Chapter Three-3

2536 Words

“That is true, monsieur,” Madame Blanc agreed. “So you must certainly catch the second express as my husband has suggested.” “Everything will be arranged, monsieur,” the manager said. “A private compartment in the train, the best cabin on the steamer, and a Courier to travel with you who will see to everything.” “Thank you very much!” Warren replied. He thought now as he stood at the window that it was almost amusing. Suddenly as if by a magic wand, his whole life had changed. From now on there would be Couriers, valets, footmen to run at his bidding, and waiting for him in England would be secretaries, managers and agents who had helped his uncle run the estates. They saw to it that each one of his houses functioned like a well-oiled machine with no breakdowns and no problems to cau

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