Kennedy Stern Christian Suspense Box Set (Books 1-3)

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*** UNPLANNED (book 1) AFTER RECEIVING A DISTURBING call from someone far too young to carry a child in the first place, Kennedy can no longer blindly hide behind the pro-life platitudes she grew up believing. She resolves to locate the unknown girl but winds up entrenched in a mystery that grows more convoluted as it unfolds. Soon, Kennedy finds herself a pawn in a deadly game of intrigue, at the mercy of those who consider a few innocent lives a small ransom to pay in exchange for personal and political victory. Read Unplanned now *** PARALYZED (book 2) KENNEDY STERN SURVIVED an abduction, but old scars cut deep. Vivid flashbacks and terrifying dreams paralyze her, threatening to ruin her academic career and any chance she has at peace or happiness. This mental anguish, however, constitutes only a small fraction of her post-traumatic nightmare. Kennedy must engage in a deadly battle of the mind as she struggles to stay alive. While fighting on two fronts—one psychological and one physical—the question isn't whether she'll come out of the war stronger in the end. The question is whether she’ll come out at all. Read Paralyzed now *** POLICED (book 3) WHEN KENNEDY STERN and her best friend Reuben drag themselves away from their grueling studies to enjoy a night off campus, getting pulled over by a belligerent cop isn't in either of their plans. When the police altercation turns violent, the media notes Reuben's dark skin and labels this instance of police brutality a hate crime. Those Kennedy trusts the most warn her not to get involved, but she owes it to Reuben to pursue justice regardless of the personal cost. Nothing remains a secret when a frenzied media and an embarrassed police department delve into Kennedy's and Reuben's backgrounds. Some truths, unfortunately, grow increasingly more painful the closer they get to the surface. Read Policed now
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