Chapter Five

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As soon as he got home, Mitchel came face to face with a man of medium height with wispy black hair, sitting in the living room talking to his parents. He already wondered who it was. Himself, Pastor Silas, who was trying to convince them to join his church. They were introduced to each other, but they already showed a certain air of hostility, they greeted each other only out of politeness. _ I learned that it was the deceased delegate Mathias who asked you to come to town to help you face the Beast. _ He insinuated with contempt. Mitchel couldn't help but look at his parents in disbelief for telling them the reason for the visit. But he tried to ease the situation. _ Well, actually I was already on a trip scheduled to visit my family and it was by chance that the chief called me to help him investigate the case at the same time. _ And by any chance you are a detective? _ The pastor asked sarcastically. _ No, I'm not. I'm an investigative journalist! _ And he insisted on answering with the confidence he had. _ And what do you intend to discover here? That the day of judgment has finally arrived and Jesus will only save those who truly followed His commandments? _ Well, if that day has already arrived I don't know, but I want to know what is really happening in this city. _ Young man, the truth is there, for whoever wants to see it. Two people died at the hands of the Beast! Maybe if they had looked for God, they would have saved themselves and... _ Yes, two citizens died, because there is a murderer on the loose in the city. And you know what's worse, there are people here taking advantage of the people's ingenuity to want to get along! That's if it's not the same person or friends conspiring together. "Great, I just made an enemy!" He thought. There has not been a single occasion that Mitchel has not made enemies during his investigations. Seeing the moment suddenly tense, the pastor decided to leave. But of course, before leaving, he made a point of warning the Junqueira family... that he was actually a threat. _ The end of time is near. Try to save their souls right before "he" comes after you. _ Said in the biggest poker face. Mitchel accompanied him to the exit. So as not to make a bad impression, he tried to move closer just to keep an eye on him. _ Pastor Silas... do you really believe in that headless mule story? Don't you think there is someone behind this mystery? Because otherwise we could join forces to find out what's going on! The pastor just looked him up and down. Then he spilled his poison: _ Thank you, but I don't want and I don't need your help, because God is with me. Besides, I know very well that your intentions are not good either, you came after a good report. _ Well, I will not lie to you. That I came after a good report, yes. After all, that's my job. But for that, I have to investigate. I must first discover the truth and... _ The truth will appear my dear. I just hope that when that happens, it's not too late for you. Mitchel just saw the pastor walk through the gate and on his way. But like him, he also felt that the pastor's "good intentions" weren't so good. “The incident at the farm came right after this guy came, who has barely arrived and already had problems with the new priest. It is still the case of the visit of that girl, friend of the vet... are they together or is it just coincidence? First clue! " ****** As soon as he got back inside, he found his parents crying in the living room, very shaken by the pastor's words. At the same time, Livia arrived. Mitchel was surprised that his sister had gone to work, as classes were suspended. _ I went more to distract myself ... Realizing there was something wrong with the air, she asked what happened. He told her about Pastor Silas's unexpected visit, and of course she didn't like it. _ Oh, what an i***t! I knew that sooner or later he would come here to bother us! He's been to every house of our neighbors with this conversation. Since this guy got here in town, he's only brought us problems! She was furious: _ And do you know what they are talking about at school? That it was Father Angelo who brought the headless mule here. He looked at his sister in disbelief and asked: _ Is it serious? _ Remember the folklore legend, in which a woman fell in love with a priest, she was cursed and turned into a headless mule? So, they think that some woman from here in the region got involved with the priest and became the monster of New Andaluzia, as they are calling it. _ I can already imagine who must have told that one... _ Mitchel said suspiciously of the pastor. _ And to make matters worse, Father Angelo is really a very handsome man, the type who sets fire to the body and heart of the most demure saint. He is very successful at worship time. Women practically drool over him. Then came the rumors... _ Yes, but not to the point of one of the women being cursed and turning into a headless mule! As far as we know, there hasn't been any case, at least here in the city, of a missing woman... _ She commented. Then came the question: _ Or not? _ Not that I know..., but even so, curses don't exist. I can't believe people here are getting carried away by a mystic figure! _ And the case of the Andaluz Farm, where the veterinarian died trampled on by the mare, who turned into a headless mule, which is another absurd story, don't you think? Like everyone else, Livia didn't know what to say. It was all the more reason to be suspicious of Pastor Silas. In addition to taking advantage of the situation, he is still turning the people against the priest. The poor man will still end up getting hurt because of other people's gossip and he has to do something. Taking advantage of the conversation, Mitchel asked if Lívia knew the girl who is a doctor and friend of the veterinarian who came to help him in the case of the mare. _ Did you see any pretty girl from the big city walking around here in the village? Mitchel just watched his sister, who was blonde like her mother, frown, as if she wanted to remember something or someone. And lucky for her, she remembered. _ Well... I remember when Mom and I went to the artisans fair, she bumped into someone by accident. She was a girl and, by the way, very beautiful. We realized she wasn't from around here. _ Remember if the vet went with her? Livia didn't like that question at all. She still had feelings for her ex-boyfriend and of course she didn't like seeing him with another woman. She just said yes to help her brother with the investigations. _ It was her mother who came face to face with her, but even so the girl was very kind and apologized. And yes, he was beside her. I only praised him for being polite. _ Do you remember how she was? _ Ah Mitchel what is it? You know very well that I am not a regular for anyone! We barely finished and he was already with someone else? These big city people are all fakes. And why are you asking me this? _ Because that girl can be involved in the incident there in the Andaluz Farm.
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