Crush & Crushed

3681 Words
Celena's Pov : "Mom m leaving for cafe" I say hurriedly stepping down for work. Tonight's party which means i won't be able to do my Nightshift. Other employees can cover that for me but also i have to cover their shifts too. Luckily it's weekend and they agreed. "Okay have a good day. I'll be there soon tho. And I've called some other part timers for your help earlier. They must be on their way" "Thanks maa byeeeeeeee " i scream running my bike. Cafe doors were already open, it's because kitchen employees have spare keys for front door and kitchen only. I have rest of them. First thing first i rush towards staff room to change but stay frozen on my tracks. Sky is there standing half naked. She has only her black jeans and bra on. I am speechless as my cheeks feel hot. I have seen people half naked but she's gorgeous and sometimes she makes me feel mushy inside without doing anything. My perverted eyes stop checking her out when she takes a clear bag with white powder inside it. She makes a lemon water and puts white powder on it and drinks in one swift go. My jaw drops...... that's exactly what max once told us about people doing shots or drugs. Does that means Sky's doing drugs ?? She must have felt my gaze on her. Her eyes meets mine but seeing her gorgeous body in red bra makes me blush so i divert my gaze towards my locker. "Good morning" I say without looking at her to which she doesn't reply....... silence treatment i guess.....I just change my dress to uniform. "When did you start doing drugs?" I ask but again she doesn't talk to me. Annoyed i turn around saying "Sky..!!" Ohh she's not here.. When did she leave ?? I think in my head moving towards kitchen. Sky's moping hall where we have tables for customers. I look at her hoping she would look at me but she didn't. Defeated i enter kitchen, turning on coffee machine. "Good Morning Ms.Smith " Said our cheerful chef Klara. She's an experienced chef , retired from working at a famous hotel in LA. When she finally decided to settle peace in our small town she couldn't stay more than a week without working. When we got her resume mama grabbed her before thinking twice. She's beauty with skilled hands. Dark curly hair, Hazel eyes and a little wrinkled skin which doesn't bother her divine charm. Sometimes when customer complain about food, just her presence is enough to Shut them up. "Call me Celena Klara. Ms.Smith sounds like My professors are taking my class" to which klara giggles. "Okay and why are you early morning today ?" She asks. "Tonight we have a college welcome party from seniors, so i am covering my shifts early morning" I reply to busy chef who's chopping veggies. "That's modest of you to do so. Kids these days wants to live their lives off their parents money. On the other hand Mrs.Smith is lucky to have someone like you as a daughter" She says beaming with smile that makes me smile. "I'm the lucky one to have her as mom too klara. She's everything one could ask for a parent. She played role of both mom and dad for me. I am just trying to help her getting responsibility off shoulders as much as i can" Klara nods resuming her work while i make coffee for all of us. Once the coffee was ready i step out of Kitchen only to see a shocked Amy , Happy Max and Sam who's biting her nails. Sky didn't gave any reaction , she just moped on top of their legs and went towards counter to mop. I handle sky her coffee which she gladly accept and march towards staff room without saying a word. I didn't thought it would affect me but it feels suffocating. "You have some good explaining to do Moon" Says amy folding her hands on chest. I gulp in fear "She just moped us like we're dirt" Sam says holding her laugh."Can i do a part time here too please" says max which results him getting elbowed on his stomach by Amy. "Ouufff maybe not, sorry" he corrects himself. "Guys i can explain. Take a seat, I'll be back with breakfast" I say returning to kitchen. "Klara can you get us some pancakes and coffee at the table. I got some friends to attend. It will be just 30 minutes please" i say pleading. "Girl you owe me some extra help on days i need" she says strenly. "Cross my heart on that" i say giving her my sweetest smile and getting back to my friends."So...!!" Amy starts raising her brows. I clear my throat looking at her. I can see max is super excited where is Sam is looking at everywhere but me. "She works as a part timer. Ma took her in few days ago. She came here for coffee or maybe job. We were short in staff so mama just took her in. I didn't wanted to hide all this but clearly you don't like her. And we just mind our own business here guys so can we just let it be" i plead looking at Amy's eyes. "Can't you see she's trouble. And i have strong feelings that's She's on you specially. From the day she poured her coffee on you, till being in same college , same