Chapter 17 - Crashing Back To Earth

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Sinead POV “How did I do?” I finally managed to work up the courage to ask after Colt’s breathing slowed. His head came up, and those sexy brown eyes were wide with astonishment when they met mine. “Are you kidding?” I lowered my gaze as warmth crept into my cheeks. “I told you I never did that before. I just want to make sure I did it right.” Colt wrapped his arms around me and rolled until I lay beneath him, then he kissed me so tenderly I could have wept from the sweetness of it. “You were incredible, my love. I have never experienced an orgasm as powerful as the one you brought me. My knees are still shaking,” he said when he released my mouth. “Aside from the physical pleasure of your touch, I could feel how much you love me and that made it all the more intense. Here, let me show you.” He claimed my lips again but didn’t change the tone of his kiss. It was soft but sensual. His hands roamed over me, tracing every dip and curve with a gentleness no man had ever employed when I’d given them my body. I sighed, squirming slightly when his fingers found my already erect n*****s and began to squeeze and twist them lightly. My arousal grew. Colt shifted those torturous lips to my throat, sucking in a deep breath as he inched his way toward my chest. “I love how your body reacts to me,” he said between dizzying flicks of his tongue. “It’s both empowering and humbling.” I opened my mouth to respond in kind, but my words lodged firmly in my throat when Colt drew one of my n*****s into his mouth and suckled gently. “Oh!” I cried, feeling a surge of juices between my legs. For a long time after Jo had talked me into the piercings, I had regretted them. Elves believed that the body was sacred, and we did not engage in the modification practices of humans and other species, but I’d always been intrigued by them. So, out of idle curiosity, I agreed. What was the harm? If I didn’t like them, I could always take them out. Yeah, that was never happening. The intensity of the sensations Colt elicited with just his tongue made me so desperate for release that I was seconds from climbing the walls. At that moment, I decided that having my n*****s pierced was one of the best decisions I’d ever made. Colt switched to my other breast, and my back arched off the mattress in stunned delight. I heard him chuckle and might have retaliated if I wasn’t already dangling on the edge of euphoria. I thrust my breasts up higher, silently begging for more. Instead, he released it, and I groaned in objection. “Patience, my love,” he whispered. “There is so much more of you I’ve yet to love.” He pressed his lips to my sternum, then traced each of my small breasts with his tongue before gliding it over my stomach, searing the flesh as he journeyed south. The closer he got to my sopping wet core, the faster my heartbeat. Colt must have heard it because he slowed way down and diverted from his original path, nipping at my hips. I wriggled and whimpered in frustration. My whole body was on fire, and he was just moseying along like every touch wasn’t sheer torture for me. “Dammit, Colt! Stop teasing me!” I yelled, grabbing hold of his hands. He lifted his head and smiled. “Ahh, so that aggressive warrior Queen I met in the hut wasn’t just a product of the alcohol. I hoped I would get to see her again.” Memories of that night flooded my mind and cooled me down considerably. The shame that I’d felt the following morning rushed to the surface. I frowned and looked away, but not before seeing Colt’s smile fade. “Is it my turn to remind you to think of what is and not what was, my love?” he asked, trailing his hand over my stomach, and stopping just before reaching my still throbbing hot box. I met his eyes, saw the love shining in them, and forced the memory to the back of my mind. “No, my one. My mind and body are here with you and nowhere else.” While his gaze stayed locked on mine, he slid his hand lower, cupping me and easing his finger between my folds. His smile widened. “No wonder you are frustrated. You’ve got quite a delightful mess down here,” he said as he began to stroke the sensitive flesh, making my moans grow in volume. My arousal intensified and I imagined that meant my scent did too, because Colt growled low in his chest, then in one quick motion, he hurled himself between my legs, shoving them up and open. He buried his face in my heat and feasted on every drop of nectar my body released without mercy. “OH s**t!” I screamed as he clamped his lips around my clit and began sucking with wild abandon. He pushed me to the brink of eruption faster than anyone ever had. I was there, hanging on to that edge by my fingertips, ready to let go, and he stopped. Without warning, Colt released my clit and pulled back, kissing, and nibbling my inner thighs. When I could breathe, I opened my mouth to ask him what the hell he thought he was doing, but the words died on my tongue as he attacked my lady bits again, slowly this time. The man was trying to kill me. Fast, then slow. My body was trembling so violently from the need for release that I couldn’t be still, and he was teasing me. No, he passed teasing a long time ago. He was flat-out torturing me… And I loved it. There I admitted it. I loved the insanity of being driven to the edge of ecstasy and dragged back only to be nudged up again. Though I didn’t have an animal form, I felt like a beast had awakened in me. The sounds that escaped my lips were far too primal to come from a non-shifter species. “Colton!” I growled when he pulled back for the third time. “For the love of all the Gods, finish it!” My frustrated demand did nothing more than elicit another chuckle from my mildly sadistic match, and I lunged upward until I was sitting up and my fingers were tangled in his silky black hair. This time he gave me what I wanted. Gripping my hips firmly, he used his tongue to probe my center, slowly at first, then little by little, he increased his pace until he was slamming my pulsating core against his mouth. “Oh! Oh! Oh!” I chanted as he drove his tongue as deep as it would go inside me. “Oh! Yes, Colt! Yes!” It was the most intense orgasm I’ve ever had, and I credited it entirely to the match connection. I’d been with more than my