations at the restaurant downstairs let’s get you freshened up and then we can talk over dinner. We are seated in a special VIP section that comes with the penthouse suite and the waiter comes to take our orders. Good evening Sir, Miss. My name is Evan and I will be your waiter this evening would you like the wine list as I go over todays’ specials? Yes that would be wonderful Evan I say. As Evan is going over the specials of the day I choose the finest wine to try and alleviate the tension that is radiating off of Maverick. Maverick orders his usual a steak rare with the usual sides of roasted potatoes and asparagus. I inform Evan that I will have the Cog Au Vin and also that we need to have the bottle of 2016 Casanova Di Neri Burnello Di Montalcino brought to the table on ice immediately. Mav my love what is going on? I ask. You have seemed troubled since you came from speaking with your dad. Did something happen? Maverick POV: Mav my love what is going on? You have seemed troubled since you came from speaking with your dad. Did something happen? Scarlett asks again. How do I tell her that I have found my mate and really want to take the time to get to know her. What Scarlett doesn’t know is that I know she already rejected her mate, which don’t get me wrong at the time I was all for, but now I just don’t’ know if I can do the same thing. At least not yet. Scarlett, yes something did happen. I found my mate today while we were at Xander Financial. What!? Scarlett shrieks and almost jumps up but not before I grab her wrist and give her a look that makes her take her seat and not cause a scene and just from her one outburst, we are starting to get looks from the other restaurant patrons. Look I know that we are engaged, and the wedding is set to happen in just about two months, but now this happens to change things. See told you so. Celeste says Shut up Celeste its not he will not choose some mate over me he just can’t. I say as I put up my block to keep her from interrupting any more. So, okay it doesn't have to change anything just reject her like you always said and then we can move forward. It’s not that difficult Mav, Scarlett says then tries to change the subject to how beautiful the flowers were in the room and that she wants to recreate the look for the bridal party as they get ready the day of the wedding. Before she can go on any further with wedding discussions, we are interrupted by the waiter bringing over the bottle of wine. After he has poured both glasses, I drink mine down as fast as I can and then motion for him to go ahead and pour more. Scarlett just looks as me with this confused but hurt look. Maverick were you even listening to me? Yes, Scarlett I was its just how do I say this. We will need to postpone the wedding until I figure everything out. I know I always said that I didn’t want a mate, but I don’t know its just that I never thought I would find mine since I am 22 years old and hadn’t found my mate, I just figured that I wouldn’t have one. You know we normally find our mate or have some sense of who our mate is when we turn 18 if they have been around each other growing up. So, what I guess I am trying to say is that I am postponing the wedding till I figure my s**t out and how I want to handle the whole mate thing. Not what my dad wants me to do, or anyone else for that matter. So where does that leave us, Scarlett says with tears streaming down her face. I don’t know I say as I run my hands through my hair. Let’s just enjoy dinner and see what tomorrow in-store for us. I just want to get some sleep the jetlag is starting to catchup with me. Scarlett POV: So, what I guess I am trying to say is that I am postponing the wedding till I figure my s**t out and how I want to handle the whole mate thing. Not what my dad wants me to do, or anyone else for that matter, Maverick says. So where does that leave us, I say with tears streaming down my face. I don’t know he says as he runs his hands through his hair. Let’s just enjoy dinner and see what tomorrow in-store for us. I just want to get some sleep the jetlag is starting to catchup with me, says Maverick. Whoever this b***h is that thinks she can just waltz in here and ruin everything I have planned and worked for has another thing coming. Wait until I found out who she is and I will make sure to eliminate her as competition once and for all.
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