class, same club and now this ....same work place" she says pointing at cafe. "Guys I'm telling you Sky is after her" Amy States. "Amy stop being paranoid. It's just a coincidence okay. We live in small town, there's lots of familiar people and places. Don't let ur dislike cloud your judgement" Sam tries to reason with Amy. Amy tries to say something but max stops her saying "I agree with her babes. I don't think she means any harm to celenea" "So you're all on her side now, And you know all this don't you " Amy huffs in annoyance shooting daggers towards lady twin, Sam just stares at ceilings as if there's stars shinning. "Amy listen to me, She's just working for trying to be independent like many of us do. And up until now she hasn't tried anything to me" i lie biting my lips. "If something happens we can always have our parents, teachers and you guys with me right. So please calm down pleaseeeee" i plead holding her hands. She looks at my eyes and sighs. "Finee...stop showing that puppy eyes i might melt on floor. Tell me if something happens okay , it's been long since i practiced boxing" Amy pouts. After our conversation we had breakfast together. Soon they left for preparation of evening party. Mom came after a while saying "Baby you can go home now. Your morning shift is over, i kept ur lunch near oven ...heat if before you eat okay , no eating cold food" mama says kissing my forehead. "Yes mama. Lemme get my things first" I say marching towards staff room. After changing my stuffs and taking my things i stumbled upon sky at door. She looks a little tired too with her messy cleaning uniform. "You may leave now. Your work will start on Monday. We will teach you about serving and beverage making things. Thank You for working extra today" I say politely, she stares at my eyes nodding but not saying a word. She walks past me which annoys me. "Please say something" i whisper , i know she heard it but she ignores me again. "I'm sorry sky" again nothing. "When did you start doing drugs?? Does your family know about it" She just changes Infront of me packing her Stuff aggressively ..... clearly annoyed. "If you don't stop it I'm gonna tell mom about it and if possible Your family" to which she finally snaps at me. She towers me trapping between her hands near door. If looks could kill I'd be dead meat by now under her intense glare. "Mind your own f*****g business Smith" she says , Her breath hitting my skin which makes me close my eyes but she leaves me there alone soon. Finally i take a breath that i didn't know i was holding. Sometimes i think she hides her real personality. Sometimes she's warm, adorable , happy going sweetheart but sometimes she's intimidating, charming flirt, scary cold human that could destroy you without making much effort. It's rare that i get intimidated by someone. She's among few after mama and amy. I reach home with my lingering thoughts about sky. These days when I'm not with my friends sky invades my mind no matter where I'm or what i do. After having lunch. I resume my college work which helps to pass time. My cellphone ringtone breaks my concentration , it's a group call from my friends. "What's up beautiful" Max greets me with smile. "Just doing college work max" "see i told you she's not even getting ready" he tease me. "What are you waiting for Moon it's almost 6:30 pm get ready. We decided to be there by seven, did you forgot or something" Says sam stuffing her legs in black stockings behind Max. "Yeah we will be there in 15 minutes Dorkie. Good luck with getting ready by then or else we will drag you in whatever condition you're" warned Amy with mischievous grin. "Fine I'm getting ready byeeeee. See you soon" I say ending our vdo call. Soon i decided to wear something light, just a cropped v-neck with calvin skinny jeans. I let my hair loose and decided to wear contacts because i don't want my glasses to be damaged in those mad crowd named party. Right when I'm about to slip on my heels i hear loud honks from outside, that's my cue to leave. I lock all the doors and windows , text mama that I'm leaving to which she replied have fun. My friends are all looking stunning, Max is wearing a v neck shirt with black jacket, a simple blue jeans. Where as Sam is wearing a creamy blouse with pencil skirt with black stockings, her hair in a neat bun, Amy wore one piece red cocktail dress, her hair curled on bottoms,she wore red lipstick and sexy red heels ......dammn my heart ..... she's breath takingly gorgeous tonight as if she's ready for kill. As for me i feel like i dressed like a crown compared to my friends. "Hey you look cool and you're rocking those jeans, and you look extra gorgeous with those lens" Amy compliments me as if reading my mental battle watching them. "Thanks , let's go" is all is say, amy snakes her arms around mine which makes my heard beat like a drum. God i hope i don't get a heart