Waking the Princess

2502 Words

Riley “Ellie, can you hear me? Can you wake up?” I ask her to see. She stirs barely but continues to sleep. I go shower and ask Trina, one of our newest workers to sit with her while I run down to grab breakfast bringing it back up on a large tray. I brought enough to feed her too. I know from carrying her, she doesn’t weigh nearly enough. Priority number one is to get her healthy once Tempest is back. She’s been living on the run and the disaster that’s been her existence in that pack the last six years has affected her. I’ll ask our pack doctor to see her for a checkup once she’s better. Ghost, can you feel Tempest? Think we can wake Ellie? I feel Tempest, but she is still out. Ellie is hovering on the surface. I think your voice and maybe touch can wake her finally. Let’s try to wak

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