
1119 Words
It was a normal morning. I rose and my maid tended to me in my morning rituals. Brushing my hair until it was a soft yellow halo framing my face. She then plaited it. Weaving in some shining white pearls. Next, she dusted my lips with a bit of rouge to freshen my face. She pulled a sky-blue dress of fine silk over my head and helped gather my hair from beneath it. Tightening the laces until I felt I couldn’t breathe. Then helping me into the matching slippers. The fire was still needed to warm my room because though the sun was up, it was a moggy, damp morning. And the castle seemed to encourage the dampness to cling. Building the chill. I grabbed a gold silk wrap with tassels on the edges and pulled it around my shoulders. Emerging from my room with a purposeful walk. I’m starved. I had every intention of heading straight to the Dining Hall to retrieve some breakfast when I was stopped in my tracks. A knight was passing me in the corridor. He wore full armor, but his helmet was tucked under his arm as he reached me, emerging from doing rounds in the other direction. It was a face I knew. One I hadn’t yet been able to forget. His spiked dark blonde hair and keen blue eyes made him highly distinctive. So does his large frame. “Alaric...” I said in horror. His blue eyes were intent on me as he passed me. Not blinking and not wavering from his intended direction. “Princess.” He nodded in a cold greeting. “I’m the queen!” I corrected haughtily. “Not to me, you’re not.” He had already passed me and was taking the stairs. “You’ll always be the spoiled princess running from what she is.” “I could have you beheaded for that disrespect.” I yelled down the stairs after him. “Try Princess.” He turned at my baiting and rested his foot one step higher toward me. Making me ease backward. Wondering if he was going to come at me. “And I’ll expose what you are.” “You can’t.” I hissed. Looking around worriedly now. Hoping no one would hear him. “I can. And I will. All I have to do is show them what I am. And they’ll be so afraid I’m telling the truth about you, they’ll have you beheaded. Are you willing to see if I’m wrong?” His blue eyes brightened. I know that look. It was a threat. A warning. “Have a good day, Princess. I’ll see you when I return.” He’s coming for me. That’s what he means. I couldn’t fathom how he had gotten so far into the castle masquerading as a guard. Where is the Captain of the Guard? I summoned the man with a shout, but by the time he arrived Alaric had vanished down the stairs and into the bailey. And I didn’t dare chase him. “There’s an imposter in the castle masquerading as a knight!” I declared. Blonde hair and blue eyes! Have him tossed.” Old Damien’s brown eyes were huge. “I can’t fathom how someone could’ve got in. The Guards are at the wall.” He gestured beyond the bailey. “No one has entered, Your Highness.” “Find him!” I commanded. “Right away.” Damien turned and began shouting for his knights to assemble. Giving them the same orders I'd given him. Instantly feeling relief, with my certainty that they’d catch him, I retreated to my chamber. *** There was a soft knock a short time later. I opened it and found Damien himself at my door. Looking puzzled. What’s wrong? It dawned on me instantly. They didn’t find him. A swirl of dread began climbing through me. “What?” I asked hesitantly. “There’s no imposter now, Your Highness.” He shook his head. “All the knights are present and accounted for. No missing armor.” “Are you sure they’re all yours?” Damien nodded. “All men I’ve trained myself. I know their faces, their names. No imposters.” I frowned. Shaking my head as I closed the door. My jaw tightened in frustration. He got away. Alaric had come into my sanctuary, taunted me and then left without a trace. Damn him! I stayed locked away in my chambers until after dark when I went to my husband’s chambers. Feeling confident that Alaric would be long gone by now. I paced there, jerking my skirts. “What is it, My Queen?” The King asked with a lifted brow. Looking vaguely annoyed by my abrupt behavior. We must increase my personal guard. “Why?” He asked slowly. “A man was outside my personal chambers.” “What?” The king looked appalled. “Who?” “I don’t know.” I lied. Biting my tongue on the words, hating lying to the man that had been so kind to me. “But he wasn’t one of our knights.” “It is done, My Queen.” With those simple words, the King had given them to me. As he does, anything I ask for. “Are you reassured, Queen?” I nodded. “Thank you.” I murmured gratefully. The more knights between Alaric and I the better. Though I feared there might never be enough to stop him. It was undeniable that he was a force to be reckoned with. An immoveable wall when he set his mind to something. *** “Come to bed, My Dear.” He patted the bedding next to him. He was already lying there. His grayed head sunk into the pillows. He was often there, anymore. His health had taken a turn for the worse in the last few months. I summoned my maid, who helped me from my dress but left my hair plaited as per my request. Keeping my hair bound was a reminder for me that I must always keep myself under control. To keep what I am hidden from prying eyes. In a cotton nightdress I crawled beneath the blanket on reluctant feet. Settling into the warmth. There was a sickly odor to him that told me his body was decaying from within. That thought saddened me. Despite the fact that he could have a hand quick to punish, he’d never aimed it at me. His hand began caressing over me and I worked hard not to shrink away. To give him what little he asked in return for the comfort and safety he’d given me.
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