Chapter Twenty one

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Soon after getting Afonso's address, the three fell on the road. They also had Greg's address to be sure. Julia asked all the time why they were going after Afonso in the first place. They had to come up with a thousand and one excuses to explain why and she, of course, didn't believe any of them. Along the way, Julia noticed that the journalist and the detective were exchanging glances all the time. For a moment she thought they were a couple, but no. She felt all the time that there was something wrong with the air and that it had to do with her sister. And she was sure they knew what it was and didn't want to tell. _ What is happening? _ she asked. Detective Sánchez was concentrating heavily on the steering wheel so as not to listen to the young woman's questions. He looked at Mitchel beside him, asking him to work around the situation... Which wasn't easy for him either. He tried to say an unconvincing "nothing" and even asked her why she thought something happened, which she shouldn't have, as it increased her suspicions even more. _ You are very silent and look at each other all the time. Looks like they're worried about something... _ Don't worry Julia, nothing's happening... it's just her impression... Julia preferred to remain silent, as neither of them wanted to speak. But she didn't intend to give up, she was going to find out the truth as soon as possible. And Mitchel knew that very well. Even because if it was someone in your family who had disappeared, he would also do the same. He just watched her in the car's rearview mirror. He tried not to look, but it was inevitable. And every time he looked at her, he felt guilty. I wondered how her reaction would be when she saw what her sister had become, or rather what Greg had done to her. Which, by the way, was another thing that kept her mind going. What was this idea of ​​stealing the ex's corpse and resuscitating her? What does this guy have in mind? He thinks what, that she's going to forget what an i***t he was, with her new life? I wanted her to remember the past even after she had revived and attacked him, just as the headless mule, the bathroom blonde, and Schrodinger's cat did. Until on the one hand it would be deserved, despite not wishing anyone, not even as a joke. They stopped at a gas station on the side of the road, where there was also a convenience center. While Detective Sánchez went to fill his car with Mitchel, Julia went to the bathroom. They took advantage of her not being around to talk about the situation: _ She shouldn't have come with us. _ I know ... but she is her sister. _ For this reason. Has she ever stopped to think about what it will be like when she finds out what happened to her sister? She's going to freak out! _ I'm thinking about it all the time. But before finding us on her side, than doing it alone. If she were to investigate on her own, believe me, it would be much worse. The journalist knew exactly what he was saying as he is always investigating on his own. It was an innate characteristic of him, in addition to being his work. But he is faced with everything that even God and the Devil doubt during their investigations. He ends up discovering what he shouldn't and much more than he's looking for. And of course it always costs him his life. As much as he couldn't accept the fact that Julia was going with them to go after Greg, Detective Sanchez had to agree with Mitchel. Still, he couldn't get it into his mind that Greg had the nerve to steal his ex-girlfriend's body and apply the Re-Animator on it. _ I don't know who worse, if she is that perverted necrophiliac or the mad scientist of Dr. West. _ The detective vented incredulously with the situation. _ I think it's Dr. Evelyn. If she hadn't invented that damn chemical solution, maybe Greg would have had the idea of ​​using it on his ex…” Mitchel commented. _ Who is Evelyn? _ asked Julia, coming out from behind Detective Sánchez's car, giving them the biggest fright. _ How long have you been listening to our conversation? And what did you hear? _ asked the detective, startled by her sudden appearance. _ I heard you say something about chemical solution and crazy scientist. Who's the crazy one, is it Evelyn? What's this about a chemical solution? And what does all this talk have to do with my sister's disappearance and i***t Greg? They looked to see who would tell her and what they would say to her. The detective nodded, asking Mitchel to at least try to explain the whole truth about his sister Natalia. Which was very complicated. First because he didn't know where to start. Second, he had no idea how to explain that Greg had kidnapped his sister's body to inject a chemical reagent capable of reanimating the dead. of course she won't believe and you'll think he's crazy. He already thinks himself one. They tried to ask her permission to buy time. But Julia didn't budge from them. She demanded that he tell her what had actually happened to her sister, no matter how bad it was. _ Good lady, Greg really is with Natalia... _ Then I knew! Thank God she's alive, even though she's with him... _ Not exactly... _ Mitchel said without thinking. He tried to find the right words, but nothing came to mind. Julia was confused: _ "Not exactly" how? Is she not with him? If she's with him, it's because she survived the accident, isn't it? _ Yes, her sister is with him, but she didn't survive... She just stared at it, hoping it was a joke, however distasteful. She shifted her gaze to Detective Sánchez, to see if he was just saying it was some prank call, prank or madness on the part of the journalist. Nothing. He maintained his usual cool posture. _ What stupidity is that? My sister died? If she died, what is Greg doing to her? _ It is there where we enter the history of the chemical solution and the mad scientist. Greg's cousin Afonso looks like he works for Dr. Evelyn West, the creator of this solution. _ I still did not get it. What does it have to do with the fact that Natalia has died, Greg plus his cousin and this Evelyn with her solution? Look, I'm sorry, but this is all very confusing. _ Dr. West created a chemical reagent with the ability to reanimate the dead. And knowing the refreshing odds of this product, Greg kidnapped his sister, who died in the highway accident, to apply the serum and resurrect her. In other words, he made her a zombie. As soon as he finished explaining the whole story to Julia, Mitchel only saw her beautiful face wash away with countless tears. Even Detective Sánchez was moved by his crying. They tried to give her some comfort, but she freaked out with rage. _ You don't expect me to really believe in all this bullshit right? _ But it's true, I even saw Greg entering the IML with a girl on his lap and leaving with her, walking... I tried to talk to him and noticed that the girl next to him had a very weird look and her clothes were smeared with blood! _ Mitchel tried to explain, but Julia refused to understand. Well, it didn't take her reason. _ Miss Julia, please, I know it's hard to believe, but what Mitchel just said is the truest truth. I was with him at the time. He even got punched by Greg for realizing there was something wrong with the girl. _ Detective Sánchez said, but she still refused to believe. Julia didn't know which was worse, whether it was losing her sister or finding out what had happened to her. The detective and the journalist advised her to return home, but to their surprise and perhaps her own, she decided to continue with the journey. _ I've gone too far to return. I need to do justice for my sister. We can go? We still have a long way to go.

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