Chapter 13: set off to find Layla

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When Lugard arrived at the estate. Lugard walked into the estate, his mother's voice echoing in his ears. "Kaiden, darling, we need to talk." He knew exactly what she wanted to discuss. Marriage. Grandchildren. The same topics she always brought up. "Mother, I'm tired," Kaiden said, his voice firm. "I don't want to discuss this again." "But Kaiden, you're not getting any younger," his mother pressed on, her voice rising. "You need to settle down and have children. It's your duty as a member of this family." Kaiden looked at her coldly, his eyes flashing with anger. "I will not get married, Mother. Not now, not ever. You destroyed my relationship with the one person I loved. I'll never forgive you for that." His mother's face turned red with rage. "How dare you!" she spat. "I did what was best for this family, and you will do the same." Kaiden turned and walked away, heading upstairs to his room. He didn't want to see his mother, didn't want to hear her toxic words. Here's the continuation: Kaiden reached the top floor, his mother's voice calling after him. "Kaiden, I did it for your good! Hazal is not a good person, she doesn't love you, she loves only your money! That's why I did what I did back then, that's why I destroyed the relationship between you two!" Kaiden stopped in his tracks, his back still to his mother. He took a deep breath, his anger simmering just below the surface. "I'm not getting married if I don't find the one I'm looking for," Kaiden said coldly, his voice firm. "And even if I do, it won't be because of your manipulation or control." With that, Kaiden entered his room, slamming the door shut behind him. He leaned against the door, his heart racing with anger and frustration. In his room, Kaiden paced back and forth, trying to calm himself down. He couldn't believe his mother's audacity, her complete lack of understanding. Did she think he was that gullible, that easily controlled? As he paced, Kaiden's mind wandered back to Layla, the girl he had saved and lost. He wondered what she was doing now, if she was ok, if she was happy if she ever thought of him. Lugard's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of his phone buzzing. He pulled it out of his pockets, his eyes narrowing as he saw Jonathan's name on the screen. "What?" Lugard answered curtly, his tone brooking no argument. "Dude, I just saw the funniest meme online," Jonathan said, his voice booming with laughter. "I have to share it with you." Lugard raised an eyebrow, his interest piqued despite himself. "What's so funny?" "I'll send it to you," Jonathan said, his tone teasing. "But you have to promise to laugh." Lugard snorted his cold exterior cracking for a moment. "I make no promises because of your ordinary meme." Jonathan chuckled. "Oh, come on. Lighten up, Mr Lugard. It's just a meme." Lugard eyes narrowed, his mind working overtime. He didn't have time for memes, didn't have time for frivolity. But something about Jonathan's tone caught his attention. "Fine," Kaiden said finally, his voice firm. "Send it to me." And with that, Lugard's phone buzzed again, this time with an incoming meme. Lugard raised an eyebrow, his eyes scanning the image. For a moment, he didn't react. Then, suddenly, a small smile played on his lips. "Jonathan," Kaiden said, his voice low and dangerous. "You're a dead man." Jonathan's laughter echoed through the phone, and Lugard couldn't help but chuckle, his cold exterior cracking for a moment. But the moment passed quickly, and Lugard's mask slipped back into place. "Jonathan, you're a dead man," Kaiden repeated, his voice dripping with mock menace. Jonathan's laughter grew louder. "Oh, I'm shaking in my boots, Kaiden!" Kaiden's smile grew wider, his eyes glinting with amusement. "You should be. I'll get you back for this." "Oh, I'm counting on it," Jonathan said, his voice full of anticipation. Kaiden's eyes narrowed, his mind working overtime. Hey. handsome Lu I didn't call just because of this meme. I called for important business are you ready to talk? Jonathan asked seriously. Lugard loosens his tie, removing his clothes to take a cold shower, his not in the mood to take a hot shower. Go on. Jonathan cleared his throat. Do you have time this week so we can go and look for your Layla Jonathan's eyes sparkled with determination. "I'll help you find her, Lugard. We'll leave no stone unturned." Lugard's expression turned grim. "I've already tried everything, Jonathan. I've searched every corner of the city, asked every person I've ever met...nothing." Jonathan's face set in a determined expression. "Then we'll try something new. We'll recreate the night you saved her, see if anything jogs your memory." Lugard's eyes narrowed. "What do you mean?" Jonathan's grin was mischievous. "We'll start by going back to the clock tower. Maybe something there will trigger your memory." Lugard hesitation was brief before he nodded. "Okay, let's do it." When will you have time? Jonathan asked. Am free anytime I will be the one to ask you. Lugard replied firmly. Ok, we will set off the day after tomorrow. Jonathan said. Ok, Lugard replied with a smile before hanging up the phone. After two days, they made their way to the clock tower. As they made their way to the clock tower, Lugard's mind raced with memories, but none of them seemed to fit. When they arrived, Jonathan instructed Lugard to close his eyes and breathe deeply, trying to recall every detail of that fateful night. At first, Lugard's mind was blank, but then...a glimmer of memory appeared. A flash of a girl's face, her eyes wide with fear, her hair a wild tangle of curls. Lugard's eyes snapped open, his heart racing. "I remember something!" he exclaimed. Jonathan's eyes lit up with excitement. "What is it?" Lugard's voice was barely above a whisper. "Her eyes...they were light blue. And her was curly, wild." Jonathan's grin was triumphant. "That's a start! We'll find her, you Layla. I promise. Jonathan's eyes sparkled with excitement. "blue eyes and curly hair? That's a great start! Let's see if we can find anyone who matches that description." Lugard nodded, his mind racing with possibilities. "Where do we start?" Jonathan thought for a moment. "Let's try the local cafes and restaurants. Maybe someone remembers a girl with blue eyes and curly hair." As they made their way through the bustling streets, Lugard couldn't help but feel a sense of hope. Maybe, just maybe, they would find Layla. After 2 days of searching, they finally got a hit. A waitress at a small cafe remembered a girl with blue eyes and curly hair, who used to come in regularly. I think I know her, she always comes to our cafe and eats. the waitress said. Lugard's heart skipped a beat. "What was her name?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. The waitress thought for a moment. "Lily, I think. No, wait, it was Layla!" Lugard's eyes met Jonathan's, a spark of excitement passing between them. "Where is she now?" Lugard asked, his voice urgent. The waitress shrugged. "I don't know. She stopped coming in a few months ago. But I remember she mentioned something about moving to a new apartment." Lugard's mind raced with possibilities. "Do you know where the apartment is located?" The waitress nodded. "Yeah, it's in the new complex on the outskirts of town. I remember she said it was a nice place." Lugard's heart was racing now. "Let's go," he said to Jonathan, his voice firm. he gave the waiter a bundle of money with gratitude as he and Jonathan rushed out of the cafe in a hurry. Jonathan nodded, a grin spreading across his face. "Time to find this Miss Layla." The waitress and and few other customers were shocked and amazed by Lugard and Jonathan's handsomeness, they were calm, very handsome, tall and they are very fair.
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