Chapter 5: Too Bad I Want You Now

1599 Words
“Andrea, how dare you push Leonie down the stairs?” Mrs. Hamilton points at Andrea and her finger trembles with anger. She wishes she could poke straight through her daughter-in-law’s skull. The Aitkens stand silently in the corner, too ashamed to say anything. Lance looks at Andrea questioningly but she returns his gaze, challenging him. In the past, she would have frozen on the spot too embarrassed to defend herself. Now she seems to accuse Lance, as if he’s the one who should be ashamed. “Who is this feisty woman?” Lance wonders, “And what exactly is she trying to do?” Andrea frowns at Lance. In spite of the fact that Leonie’s left eye is cloaked in the dark halo of a bruise, Andrea has become smugger and more confident since the other woman arrived. Lance immediately notices this subtle change in Andrea. It seems like an open provocation. He realizes that Andrea must have sent Leonie the mysterious message inviting her to the house. Interest and curiosity creep into Lance’s calculating, sharp gaze. “Is it true that you pushed Miss Summer down the stairs three days ago, Mrs. Hamilton?” A journalist asks. “The word is that you intend to divorce,” clamors another, “Is this why?” “Is there something going on between Mr. Hamilton and Miss Summer?” “Andrea, did you push her because you’re jealous?” “Does the pregnancy still count?” “Pregnancy? I think that depends on Lance.” Andrea answers. She smiles lightly and stares at Lance provokingly. She wants to see how he’ll handle the situation. After all, Mrs. Hamilton is a changeable title, but his tender feelings for his childhood sweetheart can’t change so easily. Can he really bear to talk about her imaginary pregnancy in front of the woman he loves? Pregnancy? Leonie turns to Lance in astonishment. She wants Lance to look at her, to reassure her with a smile or a nod of his head. But from the moment she entered the room, he hasn’t even glanced at her. Instead he remains fixated on Andrea, watching her with an unreadable emotion in his eyes. It’s like he’s looking at an exciting new toy, considering the possibilities. “What happened to the disgust in his eyes when he used to look at her?” Leonie wonders, “Are they divorcing or not? A growing murmur rises in the room as the crowd speculates. Suddenly impatient with the entire scene, Lance announces “You can start expecting good news from Mrs. Hamilton and me.” His words cause more hustle and bustle. Everyone knows that the distinguished family works in mysterious ways, but this press conference has been shocking. The journalists nod at each other. They know the announcement is Lance’s final word. “Please leaves us now,” Robert says, “If there is more news about the couple, we’ll let you know.” The bodyguards receive their orders and start clearing the room. One journalist who won’t give up asks, “Is it news of pregnancy or divorce?” There is no answer. The bodyguards grab them man’s arms and drag him out of the room. Leonie turns pale at the new mention of the pregnancy. She lowers her head and steps aside, looking wronged and betrayed. Andrea sees through her every expression and move. One minute she’s scheming and vicious and the next she feigns purity and innocence. How good she is at pretending! “Leonie,” The venerable Mrs. Hamilton beckons to her. Leonie sneaks a look at Andrea as if she’s evaluating the competition and walks to join Mrs. Hamilton. “Come to my room” Mrs. Hamilton says. Leonie understands that Mrs. Hamilton wants to speak to her privately, and she follows the older woman obediently. As she leaves the room she casts a seductive look at Lance but he doesn’t seem to notice. She quickly lowers her head, her heart pounding in her ears. The journalists have all left. Mrs. Hamilton has left too. Anthony realizes he and his family can’t linger much longer and they hasten out of the room.Only Robert, some maids, Lance, and Andrea remain in the large dining room. The atmosphere is still incredibly tense. “Ask Mrs. Hamilton to go back to the bedroom.” Lance’s swallows and stares at Andrea who, immune to her current situation, continues drinking. He has to grind his teeth to use the word “ask.” The maids flock to Andrea to escort her out of the room. Suddenly, a glass flies through the air and shatters at their feet. Shocked, the maids stop waiting to see what Andrea will do next. Andrea appraises Lance with blatant dislike. Then she hitches up her dress, takes off her high heels and climbs onto the dining table. “Mrs. Hamilton, it’s too dangerous.,” the maids protest, “Please, come down.” Crash! Andrea throws another glass and then a plate covered in delicate gold-leaf patterns. The plate flies through the air toward Lance. The servants scream, “Mr. Hamilton, watch out!” Lance tilts his head slightly and the plate whooshes past his ear. It crashes into the wall fast and fierce, proving that she was trying to hurt him. “Pregnant? With you?” she hisses, “You must be joking.” Another plate misses its intended target and Andrea feels disappointed. She leans over and grabs a plate near her feet and throws at Lance again. “Lance, are you afraid to divorce me?” she asks. She’s furious. She thought that her plan was fail-proof. She invited the Aitkens, his childhood sweetheart, and the press over to ensure her victory. She assumed that the divorce was set in stone, but he used this absurd story about a pregnancy to change the situation and spoil her plan. “You want a divorce that much?” he asks with genuine curiosity. Andrea is ready to throw another plate, but she pauses. She’s about to nod, when he says, “Too bad I don’t want a divorce so much anymore.” Bang! A bottle of red wine breaks at Lance’s feet, splashing all over his expensive shoes and trousers. “Why not?” Andrea demands. She stumbles to Lance’s end of the table. “Has one passionate night made you fall in love with me?” she asks mockingly. Swiftly, Lance grabs her from the table and drapes her over his shoulder. He holds her like a predator that’s just caught its prey. Andrea yells and struggles as hard as she can. She pounds her fists into his back over and over, “Lance, divorce me or else.” Lance raises his eyebrows with interest and amusement, “Or else what?” His taunting tone enrages her. She squirms and he shifts her weight, carrying her in his arms bridal style. She turns her head and viciously bites his collarbone. Blood seeps from the wound and reddens his silk shirt, but Lance doesn’t even flinch. He continues carrying her up the stairs and down the hall, finally tossing her onto his king-size bed. “Asshole!” Andrea props herself up on her elbows. Her low-cut dress reveals a sight that incites his desire. He slowly unbuttons the gold buttons on his shirt. He’s not normally a man who indulges in carnal pleasure. In the past, Andrea tried every possible method to seduce him, but he remained uninterested. In fact, he rarely even pleasured himself. But this new Andrea, this bold and insolent woman who insults and attacks him, intrigues him. No woman has ever treated him that way before. Andrea feels the bed sink under his weight and he positions himself on top of her, and she frowns. It’s obvious what he wants. She wants to punch him in the face or kick him where it hurts, but she decides to use her wiles instead. “Did you really fall for me?” She murmurs, “I thought you said you couldn’t get it up for me without medical assistance?” Is she provoking him? Is this still part of her plan to get the divorce? Lance doesn’t care. No one can divorce him. If there’s going to a divorce, it has to be his decision, his announcement. He takes her hand and guides it to his pants, pressing it to the stiffening part within, “Looks like I can now,” he says. It’s hot and hard. Andrea’s eyes widen with surprise, “Lance, what do you want?” “What do I want?” His look is intense and demanding, “I want to create heirs with you, Mrs. Hamilton, how about that?” It’s a question, but it doesn’t sound like a question. He’s telling her an important decision. Andrea wants to slap him across the face but unfortunately, he is pinning her hands above her head. She’s furious, but she feels desire rising in her stomach. She glares at him, “Do you know what you’re like right now?”
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