Coming September 1st

211 Words
Chapters will begin being released on Thursday, September 1st, and will upload at 5 a.m. EST every Tuesday and Thursday. Thank you all so much for your patience. This year has been extremely difficult for my mental and physical health. I'm happy to report that I am continuously recovering and am improving every day. Just a reminder...this book and the remaining 4 installments of this series will remain free to read. Again, thank you so much for your patience and your support. I can't begin to express how grateful I am to you all. I hope you enjoy the continuing saga of our beloved Elf and find it in your heart to forgive her for her grievous error in judgment. We all make mistakes, we're all guilty of doing or thinking of doing something we're not proud of. Supernatural beings are no different. Also, please note that this story contains descriptions of physical abuse, violent fight scenes, and graphic s****l situations. Sensitive people should not continue this series. This series is also l***q-inclusive and features s****l contact between l***q characters. If this is offensive to you, please DO NOT CONTINUE reading. Finally, I love feedback, so please leave a comment on the chapters and let me know how you like them.
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