For Mate's Sake

1676 Words
Riley We decided to have breakfast in the packhouse today so we could start observing. I watch outside the window as I wait for the rest of my group to be ready. I see several members walking into the packhouse for breakfast and three males setting up the training area. One figure catches my eye. It’s a female walking quickly and glancing around her surreptitiously. She looks like she’s waiting for someone to appear and scare her. She has a backpack on and makes her way through quickly. Her shoulders almost sag in relief as she hits the path leading off next to the trees farthest from the packhouse. Interesting, I think. As we all walk into the dining room, everyone looks our way. We’re a large group and unknown, so it’s not surprising. I see several female eyes gleam, and some smiles appear, but no one really moves toward us. I hear Brody breathe a sigh of relief next to me and internally chuckle. We walk to a table and sit, but Beau is still standing, looking worried. Landon gently pushes him down into his seat, and I see them linking. Beau looks pained. Landon links all of us. “Beau just found his mate.” "Which one?” Walker asks him. “Female standing by the buffet table, blonde curly hair, blue eyes about five eight standing by a guy who I am praying is her brother by the resemblance. Rowdy is going nuts.” Beau groans. “Well, let’s see if we can learn more about her and that guy.” Theo says calmly. “I saw that guy setting up things in the training grounds, so he is a warrior.” I offer. I watch as Theo gets up and walks over to the buffet table. Since he’s Beau’s brother, he is the only one of us who can approach her without Rowdy, his wolf, tearing our heads off right now. The guy walks off and finds a table while she grabs a few breakfast sandwiches. Theo knocks one off at her feet and reaches down. I see him talking to her and giving her an apologetic smile. He shakes her hand and talks to her for another minute before walking back. “Her name is Harper Simmons. No marks on her or rings.” Theo tells us. Beau visibly relaxes, but he’s still on edge. “I need to meet her myself.” “Let’s figure that out later. Not here in this crowded dining room.” Landon reasons with him. “Everyone notices that we are being stared at, but no one dares to approach us?” Walker asks as he looks around. “Yeah, it's a little weird that no one has said hello.” Brody offers. No sooner said than shattered though. An older woman with dirty blonde hair walks up. “Hello, you must be the visiting leadership group. I am Rose, and I run the kitchen here in the packhouse. If you should need anything special, please let me know.” She smiles pleasantly and it is reflected in her gentle brown eyes. I see Landon gripping his head like he’s in pain now. Him too?! A tall brunette with light green eyes approaches the table. “This is Ashley, and she’s good friends with my daughter, Lydia. If you have any questions about the pack, she can probably answer them while I get back to finishing in the kitchen.” Landon stares hard at her and Walker who is sitting next to him catches on quickly. “Hi Rose and Ashley. I’m Walker, this is Landon.” Beau: “Landon?” “That one is mine.” Landon grits out. “Two in one morning, that’s wild.” Brody says laughing a bit. Ashley smiles and the rest of us introduce ourselves. Landon smiles at her, and I see him reach out to shake her hand, but Walker spills his water on purpose distracting him. Rose runs to grab a towel and I see Ashley stare at Landon for another second before someone calls her name. I notice it’s Beau’s mate. She walks away slowly and those two go out the door together. “That’s providential.” I remark dryly. Brody chuckles, “They are friends. Talk about being meant to be.” Landon: “Three and half weeks of hell is what we get to look forward to.” Theo: “Yeah, sorry, you two. Think your wolves will make it? Beau: “Do we have a choice?!” Brody: “Unfortunately, you don’t. But hey, you finally found them. Some of us might like to suffer for three weeks at least knowing they exist…” His voice trails off sadly... I look at him in sympathy. Brody has been waiting the longest. He and Landon are the oldest, but Brody has been impatiently searching for his mate. He has travelled and looked since the day he turned twenty one two years ago. Walker reaches over and claps him on the shoulder. We eat breakfast quickly and walk out to start exploring the pack. The next morning, we head down to breakfast and are talking. Beau and Landon are both watching for their mates to come in. Suddenly Theo groans and I look over to see he’s staring at a blonde female who has come in with Beau’s mate. “Are you f*****g kidding me?” Walker says laughing. “No, I’m not. That one is MINE.” Theo says and Bandit has added his deepened voice too. “Better get ready because Landon and Beau’s mates are walking in. Damn, are all of them here somewhere?” I say incredulously. I watch as Harper and Ashley go sit at a table. Theo’s mate grabs two breakfast sandwiches and waves to them on her way toward the door. I hurry over to see what I can learn. I bump into her gently and make my tone apologetic. “Sorry I thought I stopped in time.” “No, totally my fault. Wasn’t watching.” “I’m Alpha Riley.” “Lydia. Enjoy your visit to our pack, Alpha.” She says bowing her head before walking away. Ah, that’s Rose’s daughter. Their table is right next to the buffet tables and I go pretending to consider my choices. I hear them whispering and Beau’s mate says “Lydia mentioned the rec park tomorrow after lunch. We can ALL go.” I walk back with a triumphant smile on my face. The mates all give me an impatient look. “Theo, your mate is named Lydia, Rose’s daughter. Also, I know where they will be tomorrow after lunch. Somewhere called the rec park.” “How did you get all that?” Walker asks. “I’m just that good.” I grin. Brody elbows me sharply, and I follow his eyes. Two women stand with Burton talking in the doorway. I look away as one of them starts turning our head. Pretending to glance toward the buffet, I catch both women staring at us. “The witches…” Beau mutters. Brody: “They seemed quite interested in us when they first arrived. And still keep glancing our way as they talk to Burton. Aira said that shielding potion to protect us from them is undetectable right?” Landon: “She did and I trust Aira, she’s one of the most powerful witches in the world. She did mention if we learned their names she could tell us more about them.” Walker stands up. “I’ll see if I can find out.” “Careful.” Theo cautions. “I doubt they are as friendly as Aira.” We all continue eating. Walker makes himself another buffet plate and turns acting like he just noticed Alpha Burton. He waves and Burton nods. Walker walks over and speaks to him then I see him smile and bow his head toward the witches. They laugh at something he says and I see him look down blushing a bit. Our Walker, he’s good at using the bashful boy charm. He comes back to the table slowly, and we all continue talking out loud, ignoring him. Only once Brody links that they’ve left do we start linking again. “Florina and Azeon. Burton introduced them as old friends here visiting on their way somewhere else.” “You have to flirt with them, or they flirt with you?” Theo asks with amusement. “Flirted with me, not shy those two that’s for sure.” Walker looks down swallowing hard. I send a text to Aira with their names. She replies quickly. “I know of one. I will send you their information in a few hours.” I linked them all. "Aira knows one. She’ll send us the rest of the info later.” Walker: “I’m pretty sure they tried to get into my head. I felt a squeezing sensation.” I text that to Aira also and wait. As we are heading out of the dining room she answers me. Her reply confirms his suspicions. “Aira says they did but will only see what she planted there for them to find with the potion. She says they are less powerful and were banned from their coven years ago for using their powers for personal gain such as changing affections toward themselves and selling their magic to an Alpha for dishonorable purposes.” Beau laughs. “She was after you, Walker.” “She got a name for the Alpha?” Brody asks dryly. “No, says they concealed his identity.” I raise an eyebrow and we all have the same thought. “I would bet it’s their old friend Burton.” Theo voices it for us. “At least we know that part of the complaint was true, and we can watch out for them and any tricks now.” Landon adds. I agree while wondering what the hell else we are watching for.
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