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For weeks my she-wolf had been writhing beneath my skin. Stretching it and making it itch everywhere. I preferred my human form but knew it was unhealthy to never unleash the beast. But I didn't fully realize the ramifications until I fell asleep in my bed as usual but woke in the bailey, my feet muddied. And I couldn't remember where I'd gone. Scared to death I crawled from the dirt and looked around. Finding only one disapproving set of eyes. He was squatted along the wall near me. Nest to the steps of the castle entrance. I leaned up on an elbow and stared at him in horror. "Did you do this?" "No." He was sharpening a blade on a wet stone and didn't even bother to look up. "Can I believe you." "Yep." "Then how'd I get out here?" "If I had to hazard a guess," He lifted the blade and turned it in the dim morning light. Inspecting it. "I'd say you deprived your she-wolf too long of her form. So, she stole it in your sleep." "No." I breathed. Sitting up and scooting further away from him. But the reality was I'd heard of such things before. Marta had told me that it could happen. Even with the Asara Pack, I'd refrained from taking wolf form as often as possible. "It is not healthy to restrain her like that." "I'll decide what's healthy for my body." I hissed acidly. He eyed me askance. "How is that faring for you thus far?" Not well. I'm out here. His meaning wasn't lost on me. But I'd rather rot alive than admit it to him. His face was hard as he met my look. He stood and strode from the corner. "What were you doing out here?" I called after him. "What do you damn well think I was doing, Lara?" Protecting me? "I don't know." "Yes, you do." He resumed walking away. Tossing over his shoulder. "Best be careful letting her wander about at night, Lara. She comes to me, I'm having her." *** His words had rang ominous in my ear. Would she seek him out? As much as I hated it, I needed to be very honest with myself. That meant admitting that when he passed me in the corridors, my eyes followed him. That when he stepped near, I savored his male scent. I thought he was handsome, and I was drawn to him. Making him far more dangerous than he'd been before. He makes my she-wolf want free. But I hated wolves. I wanted no part of a pack or domineering wolves. And Alaric is certainly that. But in answer to the question, I asked myself, it was very possible she'd seek him out. And as much as I feared it, she'd soon prove I was right. *** It was the dead of night. I could feel my hips writhing with need. My fingers planted inside myself as I unraveled. I didn't even remember putting them there. But as my hand was moved, I felt a large male body sliding over me. Whispering huskily. "You're mine, She-Wolf. Open for me." I seemed unable to deny him. My legs opening of their own volition. Without warning he was inside me. Abruptly stretching me. Penetrating deep through the center of my body. "No..." I whispered. But I was already wet for him. Soaking his staff. And I rolled my hips of their own volition. He became wild. Fiercely pummeling into me. His powerful ass flexing as he burrowed deeply in as if seeking to plant a seed in soil. I decided to flee him but when I moved, he pinned my wrists to the bed. Taking me like the animal he was. And despite his violence, I was panting with pleasure. My legs moving outside his as I was torn between surrender and refusal. But none of my movements slowed him. He rode into me. His hips driving him into my core. His powerful thighs working methodically as he built the friction around his length. Straining my sensitized walls and making little tremors climb through me. As he came, he threw his head back and unleashed the deep vibrating howl of his beast. Fur rippling over his shoulders and down his back as he mounted me like the beast he was. As if he'd do it over and over. And never stop. "No!" I whispered. And when I did, I startled myself awake. Finding myself deep in the servant's quarters. Standing at a door and clawing at it. My nails raking the wood. "I hear you out there, Lara..." Alaric's husky voice. "Has your she-wolf come to visit?"
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