Chapter 7

1176 Words
Joshua sat slouched in his usual corner at the bustling cafe, the place where he felt calm amidst the soothing smell of coffee and sweets, a steaming cup of coffee untouched in front of him. Mark slid into the seat across from him, concerned etched on his face as he observed Joshua’s distant expression. Mark leaned in, breaking the heavy silence. “Hey, Joshua, Everything okay? You seem really lost we met after a while but you are sitting here like a statue. What are you thinking about?” Mark asked concerned Joshua let out a sigh, looked up his eyes meeting Mark’s. “It’s August,” he began, his voice laden with conflict.”I don’t understand what to do he’s been trying to change with every passing moment he behaved differently, his behavior made me confused My mind is not thinking straight” Joshua wrapped his hand around his temples I want to trust him that he is sincere but after everything that’s happened in the past it became hard for me.” Mark nodded, listening intently as Joshua poured out his uncertainty and confusion about his friend. “I get it, Joshua. Trust is hard to rebuild once it’s been broken,” Mark said his words laced with empathy. “I want to believe he’s changed, but part of me fears getting hurt again.”Joshua ran a hand through his hair, frustration evident on his face. Its okay to feel this way, Joshua I can understand it’s not easy for you. Take your time to figure things out.”Mark placed a comforting hand on Joshua’s shoulder. “ “You know Joshua everyone made mistakes some big, some small but the point is to forgive and open your heart for love again, love is knocking on the door don’t ignore it because of some things of the past. Be brave and embrace it” “You know I can see the sincerity in Augusts’ eyes when he looks at you the love glitter in his eyes, try to look at these signs”. Mark looked at Joshua with assuring eyes With Mark’s reassurance, Joshua felt a glimmer of hope amidst the turmoil of his emotions. In that moment, Joshua found solace in knowing he had a friend who understood his inner struggles. He felt so relaxed and clear minded after talking with Mark “Let’s go Mark,” he held Mark from arm and went out “What happened to you suddenly, where are we going”? Mark asked surprised “Nowhere only want to walk with you and spend more time with you, Mark took his arm and stopped him he looked towards him, “what’s wrong with you “Thank you Mark” Joshua said with a cracked voice and teary eyes Mark only looked at him surprised “For what” “For being with me at every moment of life, either good or bad, thanks for understanding me and most of that for bearing my nonsense”. Joshua said smiling slightly Mark held him in a tight hug “Don’t say that you are a blessing as a friend you are a family to me”. he said with teary eyes “Ok now stop this nonsense I’m tired of babysitting you and bearing you”, Mark made an angry face and cracked a joke Both of them laughed and went towards Joshua’s house. They entered the house and sat in the living room when Mark pointed at the bouquet on the table. “Wow, Joshua it’s so beautiful why you put them here” Joshua who was pouring water in glasses looked confused he handed Mark a glass of water and took the bouquet from the table. They are beautiful, red roses spreading their fragrance, he felt happy while holding them sniffing their scent, he tried to look around to know where it comes from there he found a little card on the table. (“Hope you can forgive me for my mistakes and for last night I want to tell you everything I told you, only the thought of you holding these makes my heart flutter I hope you like them and also me” Your husband.) Joshua put them at the table and sat on the couch next to Mark leaning his head on the back. “What’s it” Mark asked Joshua handed him the card but told nothing he closed his eyes the moments from last night start running in his mind, that touch, the kiss and the confession from his husband. “Joshua, are you ok”, Mark shook his arm to take him back from his thoughts. “Yeah, alright only a little confused why, why he change so much and being concerned when he never wanted to marry me”. Joshua murmured “Don’t over think, this only time go with the flow maybe it’s you the reason he tries to change”. Mark was talking when interrupted by his phone ringing he look at the screen and the name that popped on it make his eyes shine like galaxy he take a look at time and its almost 7 in the evening. But suddenly his expressions changed he seemed confuse. “What happened” Joshua asked after noticing the sudden change in expressions “Oh, I forgot I had an appointment with someone will you be alright if...I go, I mean I can postpone it”. Mark took the phone to postpone the meeting but Joshua stopped him by holding his hand because he had noticed the look on his friend’s face and it was the very first time Mark behaved like that “It’s totally fine, you can go don’t miss the beautiful moments of life”. Mark looked surprised but don’t know what to say and left after a sweet goodbye. Joshua looked at him with smile (Always be happy with whomever you want to be with and be loved). After leaving the home he took his phone and call the person that he had to meet “Hay, good evening” “Now I can say that it’s a good evening, after hearing your sweet voice”. The latter said in a flirtiest way “Oh my God, it’s cheesy Alexander”, Mark scolded him with a beautiful smile on his face “This attitude of yours makes my heart flutter”, “Shut up, it doesn’t suit your personality” “Anything that makes you smile suites me well, anyway I’m waiting for you”. “I’ll be a bit late can you wait for me” Mark asked mischievously “I’ll wait for you my whole life but please don’t make me wait too long” the mood from the other side became serious Mark feel pang of pain in his heart after hearing that “I will never”, he replied and left to meet his love.
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