share of men over the course of my life, and no one had ever loved my body so well that I couldn’t move afterward. And I couldn’t. My entire body was shaking, and I knew if I tried to stand up, my legs wouldn’t be able to support my weight. Colt POV While Sinead recovered, I massaged her trembling legs. I had been a bit annoyed by my lack of restraint, but her physical reaction assured me that she did not find fault with my performance. Still, I couldn’t let it end there. She had waited over a century for me. And I’d made her wait even longer, hurting her repeatedly with my indecision due to fear. My beautiful warrior Queen deserved everything I could possibly give her. “Mmm. That feels incredible,” Sinead mumbled without opening her eyes. “Your legs were shaking. I thought I’d help calm the muscles.” “My whole body was shaking. That was absolutely unbelievable.” She stretched, lengthening her long form, and drawing attention to her jewel-tipped n*****s. I kissed the arch of her foot and lowered her leg to the mattress. “We’re not finished yet,” I told her and grinned when her eyes flung open and found mine. “We’re not?” Instead of answering, I slithered up her body, lightly grazing her skin with my own, then captured her mouth. Her passion awakened immediately, and she brought her arms up to link around my neck, tugging me down to lay flush against her. I resisted, breaking the kiss, and easing away. Confusion shadowed her face as I slowly drew her to a seated position. “I’ve yet to officially claim you, my love. That requires the most intimate contact that we are capable of.” I kissed her again, then positioned myself until I sat between her legs, facing her with mine intertwined. This was the one act I’d refused to do with another. It was too intimate and, in my opinion, only intended to happen between mates. I’d improvised with my previous lovers and found other ways to please them without giving away something that belonged to my fated one. Sinead smiled and brought her hands up to caress my face. “I get the feeling that this is a first for both of us,” she said softly. “When it was explained to me, I knew that it was something that should only be done with my mate. I have held on to that belief,” I admitted. “So, in a way, we get to be each other’s first.” She leaned forward and nibbled my bottom lip. “I’ve never been anyone’s first anything before. Do you smell what that knowledge is doing to me?” I inhaled and smiled as the scent of her arousal filled me, causing my own core to weep. Wrapping my arms around her waist, I pulled her toward me until our hot, throbbing centers pressed tightly together. Sinead locked her arms around my neck and took our kiss deeper, then we let instinct take over, moving our hips and grinding until our gentle sighs became moans and our kisses became bites. As our orgasms built, our pace became more and more frantic. The closer we came, the tighter we clung to each other, chanting each other’s names. When we shattered, we fell to the bed together, a tangled mess of arms and legs. Neither had the energy or the desire to separate, so we lay there with our bodies fused, savoring the afterglow. At some point during our amorous activities, night had fallen, leaving the room in complete darkness. Sinead kissed my shoulder, then eased herself away. The loss of contact struck me harder than expected and made me want to drag her back into the circle of my arms, but I refrained. I didn’t want to come across as too needy after wasting so much time trying to keep her at arm’s length. A few feet away, there was a light click, and then the room was bathed in the soft glow of a small bedside lamp. She rolled back over and snuggled against me. “There. That’s better,” she said with a sigh, then lifted her head to rest her chin on my chest. “While we wait to find out if you can mark me, would you be willing to let me mark you?” I scooted her up until we were eye to eye. “Elves can mark their mates?” “Well, yeah. I mean, it’s a spell, but it works the same. It deepens our connection and allows us to communicate telepathically. I’ve been told it also intensifies s****l stimulation.” Sinead wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, making me laugh. “I would be proud to wear your mark, whether or not you’re able to wear mine,” I said, pinching her chin and brushing a soft kiss over her lips. “How does it work?” Sinead sat up, practically giddy. “It’s easier than a shifter’s mark. All I have to do is place my hand over your heart and claim you as my match for all eternity. Then a magical thread will appear winding around my forearm, continuing to your heart. A tattoo-like mark will appear on your skin with my initials within a symbol of my rank.” While most men would have balked at the idea of being marked by their mate without marking them first, I didn’t care. As long as one of us bore a mark, we were both connected on the highest possible level. “Alright, let’s do it,” I agreed and pushed myself up to lean against the headboard. “You know, you would almost be my parent’s dream mate for me. Well, that is, if I hadn’t transitioned, and you were a male winged panther.” She didn’t even bother to put on a robe. My sexy mate, in all her naked glory, knelt next to me and lay her hand over my heart. Our eyes met and held as she began to recite the words that would make me hers forever. “I, Sinead Aine Elian, Princess of Palachia, claim you… wait, what’s your middle name?” She paused to ask. “Tanner.” Her smile was brilliant as she restarted her incantation. “I, Sinead Aine Elian, Princess of Palachia, claim you, Colton Tanner Nagy, as my perfect match for all eternity. I swear before the Gods and Goddesses to love you, stand by you, and be your partner in all things until the end of time. With this mark, I bind my heart, mind, body, and soul to you forever. It shall be.” A bright, glowing purple string formed and grew at the base of her elbow, winding itself around her arm until it reached my chest, where it spun faster with every rotation. Then it was gone. Sinead lifted her hand and frowned. The only evidence that anything had taken place was a small red welt where her fingers had been. “It didn’t work! Why didn’t it work?” She asked, still staring at the spot.
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