54. Little Saint

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She sat at the table in front of him, in the farthest corner of the table. Okay, that meant she was afraid of him. At least she knew her place, he thought. He didn't get up and didn't seem to notice that she still had her hands tied in front of her. She looked at him for a very short time, and started to eat the chicken he put on the plate in front of her, on the table. She said no other words, but she ate with measure, with manners... He was sure she was hungry, she must have been very hungry, but she ate just as it was at a royal table. Was she perhaps counting the chewing in her mind... or at least that was what he could gather from that mannered little child sitting at his table and eating like a princess. Ha, like a princess! He nodded his head. Females! They do useless things when they do not have to! Nothing practical! Of course, this world is ruled by men! Females can't do anything reasonable. He was curious to find out all sorts of things, but when he saw how calculated she was eating, he let her put some food in her stomach first, before asking her questions. And of course, she took enough time to pick the food from the plate, pick it up, chew it, swallow it ... At one point, when he couldn't stand the silence, he snorted: -So, tell me ... where did you learn to hold a sword? She stopped eating and looked him in the eye, thinking before answering. -I grew up with a sword in my hand. -How so? -Maybe because females are not helpless in my world. -Ha! You hear me! What world are you from? Women are not ... -Valuable because they are "females"? Yes, I already heard that in your world. Her words were cold and calculated enough, bold and at the same time restrained, totally unusual for him. She even talked in a strange way... not like the other women... And why was she playing that "my world", "your world" piece? She looked him straight in the eye, telling him all these things so lightly, in the face, as if it were a conversation about the weather. She did not know what was going on in his mind, for his forehead was frowning, but on his face could be read nothing but astonishment and curiosity. But the balance of power between the two was very clear. She was there, eating at his table, just because of his seaworthiness, and that was a fact that could change at any time. She took advantage and ate all the chicken he had given her. Who knows when she would have had the opportunity to eat meat, she thought. Better to make sure she has enough energy to escape. Until she finds the perfect opportunity, it would be good for her to dance as he expects. She seemed smart, he had to give her that. She seemed obedient and did not seem to overdo it. What life had she led among those Saints? Why did she keep saying about "his world?" He needed to know more. -So far I have not had the honor of hosting a saint in my kingdom, he continued the conversation, hoping to find out more information. -Looks like you got off to a good start right now, she replied. -Are all Saint females like you? She paused, thinking again. -I do not know, actually. I don't think so. I think we are all different. -HA!! She thinks... How come? Let me guess... Don't they answer like that, unquestionably before the men? She looked at him, weighing her answer, but her answer did not come anymore. He raised an eyebrow and a questioning expression appeared on his face; it was clear that he was waiting for an answer. -When you raise your females in this way, it is normal to assume that anyone but you must ask permission before expressing their thoughts. The problem is, then you will never really know your family's heart and mind, because they will not really show you what they feel and think. And that will be your loss, and yours alone. Only a lie. Her words silenced him for a while. This woman spoke too freely for this world. She could express herself, and it made sense! And her perspective was unique! Made him think... In a way, a long time ago ... he had thought about it when he was a kid. Just like that, the way she was speaking about it now, in front of him. An image appeared in his mind, and carried him into the past, the image of his mother, his image of the perfect woman. With long hair and white skin, always smiling at him with bright eyes. He was always amazed, and he had always wondered about it when he saw her suddenly change at the sight of his father! She was losing her smile, she stood always rigid, afraid that he would hit her, her eyes were always on the ground, like a statue. Nothing in that cold image, like furniture, was known to him, it was so different from the moments when the two of them were together. THAT, was not his mother! It was like she was transforming into something that it was not her, the one he knew. She was... becoming nothing. And he remembered that he had hated his father for making her that nothing. How come he had forgotten that until now? And how was it that he remembered that only now, at her words? He looked at her with interest but without goodwill. This female was dangerous! How could he use that to his advantage? Could he? Because if she was not of any use to him, then he should only dispose of her. She realized that something was wrong, her words must have awakened something in him that he did not like. She hoped she wouldn't be sorry she said those things in front of him, like that, without a filter. They were not prepared to reform the whole world, which had already been built according to such rigid and unchanged rules for centuries. She was expected to be sent back to the cell, but apparently, he had other plans. Did he want to see her sinking deeper before he punished her? And what punishment could he have offered, other than an execution? She thought she should be more careful and win his goodwill. Faster. -And what do you think females would be able to do differently than they do now? He asked, continuing to eat as if nothing had bothered him earlier. But she already knew that she needed to be more careful. That was just a trap, he was sure he was planning something. And he had the power to do anything. What answer would he have heard right now? He was clearly waiting for her answer, and she already knew he was not a patient man. -What answer would you prefer to hear, if you assume that females are useless? How would it help to know the answer I am thinking, if in your mind I am not right and I am not able to think? He raised his eyes from the plate, looking at her astonished. Again, she left him speechless. In his mind, something screamed that she was provoking him. But looking at her, she was in a submissive, calm position, and she answered his questions without provoking him openly. It was clear, she could have been part of the diplomatic group and probably won the most disputes, because she was so smart to shut his mouth with his own arguments. Where did she come from? This unique perspective... It was not even like the Saint's... They were only the Altar of this world; they did not try to rebel against any of the factions; they did not take part in the wars between the houses... They were just a refuge... He had met some Saints, and he never met someone that smart among them. He shook his head, feeling he was just going deep in thought and he would never find information like that. -So, tell me... Who were you protecting when I caught you? She looked at him and again weighed her words. -You see, I thought we could get along fine at a civilized dinner. I already know there is only one princess in the Warchild House, and what I really want to know, is, what was she doing with the Altar, so close to my borders?? If there would have been that pathetic little Warchild prince, I would have understood they wanted to war... but why would their female be doing so close to my borders? THAT, is what I want you to tell me. Moon thought for some goo seconds before she answered. -The princess is gone, her voice whispered in the silence of the room. She did not agree to get married, so she tried to run away from home. -Ohoooo, she did run away from home, now, ha! That is hilarious!! They can not even keep their females safe! They can run?? The king started to laugh, and he seemed so happy. Normally, if it had been one of his females, he would not have been so happy, but it is clear how much the Warchild clan had fallen, if they had allowed the females to run away before marrying! But the female in front of him looked at him without even smiling. She didn't seem too impressed with his outburst. He didn't even seem to understand his happiness about the situation that didn't concern him. But, that was the problem with the females ... They didn't have an overview ... they only paid attention to detail ... He was looked at by any informed person who could give him some advantage. In any situation. Only then could he always be a few steps ahead of everyone. That's what a leader really does ... But what do these females know about ruling ...
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