Chapter 2

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Mr. Smith knocked the door for some time than came inside. Joshua was sleeping the room was dark Mr. Smith slide the curtains light filled the room. Joshua put the sheets on his face. “Wake up Joshua” Mr. Smith said pulling the sheet “Dad don’t disturb me, my head is hurting” Joshua said trying to cover his eyes “Joshua get up we have a lot to do today” Mr. Smith pulled him up He opened his eyes his head was hurting so much he hold his head. Mr. Smith was standing in front of him “Why did you drink so much if you can’t take it” he said concerned Joshua sat up he looked around he was in his room in his pajamas. Last thing he remembered was he was drinking in bar but how did he come back. “Fresh up and come downstairs” Mr. Smith tapped his shoulder and went out Joshua took a bath and went downstairs Joshua came down went to kitchen make a coffee and went to living room where Mr. Smith is enjoying his tea. “How are you feeling still hung over?” “Hmmm” Joshua nodded “Do you want breakfast” Mr. Smith asked “No I don’t feel like eating” Joshua said “August is coming to pick you” Mr. Smith said taking a sip of tea “Why” he arch his brow “You have to go to try your wedding dress then to Black mansion for dinner” Mr. Smith explained “I am not going anywhere with him and when did he come back” he asked annoyed “Don’t you remember what happened last night?” Joshua looked at him “What happened last night and what it has to do anything with him” Joshua asked Mr. Smith smiled “Last night you was really clingy to him you were hugging him tight” “What he took me back” Joshua asked surprised “Hmm” Mr. Smith nodded Joshua holds his head and closes his eyes Why doesn’t he remember anything he tried to recall last night and grabbed his hair when he realized what he did last night? “Ugh” he screamed “What happened” Mr. Smith asked “Nothing I don’t want to go with him anywhere I don’t want to see him” with this said he stand up “Mrs. Black wants you to go” Joshua looked at his father who was now striking his weak point Mr. Smith know he will never be able to say no to Mrs. Black. “Ok call me when he came I’ll be in my room” he said and went to his room. He lay down and close his eyes his head was still hurting. Why did I drink so much why it has to be him? He came out of his thoughts with the ring of phone he picked up without looking “Hello” “That’s what I mean to you” a loud voice full of anger came from other side Joshua looked at phone surprised “Mark what’s wrong” he asked calm “What’s wrong huh nothing…nothing is wrong everything is fine just my best friend is getting married and I don’t even have a clue until I get invitation like a stranger everything is perfectly fine” he said angrily “Calm down Mark let me explain” he tried to calm him “Ok you have five minute” Mark said sternly “Mark it was also a surprise for me I’ll tell you everything when we meet. You are coming, right?” He asked hopefully “What gave you confidence that I will come, I don’t attend stranger’s weddings” with this he disconnected the call Joshua looked at the screen and sighed “You are really a jinx August whenever you come in my life everything become a mess” Joshua called Mrs. Black “Hello” Mrs. Black’s sweet voice came from other side “Aunty how are you” Joshua asked “I am fine how my son is doing” she asked lovingly “I am good I called you for something please doesn’t mind” he hesitated for a minute “Tell me you can tell me anything you know right”. Joshua bite his bottom lip it was his habit whenever he is anxious “Umm I will not be able to come to dinner I am not feeling well” “What happened do you want me to come or August will take you to doctor “No please don’t bother him I have flu I don’t want to infect him” he tried to make an excuse Mrs. Black laughed “Ok rest well, sees you tomorrow at your wedding” “Thank you” Joshua said thankfully “Love you my son take care of yourself” Joshua was feeling relived at least today he doesn’t have to face August. But what after tomorrow, he have to face him every day he don’t know what to feel now, he shrugged his thoughts at least for today he is free he leave everything to his fate.
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