Chap-64*Watch Him Bully Me.*

1022 Words

Cynthia Dion: After Atticus remained silent and Maleeka shot Zeon an angry look, Mr. Holt shifted his approach. "What if he changes schools? It might be easier for him to adapt," Mr. Holt proposed. He reclined back in his chair, gesturing repeatedly at Atticus, who sat upright, his face lowered, and his breath quickening. "He's the Alpha King. He can't leave his pack," Maleeka countered, observing Mr. Holt scrunch his nose. The argument was becoming excessive and absurd at this point. Even Atticus appeared worn out by it all. "It's fine! Nobody needs to change schools. You two can stop now," Atticus put an end to the argument with a grunt, his eyes shifting to me, implying that this whole conflict was because of me. "Ah! The food is here," Mr. Holt cheered like an excited child as he

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