attack by the end of night by my own best friend s***h secret crush. Sky's Pov : I never realised waking up Saturday morning sucks this bad and it gets worst when you have f*****g hangover. Early morning i got call from Mrs.Smith at 5:30am saying if i could do morning shift since she knows about party at night. f**k that i almost forgot what i planned. My eyes shot open as she mentioned party. I agreed to do morning shift but this darn headache sucks..I quickly got ready and texted those puppets of what they should prepare for later night. "Take This and this too" Ru says yawning giving me a powdered aspirin and water bottle with lemons. She knows i feel like puking taking pills without being crushed. "What are you doing up early monkey" I tease her , also I'm surprised to see this panda up early on weekends. "Last night grandma said she has to leave early so she made sure i give you all this when you wake up, I heard your phone ringing loud earlier and also rustling sounds that you make you messy chimpanzee, that's how i know you might be leaving for somewhere" She says yawning again. I just hug her feelings grateful , despite our constant bickering she still cares about me alot like real sister. "Thank you monkey. You're the best" I kiss her forehead and leave for work. When i arrived at cafe i noticed a lady with chef uniform opening doors. I just waited patiently as she unlocked doors. "Good Morning chef" i wish her with a fake professional smile. "For someone who's dying with headache you're pretending to smile good" She says with sarcasm. Do i look that wasted i wonder. "Did you took medicine , i have some in kitchen if you want some " She offers which i decline politely saying i have em all. "just drink a lot of water and coffee that helps okay dear" she suggests , i thank her and enter staff room to change. I feel so good to strip out of my shirt because this headache is killing me, so i decide to take medicine before i get my staff uniform on. While I took my medicine i felt eyes on me but I didn't pay much attention to it because I'm not in the mood for anything. I hear her wishing me morning, knowing the reason of my sour mood being around me annoys me to death. She kept rambling something which i totally didn't hear and silently got out because she's not even looking at me. I laugh mentally how funny it would look when she'll realize she's talking to thin air. I start working as i feel better when med starts kicking in my system making me feel a little better. I feel her eyes on me again but i just focus on my work listening to soft music from my phone..... Sometimes music and work really sets your mind off the world....Now i realized why my parents Never paid much attention to me. I see six dirty feets on the spot that i just moped and a gasp behind me with smell of freshly brewed coffee. As much as i want to punch and laugh at these minions Infront of me ...... food first I mop their dirty feets from top as in saying ....... you dirty pigs watch before you step on someone's hard work..... take my coffee and get away from their dark toxic stares. Mentally smirking to myself for creating a stressful morning for my target without doing anything makes me feel proud. I enjoy my coffee and resuming my work with music. After working for a few more moments I didn't realize when time flew by. I take off my gloves and move towards room to change i meet her at doors. She's about to leave but seeing me she stops at her track lecturing me. I almost melt at her pleads but i stop myself before falling in her sweet words again. 'don't look at her eyes, you'll be good.... just ignore' i mentally chant avoiding all her words but when she mentioned family with her judgemental accusing my patience broke loose. I used my cold glare at her to make sure she hears me loud and clear "Mind your own f*****g business Smith" is all say before leaving her their to absorb my words. It felt pleasent for once to be myself and not fall in these confusing emotions. After i get home i fall on my heavenly mattresses for much needed sleep. Who knew sleeping can feel heavenly in this mean World. An annoying alarm woke me up from my deep slumber. Lazily i checked time it's 6pm already. I take my sweet time to get ready after shower and lunch. I put on a red flannel with shorts displaying my legs and converse shoes with my hair up in pony tail. I put on some light make up and pink lipstick. Once I'm out i see my cousin also has picked some cool look with a badass printed cap, an oversized t-shirt with box pants with pockets. "You look like you're about to go on rap battle" I tease. "You look like you're going to get laid " she spats back. "whatever b***h let's get moving we have show to watch and a night to enjoy" i smirk and wink. Tonight Ru is taking her parents pick up truck. Since our college is near from our house we hot bikes for travelling. But party's