Chapter 15

1612 Words

Rogue’s P.O.V. I am lying in bed, naked and Chloe is lying next to me. She begins to try and cuddle up with me, but I don’t do so back. I grab the pack of cigarettes I found on the supply trip and pull one out and light it. I take a drag and feel the smoke fill my lungs. I haven’t had one in a long time. They are hard to come by in this world. Chloe is rubbing her fingers up and down my chest. “I didn’t know you were hiding such a big dick.” She said to me. I felt numb, I didn’t care what she said. I stayed silent and ignored her. She looked up at me and noticed that I was staring into the distance. “You know, we could make this a regular thing.” She said, hinting to the s*x. I look down at her then back up to the walls. “I needed to ease some pain. I don’t think this should be regular

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