Our Assignment

2014 Words
Riley “Most vague complaint I’ve ever heard. Couldn’t they at least give us a little more info.” I grin as I listen to my cousin Brody complain. “All five complaints have been information challenged. ‘Possible Alpha power abuse of pack members mostly underage.’ First of all that sounds reprehensible even if vague. Does anyone think they left the word female out of that sentence?” Landon, our other cousin, adds. “Dad says the Alpha is an ass so I wonder if there is a fear of retaliation. He has a son, Kincaid, but not much is known about him. It could be the son causing the issues. Conquest list and they won’t join.” I muse. “The Luna was killed in a rogue attack a long time ago. There are hardly any rogue attacks in twenty five years and they got his Luna?” Landon speaks up as he reads the file we made on the Blood River Pack. “Sounds like he couldn’t or didn’t protect his mate.” Theo, my Beta chimes in. “ ‘Multiple witches assist the Alpha.’ That’s just great. We’ll have to ask Aira for more than just mate and aura shielding potions.” Walker, Landon’s Beta looks thoughtful as he speaks. “Oh Goddess, I’d rather it be vampires than witches.” Beau mutters as he thumbs through the file. I watch Brody’s enormous Beta shudder. Theo grins, “You just want someone to try to bite your neck!” Beau throws a pencil at his younger brother making him laugh. Brody: “Current Beta has only been there for two years. Anything on the last Beta? Especially as the Luna was killed under his watch.” “He died four years ago in a car crash while traveling to another pack. They functioned without one for two years while Burton searched. I found a Beta’s second son who applied and went in to meet with them. He’s twenty-six, thought he would be able to start there and continue as Beta to Kincaid when he steps up.” I pause, digging for a paper. “Have you talked with him?” Walker says. “Yeah, his name is Ian Keller. His father is Beta Steven of, where is it, let me see.” I quickly scan the page, “Trinity Falls Pack in Virginia. I asked him about his meeting. He said Burton never offered him the spot but he would have refused it. Said he couldn’t stand the son; guy was lazy, dangerously arrogant and he got the feeling the pack is not unified. Burton also gave him an off vibe. Beta Keller and his family are known to be honorable and above board. He found another pack and says the Alpha there told him to be glad he isn’t in Blood River. His current Alpha says Burton is trash.” “Speaks volumes.” Brody says quietly while rubbing his neck. “Are we taking this assignment as our next investigation? There’s not a lot of meat to this complaint.” Landon asks. “Dad sent two warriors recently undercover to check it out. They were found in a human hospital one hundred miles away with no memory of the last month of their life. Aira tried but she could get nothing except magic was used to wipe their memories. So it’s a little more serious than what you are reading. Also, Dad had Aira check the letters. There was also a voicemail from an untraceable number direct to Dad’s office. Aira says the writer and the caller feel impending danger, fear, and regret. She said there is a reason we need to go.” I tell them. “Good enough for me.” Walker says leaning back. Beau: “Maybe we’ll find our mates. Wouldn’t that be...” he sniffs and wrinkles his nose in disgust. “Incoming.” He mutters. I smell her and watch as Brody scowls angrily when the door opens without a knock. “There you are. I missed you at breakfast Riley.” that grating sickly sweet voice sets my teeth on edge as her extremely nauseating perfume assails my nostrils. “Alpha Riley to you.” Theo quietly rebukes her. “Oh, Riley doesn’t mind, do you?” She smiles coquettishly, and I want to snarl. “I do mind. It’s Alpha Riley to you.” I say firmly. “In that case, Allllppphhhaaa." She tries to drag the word out pointedly trying to be cute and all I can think is that hopefully someone is about to set the building on fire. Ghost, my wolf, grumbles, “Hand me a match, I’ll do it. A good border breach would work too. I’ll even let the rogues go unscathed, maybe buy them lunch.” I chuckle at him. “Steak dinner later on me too.” “I missed you at breakfast.” She comes close and puts her hand on the back of my chair. I swivel it quickly, forcing her to move and respond, “I eat in the dining room, Brienne, while you insist upon room service.” Unfazed, she leans in, “You could always join me. But I did come down this morning just for you.” I look at her with undisguised disgust. Brody: “Did you miss the closed door on your way in? We are having a work meeting.” Brienne spares him an annoyed glance. “There is no need for you to be so rude to me. I am…” “Interrupting in a very important meeting is rude, Brienne. You need to leave so I can talk to my boys.” I look gratefully at the door and see my father and brother standing there. My father’s royal aura brooks no argument, and she bows her head begrudgingly and leaves. As the door slams behind her, he lets out an irritated breath. “I will speak with the Queen. It is beyond time for her to leave.” I agree vehemently. My identity as a