Chapter Nineteen

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On the way to the IML, they noticed a very strange movement on one of the most important highways in São Paulo. According to information transmitted by Detective Sánchez's radio, a major accident occurred with several victims during peak hours. There was a police chase of a thug's car in the middle of the highway, causing some drivers to lose their steer and crash into each other, causing a huge domino effect. Of course all the dead were referred to the IML. And apparently it was a serious accident, as the place was packed with family members eager to recognize the bodies and others in hopes of finding survivors. There were so many people that Mitchel and Detective Sánchez couldn't even get close. In the middle of that crowd, they saw a boy arriving at the IML with a girl on his lap. _ Wow what will it be that happened? _ asked Mitchel, finding the scene strange. _ Perhaps the unconscious girl is related to some victim of the accident... _ observed the detective. _ No... that girl didn't seem passed out... Admittedly, there was real pandemonium in front of the morgue to notice something strange, but Mitchel was sure that the girl being carried by the boy wasn't just passed out... He might be wrong, but his sixth sense told him to he thought that guy was planning something very sinister... And that he had something to do with Doctor Re-Animator. But with that crowd in front of the IML, they couldn't even go near the reception. The way was to wait ... ****** Night fell and Mitchel and Detective Sánchez were still waiting outside the Institute. They spent practically the night in the car and even fell asleep with fatigue. And when they woke up with the first rays of sunlight, there was still a lot of movement in front of the morgue. _ I think we'd better come back later or tomorrow. There are a lot of people here to hear the news and recognize the bodies of their families, so there is no way to enter. _ Detective Sánchez said, not putting up with the fatigue any longer. _ All right... _ Mitchel agreed with the detective. Also because he was also tired, both physically and mentally. Since this search for Dr. Evelyn West began, he has barely slept. But before they left, they decided to have coffee at the nearby bakery. However, even exhausted, the scene he had witnessed an hour ago did not leave his mind... and when they were at the bakery counter, he saw the same boy who arrived with a fainted girl on his lap... walking with her! Or what appeared to be her. The girl had a tea pink silk scarf covering her head, as if she were Muslim and was walking in a very suspicious way, from one side to the other, as if she was drunk or learning to walk... As if she were a zombie. Mitchel left his coffee with Detective Sánchez to go after the couple. They were getting into a car when they were approached by the journalist. The boy pretended not to hear him, worrying about just opening the car for the girl to get inside. He was in a big hurry to get out of there. But when Mitchel approached, he was quite apprehensive…and irritated. _ What do you want with us dear! _ Sorry. _ Asked when he saw the way the boy was: _ But I need some information... _ And by chance I look like an informer? Get out of here, go! _ Calm down my friend, I just wanted to know about the accident you had yesterday afternoon on the highway, if you know anything! Suddenly, the girl next door, just listening to the discussion, spoke when she heard about the accident. _ Accident! Accident! Accident! _ He spoke as if he had lost his memory and suddenly some memory surfaced. Mitchel was surprised to look into the girl's eyes. They were opaque, monotonous, lifeless... even looked like the undead. Before asking if she was okay, a punch was thrown in her face, nearly knocking him to the ground. Along with it, thousands of curses and threats were dictated to the wind. _ What's your face, flirting with other people's girlfriends?! _ No, what is it, friend ... _ I am not your friend! We don't know anything about an accident and leave us alone! Mitchel just saw the couple run into the car and run away. The rush was so great that they didn't even realize they were going in the opposite direction. He just stood there, standing in the middle of the street and massaging his injured face. _ Are you okay? _ Asked the detective as he approached him. _ I am fine. Don't worry, it's not the first time I've been punched and it probably won't be the last. _ He replied, putting one of his fingers inside his mouth, seeing if he hadn't broken any teeth. Luckily it hasn't broken... yet. _ But what happened after all? Why was that guy nervous? _ Remember the guy who arrived at the IML with a girl on his lap? _ Yes I remember... you even thought the girl was dead... _ Yes, I just saw the same couple walking and he holding her like she was drunk. He thought I had my eye on his girlfriend, but for me it's something else... I guess he didn't want me to find out what he did to her. _ I did not understand. What did he do? _ Asked the confused detective. _ I can't explain how and I'm not sure either, but there was something wrong with that girl. I needed to see her eyes, they were the same as the Blonde in the Bathroom we saw a few days ago. _ Do you think it could be another one of Dr. Evelyn's experiences? _ If not, I don't know what it is... and I hit me in the face that that guy is her accomplice. Detective Sánchez turned and looked scared at the IML, wondering if crazy Dr. West would be there, selecting which of those bodies she would use to apply her "technique." However, he couldn't go check it out because it was still full. _ And now, what are we going to do? _ First... _ The detective only saw Mitchel take his cell phone out of his pocket and type something. Once he was done, he showed what he had typed into a sticky note app. _ I do not believe. Even though you got beaten up, were you able to memorize the guy's license plate? How did you do it? _ Let's say that my red eye has superpowers... I managed to scan the license plate of the car. _ Said he mocking the situation. The detective looked at him in disbelief. There was no way he could be mocking at a time like this. If he hadn't been beaten minutes ago, he would have punched him. _ Calm down, I have a photographic memory. Relax, we need to stop for a while to laugh a little, otherwise we'll freak out. Now come on, I have an acquaintance at DETRAN who can help us locate the owner of the car.
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