Chapter two

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Lily kept walking, not knowing where she was actually going, but she kept on walking any way. At least she knows that she is on the right track to get home, as their car just came out of that way. Her mind drifts off to her grandmother once again. She remembered all the times the woman used to scold her, but then again, she also gave her good advice. Like those times, she told her that she has to be brave enough in order to survive in this world and that courage is all that matters. "I just hope she rests in peace wherever she may be," Lily thought. She wondered if she was even going to make it back before the funeral ended. Her father hasn't even given her any transport fees to go back there, not to mention that she hasn't even reached home yet. When will she ever arrive? As if on cue, Lily's eyes caught the attention of something ahead of her. It's a house—no, a mansion. No, that's definitely a castle, she thought. But she had never seen one either. She moved closer, and the huge gate came clearly into her view. The gate is huge, about 18 feet tall or more. It's black for sure, and it's shining from the reflection of the sun. One would think that it has been coated with silver. She walks over and places her hand on the pure beauty. She thought it was going to be rough, but it was smooth—so smooth that she didn't know just how to describe it. While she was busy examining the gate, she saw the door and walked a little closer to it. The hand looks so shiny. So shiny, one might think it is carved out of diamond. She reaches out to touch it, but the door goes ajar. She stood there for a moment, wondering whether to walk in or just move away, but then her curiosity got the best of her once again, and she took the first step. The first thing that she didn't know would change everything. Slowly and carefully, she enters the house while surveying every parameter. She heard that households like that might have guards or watch dogs, but she didn't see any around. Her first guess was that the owners hadn't yet moved in, and she felt instantly relieved. Now she can explore to her heart's content. Forgetting about her grandmother's funeral, the girl went head-in. The first thing that caught her attention were the flower decorations. They have been cut clean and shaped into a mini round about, and some were leading to some other places. Just like the highways. She doesn't know much about plants, but this one seemed like Ixora to her. She kept on following the wedged plant path, and it led her to another gate. It was a bit smaller than the other one, and it is somewhat silver in color. The door was also open, and so she walked in without thinking twice. To describe the beauty of the garden before her eyes would be nothing but a waste of words and time, and so she just dove right into it to explore, like she was familiar with the house or it belonged to someone she knew. In the quest of her exploration, Lily heard a faint sound coming from behind one of the trees planted in the garden. Any sane person would have taken this as a cue for them to flee, and they were the true intruders, but the curious little thing decided to move forward. She slowly moved forward and around the three to where she was hearing the groaning and almost painful noise. Laying there, she saw a helpless-looking body. It looks alive, but weak. She moves in close to check, and she finds out that it's a man. "Oh my gosh! He's a man," she exclaims. She places her hand underneath his nose to make sure he is still breathing. Sure enough, he was. But she just can't leave him here like a pile of dirt, can she? She is not sure exactly what happened to him, but he knows one thing for sure: he doesn't deserve to stay out here in the sun. But where can she take him? She stands up, trying to search the place for any shade other than the tree. But none was to be found close to where they were. "Wait a minute, let me check for a safe place to take you," she said softly to him. He just groaned at her and opened his eyes slightly. She started walking away from him in search of a better place for him to rest, until he was found by his family. She wonders if he even has one. What was he even doing there in the first place? Does anybody know he's there? Maybe he has his phone with him or something; she will ask him so that she can contact his family and inform them about his whereabouts. Just then, she spotted an umbrella shade up ahead. There are some chairs there as well. The place looks like it was built for resting out in the garden when the sun is getting a little bit hotter. There's no time to keep on admiring the beauty of the shade. She had to go back and bring him here, she thought. She quickly walks back to where she found him, but he is nowhere to be found. "Oh my goodness!" She panics. "Where has he gone now?" she thought. She tried searching for him around the tree, but she didn't see a sign of him. She was almost about to cry when she spotted him crawling his way out of the garden, and so she quickly followed. "Easy there," she says. She leans down and tries to help him up, but he is too heavy for her. "But he didn't look like he would be heavy," she thought. Still, she mastered all her energy and pulled him up. She places his arm around her shoulder and tries to place his head on her shoulder as well so that it will be easier for her to walk. After many falls and get-ups, she finally reached the shade with him. She places him on one of the chairs and turns to leave and find another chair to sit and relax in, but she is pulled back, and instantly, she falls on something hard. It was hard yet soft, and it seemed like it was going up and down like a rhythm. She slightly opens up her eyes, and it lands on his face, and she can't breathe. She couldn't even blink her eyes. His hair has been messed up, thanks to her, but he still looks gorgeous. Some strands of his hair had fallen on his forehead. She felt like reaching out to pull them back, but she couldn't. Her eyes then land on his eyebrows. They are the best she has ever seen. They look almost crescent moon-shaped. They also look perfectly trimmed, like they belong to a woman and not a man. She slowly drifts away from his eyes. They were still half closed, like he was sleeping. Even when she calls, she knows that he possesses the most sexy eyes she has ever seen, even though she hasn't seen much. Then slowly, she moves down to his lips. Wow! She exclaims, but not out loud. His lips are what we call perfectly proportioned and not pink-shaded, like they belong to a baby. She is sure that they would also be soft. "Hey! You gotta stop," she warns herself. She was trying to pull away from his body as slowly as possible, but he caught her by surprise again and pulled her back, and this time around, their lips met. She felt a surge of electricity coursing through her body at the same time. The guy went further and started nibbling her lower lip. This was all new to Lily, and so she didn't know what she would do. She was so dumbstruck. Just then, she felt his hand snaking down her body until it finally stopped at her hips. He grabbed her a little harder than expected, and that made her gasp. His tongue suddenly invaded her mouth, taking over the space, and that's all Lily could remember, as her mind had been sent way out of this world. Her body is on fire. She just doesn't know how to describe it, as it is not a feeling she has ever felt before. She wanted to pull back, but then she didn't want it to stop. No, she doesn't want to; she just wants to know more. She wants to know how much more her body could feel. A streak of light caught Lily's eye and brought her back to reality. "Nice, show us more," she heard from her side, followed by another ray of flashlight. Lily didn't need anyone to tell her that she was intruding now and that she was in deep trouble.
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