prince is kept a secret meaning we have to be careful how we speak around visitors. This room is soundproofed but with Dad here now, we need to watch our words. He and Ollie sit down, and I look at them. “We were finishing up the assessment for the Blood River complaints. How is Adela?” I look straight at my brother. “She’s better. Her strength is returning, and she can finally feel her wolf again.” Ollie looks less stressed than he has in a long time. He’s been so frazzled the last three weeks hoping his mate recovers from an attempted assassination attempt. “Any leads on who poisoned her?” Landon asks. Ollie and Dad both shake their heads. “We were hoping to trace the poison back as it was such a large amount of wolfsbane mixed into it but so far nothing.” Ollie looks angry just talking about it. “Let’s discuss Blood River. I take it you know Aira wants you to go even though the complaint is lacking details. And now Riley has told you about the warriors. Ollie and I have discovered that there is more to this. Ten other warriors have been found dead on the road leading to their pack or in the neighboring woods between them and the closest pack over the last three years. All dead with evidence of torture. The reports never made it to us.” He scowls and I wonder who almost lost their head at the Elders Council when he heard that. To hide something from the Werewolf King is begging for death. He looks thoughtful “You will be going under the cover of wanting to observe his male training program. He has a specialty program, and you are interested in it for the two dummy packs, Trojan Forest and Mirror Bay. You will be there for four weeks to observe. That i***t Burton was oozing arrogance when I had Martin make the arrangements.” The way Dad says specialty program makes me think it is the exact opposite. “When do we leave?” Landon asks. “In three days. Aira should have your blocking potions prepared by then and she wants to talk to you about other precautions with the witches mentioned. This will not be an easy investigation. It would seem that telling you the true nature of what is going on could have endangered the messenger. I do not have to tell you to be cautious and watch each other’s backs.” My father speaks gravely. “We’ll be ready for anything.” Brody tells him. “I have complete faith in you as always.” Dad says. “And I hope some of you bring back your mates to liven this dull place up.” He says the last part jokingly, and we all laugh. We keep it plenty lively on our own. The next three days are busy with packing and getting our packs in order to leave for a month. My dad and brother will be able to handle everything along with my uncles lending a hand. But it never feels right as an Alpha to leave for so long. The morning we are leaving, we meet with one of the witches who lives in the Royal Pack. Aira literally floats into the conference room moving. To me I’ve always thought she appeared like she would disappear if you touch her. Her hair is a long flowy mixture of silver and black. Her deep blue eyes sparkle and she appears relaxed and serene at all times. Her mate is one of Dad’s head warriors and has always been remarkably helpful. “Good morning Alphas, Betas, Your Majesties.” Aira inclines her head with a smile. “Morning Aira, you know you don’t need to bow or use such formalities here.” My father says smiling back at her. “I forget sometimes. Now, my friends, I have your aura shielding potions, so they will think you are just normal Alphas, Betas, and Gammas. Riley, your Alpha aura is strongest, followed by Landon, so you two will be going as Alphas. Brody and Theo are the betas, and Walker and Beau are the gammas. The second one is a shield to keep the witches from being able to command you. It should protect you from them being able to do serious harm to you but only you. This third one is the mating shield. It will allow you to recognize your mates, but they will not recognize you. Subconsciously, they might, but it will be weak. It will keep your wolves from going feral by not claiming them immediately. But be aware the more time you spend with them, the more your wolves will feel the pull. The potion will not wear off until you drink the antidote. Then you will both recognize each other. You will drink both now, and I will recite the incantation to keep your wolves as calm as possible. Riley, you have one possible issue. Your twenty-first birthday will fall during the trip. I am not sure if your mate's shield will break due to the date. I have never had one to cross it while on the potion. It should be close to the end of your trip though, so that will work in your favor if it does end. Also Alphas, you will all need additional royal aura shielding.” “I guess I’ll be your guinea pig then.” I grin at her. I really hope I do find my mate. I am the youngest of the group but my birthday is in a little over three weeks. The rest of the squad as we are called is past the age to find their mates, but none of them have. Aira finishes her incantation and we load up into the massive SUV to make the six hour drive to Blood River Pack.
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