at country side so we needed a faster transport which they happily agreed for us. After we reached the venue we felt the vibrations of blasting music throughout the parking lots. Some people were making out inside their car. We entered the house and it smells alcohol and sweet From dancing drunk teenagers around. I enter kitchen to have some soft drinks, I'm done with alcohol for some time after last night's hangover. I search for a familiar face among crouds from balcony. This home is two stored, ground floor looks like a big hall with rooms in corner. First floor looks like kitchen with few Rooms in two corner followed by stairs. I finally catch a glimpse of a familiar nerd who's without her glasses today. She looks hot without it and her clothes that's hugging her curves in all sides makes her look even more desirable. I lick my lips feeling my throat go dry. I grab a drink from fridge and get back at balcony to keep an eye on her. Suddenly she's covered in slugs by cheerleaders. Our Queen bee tsk tsk what was her name....yeah diane acted to stumble upon her and threw all slimes on her. Damn celena looks annoyed as if she's ready to punch but her bff beats her on that. She push diane hard to make her fall on her butt. They were about to fight but seniors stopped them. Our goody pants excuses herself to washroom while her friends are still fighting with cheerleader bitches. I nod to my puppets to start their action. One of the President's friend slips a drop inside Max's drink. He wasn't looking at his drink while watching Amy and Diane have their word battle which everyone enjoyed. On the other hand some seniors ladies with hunk entered washroom to work on next plan. I also stayed near washroom in another side which is hunks room that ends in washroom too. "How about we get to know each other too ". i heard a girl saying to celena. "My name's celena and i ... I'm studying business...i recently joined theatre club" i hear celey mutter in scared voice. "How about we toast a drink with our junior guys" i hear hunk saying in mocking tone. "I don't drink I'm sorry" Celena said politely. "Aww come on just one for us" mocked the senior girl again and i hear some struggling noise which means they're forcing drink on her. Great everything's going as planned i think. "Please let me go don't do this to me " i hear her plead which suddenly makes me curious. I enter washroom banging door and to my horror i see the senior b***h trying to tear her clothes with scissors , that annoys me to death when people do things out of plan. Her hands on moon's hair boils my blood. I glare the b***h hard which loosens her grip on celey's hair. She gulps knowing my pissed expression but she doesn't apologize...... trying to play tough i see..... I grab scissors off her hands , grip her bunch of hair and chop it , just enough to have her new haircut. She tries to say something gritting her teeth with curse words but i whisper in her ears "If you don't want people to know about abortion that you did last year then you better leave in silence with your fat ass boyfriend" She stares at me horror but silently leaves grabbing hunks hand. After they leave washroom i see celena curled up in corner, she's having hiccups which sounds cute to me even in this miserable state that i put her through. I raise my hands slowly towards her trying to let her take time to realise it's me. After a good while of crying and shaking she finally Accepts my hand. I help her stand up and clean the mess. Making sure she looks presentable i hear a vibration in my device..... cue for next plan ..... i smirk internally. We went through crowds towards kitchen while my puppets made sure none of celena's friends reach her, Sam was covered by cheer group, while max and Amy were merging with president hunk's tails. Ru was enjoying dancing with some guy who was talking near her ears. she looks comfortable and happy , that m glad she's having a good time. Once i led moon to kitchen on first floor i gave a slight nod to which hunky guy Whispered something to his boys. I gave moon some water to stop hiccups. Finally crowd begin to cheer with excitement 'kiss' 'kiss' 'kiss' which made her to look upon Stage and it happened. On middle of dance floor Max and Amy were kissing passionately. I heard water bottle fall on the floor from a heartbroken celena. Her friends were busy having their moment of life while tears Floded moon's vision. Her face painted with pain expression. She finally got crushed by her own crush before falling limp on my arms. Did i told you i spiked her water bottle too ?? ..... i did (^^) I carried her in my arms taking to one of the rooms in the house. I undress her after putting her in bed and took off my clothes too. This night's gonna be interesting and i would enjoy every bit of your pained broken heart tomorrow moon i come.
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