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Archer “I’m telling you son, this is a brilliant idea!” My mother tells me in excitement, jumping a little like a little child in a candy store. The plan my mom has in mind is impossible. Apparently she paid Gwen a visit today and they had a little chart. My mother was hoping to fish for ways to get me closer to Gwen and as the unexpected woman doesn’t know that her favorite patient, my mom’s words not mine, she didn’t hold back or suspect my mother’s motives for asking. As it turns out, Gwen had always wanted to help those in need by opening up a place for them to get free medical care. She has done some research and there is a place in Africa where she wants to start with the first facility, but she needs a lot of support and volunteers to make this idea of hers a reality and she is damn right about that. She doesn’t want to just open something small, she wants to open a place for them to get free optical, dentistry and medical. That will take a lot of staff and the space to do. All of those things will cost millions to buy the space, pay the staff and the supplies. In a place like that, there will need to be constant security and we will need to hold annual fundraisers to keep it going. Something like this takes months, if not years to put together. “And how do you propose we do this mother?” I ask her with a raised eyebrow, she must realize that this isn’t just a once off thing. “Son, do you want this woman?” She asks me, all serious now. “I would like to get to know her, but this is not the way.” I tell my mother and start to turn away, ready to end this conversation. What happened to sending a girl flowers and taking her on a date? “Then you should just walk away, clearly she is too good for you, not that I ever thought I would say a woman is too good for my son, but this one is.” I am shocked by her words. Clearly I underestimated how strongly my mother feels about Gwen and for my mother to say something like that, I know this woman is one of a kind. My mother is very protective of me, always has been. She never liked the women that accompanied me to fundraisers or work parties. She has always been very vocal about it as well, but for some reason she approves of a woman that left me alone in a hotel room, shirtless I might add, after a one night stand. “What is it about this woman that makes you force this? Why are you so set on getting us together? You have never interfered in my previous relationship unless it was to make clear that they aren’t worth my time, yet you are doing everything in your power to get me to go after this woman. Why?” I am curious as to what makes this the woman my mother wants in my life. “You don’t understand son, you only had one night with her and yet you couldn’t stop thinking about her for six months! Even if I didn’t know her, I would’ve approved because she was able to make you remember her name past the night and even months later. She made you run to her instead of her putting herself in front of you and begging you for another night, hoping she can become Mrs. Cullen with the idea that she will have access to your bank account and bragging rights. The fact that I have known her for years and have built a relationship with her built on friendship and loyalty is a bonus, but it isn’t the main reason. You feel connected to this woman, you know she is more than just another piece of meat. You know she is smart and beautiful inside and out and I can confirm that. I have never met a woman as loyal and as kind and giving as her. She has been through hell, fought for what she has and she deserves to be happy. I actually thought of introducing you to her the moment that useless boy she was with screwed up, but I didn’t have to, you found each other without my help and I just know she is worth trying for. Can you trust me on that, can you understand why I think you should do everything you can to be with that woman? And besides, if it doesn’t work out, at least you helped those in need and that is something I know you also love doing. Just think about it okay?” She says and I am stunned. My mother had really put a lot of thought in this and maybe, just maybe it is worth having a look into. The next morning, I call my friends and partners together to discuss the possibilities and after hours of looking at numbers and going over our contacts, a plan starts forming. I know we will have to do this in a way that will make Gwen feel like she is the one that made this is a reality, as this is her dream and after everything my mother told me about her, I know she would want to be the one leading this. I decide to take a break and refill my cup of coffee and run my fingers through my hair. This is going to be very hard to pull off, but with the correct planning and with enough funds and volunteers, we might just be able to pull it off. I wonder what planning Gwen has done or if this is only one of those ideas that is something she wants but will never truly go after. I really hope that is not the case, if she isn’t passionate about this project, all of this will be for nothing and I will end up sitting with this baby all on my own. After a few more hours of discussing financing and looking at places that will be big enough and the areas, we decide to go for drinks and brainstorm a bit more. A part of me is feeling guilty for doing this without Gwen, but my mother didn’t want me to call her, saying she wants to surprise her, but a part of me is scared of how she will react to this. It might not be at all what she had in mind and as this is her dream, I would love to have her ideas and input because at this point I am running blind, hoping I am doing the right thing. “Man I knew you liked this girl, but do you really think this is the way to win her heart? Do you even want her heart or is it her p***y that has you looking like a love sick puppy disparate for attention, because if that is the case, you might want to think this over.” Carter says and I glare at him for his comment about her body parts. I don’t like him talking about her body, much less that part of her body. “Damn man, you really have it bad for her to be glaring at me like that over a p***y you have only tested once, over six months ago.” He says and I know he is just trying to rile me up and it is working. “You don’t get it. I am not just attracted to her, my f*****g mother loves the woman, she is the one that came up with this grand idea, and you know my mother, she won’t go out her way like this for just anyone, much less a woman I had a one night stand with. This girl is different and if you had the opportunity to spend even five minutes in her company, you would understand why I am doing this.” I get up and walk to the bar, regretting coming out at all. I hear the chair next to me move and turn my head to see Jaxon standing next to me. “You know he is just concerned about your motivation for doing this. You hardly know the woman and yet you are preparing yourself to take on a lifelong task for the opportunity to impress her. I mean you could’ve just gotten her flowers, damn even buying her a car or a house would’ve worked you out cheaper than what you are preparing to do. We’re worried that she cast some or other Voodoo on you. You have never acted like this about a woman, not even Ashley. I just hope you are doing this for the right reasons.” He says, tapping my back twice before walking back to the table. Am I doing this for the right reasons? I think of what my mother said and decide that I am doing the right thing, even if I end up doing this all on my own and Gwen turns out to be the opposite of what I hope she is, I will be helping to make a difference in a lot of people’s lives and that is something worth doing this for.
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