Chapter 6

2003 Words
Alpha Derrick’s POV It has been six years since I received the call that my brother and niece were killed in a rogue attack. You would think by now I would accept the information for truth since there is no proof, they are still alive. But no one can provide me with proof that they are dead either. I just have this feeling that I need to keep looking. Things in that pack are not as they seem. The pack has deteriorated since David died. Which makes no sense since his businesses in the human world are still netting profits and flourishing under the CEO he appointed before his death. If things were legit, and it was a rogue attack, the Beta would have his banking information and get regular money for the pack. There would be no way the pack would have any financial trouble. I am sitting at my desk, staring at the SOS phone, wishing for it to ring. The night Annalisa sent that message, we ran for the destination, and we could smell her scent, but there were also many other scents and the smell of blood. We stayed there but we never found her. To this day there are still 2–3 warriors stationed in that tree, just in case. Since the spot is off our pack lands, I made that assignment voluntarily. And pay extra for those who do take on that assignment. They are on their own because it will take them away from their families. They are stationed there for a week and change out every Sunday. It is now early Saturday, and they will be changing tomorrow. My son Thane went this time. He insisted, stating he has a good feeling and that is where he needed to be. This is not the first time he went on that assignment, but he knows his mother worries about him, so he tries not to go often. He went with his best friend and future Beta Brian. I just pray to the Moon Goddess that my son returns safely and if possible, he can bring my niece and/or brother with him. “Derrick Royal, it is 2am, why am I in bed alone?” my mate Opal mindlinks me “I’m sorry baby. Just been in my office thinking” I link back “Come to bed Derrick, your lack of sleep will not help anyone, you are the Alpha” “Yes, my love” As I stand up, the SOS phone rings. Brian’s POV I am at the annex assignment with my best friend and future Alpha Thane. I never met Alpha Christian’s family, but I saw how the news of their death affected the whole family. I could not imagine a portion of my family just gone. That is why I take this assignment whenever Thane comes. Both Thane and I are 19 and will be taking over the pack next year. I hope we can bring closure to the family soon, because anyone who knows them knows that they are still hurting from the news. This is our last full day here before the next set of warriors come for the week. We take shifts during the night, watching the tunnel and phone for any activity. Brian went to bed about 2 hours ago, and I just came back from taking a piss when I see someone going for the phone. “Thane, wake up. There’s someone getting the phone” I link him but get no response “Thane!” I link again “What” he replies groggily “Wake up, there’s someone here, they are using the phone” He jumps up and runs out of the tent and stands beside me. I point to the little figure using the SOS phone. We decided to walk to it slowly, not sure who it is and trying not to scare them. “Annalisa?” Thane asks She jumps up with her bag and the phone and starts to run away “Annalisa, please stop running. It’s me Thane, your cousin” I yell She continues to run. I link Thane that I am going to go around and cut her off. I go wide around her and stops in front of her, she runs right into me and falls on her but. She keeps trying to get away. There is a whisper coming from her, it’s hard to decipher if you don’t pay attention. Luckily wolves have excellent hearing “Please, NO, please don’t hurt me” she keeps repeating in a whisper tone As we move closer to her, she balls herself up into a fetal position “Anna. It’s me Thane. Your cousin. I would never hurt you” “Anna, open your eyes and look at him” He is softly talking to her and I slowly step back to give them space. I link him that I am going to call his dad and tell him we had found Anna. Annalisa’s POV I finally made it out the tunnel with no problem. I get to the stump where the phone is and after searching, I feel it and pull it out. I send the text with the SOS and extraction codes. Right as I press send, I hear noises “They found us Ruby; we have to run” I get up, and we started running, zig zagging all over the place, trying to avoid the men here trying to hurt us. I hear one of them trying to talk to me, but my mind is in survival mode, all I can think of is to get away. I hear the guy use my name and say he’s, my cousin. Just then ran into a tree and fell on my butt. I look up and noticed it was not a tree, it was a man. He’s not the same man who has been trying to talk to me. This man is very tall and muscular, he’s at least 6ft 2in and has broad shoulder. The other guy is big too, probably about 6ft 4in. He has muscles, but his frame is smaller. He’s bigger than Blake, but he must have been sent here by Dark Hollow pack to get me. I started crying and asking them not to hurt me. This is the first time in 6 years I have used my voice, and it sounds like a whisper. It also hurts, that is probably from Blake choking me. I am in too much pain to fight, and my head is bleeding again after running into the wall. I continue to plead with them and fold myself into the fetal position. I pray to the Moon Goddess that these men are here to help me, because I can’t take any more today. “Annalisa, we are not here to hurt you. We are here to help you. My name is Thane, I am your cousin. Your dad, Alpha David and my dad, Alpha Derrick are brothers. That SOS phone you are holding sends a message to my dad. Do you remember your Uncle Derrick?” he asks I look at him and he looked familiar. He has hair like mine and my dad's. He has blue eyes like my dad. Can I trust him “I think if he was from Dark Hollow, he would not be trying to talk to us calmly. He would have just hurt us and dragged us back:” Ruby says “Can you take me to Uncle Derrick” “Yes, I will take you to Uncle Derrick” I try to stand but my legs are too weak. I used all the extra strength Ruby gave me to get here and running from these guys “I see you are hurt and weak. Can I carry you to the truck” I am hesitant but I will need his help if I am going to get out of here “I do need help, but I am bleeding and I don’t want to get you dirty” “It’s okay little cousin. I have been worried about you for the last 6 years, a little blood and dirt is no problem. Let me help you” he says with his hand outstretched to me I take his hand and stand, the next thing I know I am lifted bridal style, and we walk to a black truck. His friend is putting away their camping stuff and putting out the fire. He is packing everything into the truck. He puts me into the back seat and reclines it. They both get in the front, start the car and we drive off. I fall asleep in the back, praying to the moon goddess that this was the right thing to do. Thane’s POV I carry her to the truck, strap her in and recline her seat to make her comfortable. Now that she’s in the car I can see the bruises and bleeding. What did these people do to her? Brian and I finish cleaning up, jump in car and drive off. “Dad”, I called him on my cell “Thane, is it her? Is it Anna?” he asks hurriedly “Yes, Dad, it’s Annalisa. We are going to take her straight to the hospital. Please call them and let them know we are coming. We’ll meet you there” “The hospital? What’s wrong with her?” “I don’t know what they did to her dad but she has bruises and swelling. It looks like someone beat her up. But Dad, she is also bleeding through her pants. I don’t know why, and I am a bit afraid to think what they could have done to her. We’ll be there in about two hours. I advise you have mom with you” I tell him I hung up the phone because I know my dad is going to want details I can’t give him. I look at the blood on my clothes from picking her up. What could they have done to her for her to bleed this way. I look over to Brian. “Thane, I know neither of us want to say it because we don’t want to believe that kind of thing happened to her. But if what we think really happened, your father is going to lose it and probably declare war on Dark Hollow. You think we should call your grandpa and grandma? Or even my dad? I just think we may need hands to calm him down” “Good idea. I know I am barely holding it together. He is going to lose his s**t when he sees her” I agree “Grandpa?” “Thane, I got a call from your dad, you have Anna?” “Yeah, we are headed to the pack now. I think you should meet us there” “We didn’t want to overwhelm her by having the whole family there” “I understand but I think you should be there. We are heading to the hospital…” “The hospital? Why are you taking my Anna to the hospital?” I hear my grandmother yell and that’s when I realize I’m on speakerphone “Grandma, calm down….” “Thane, don’t tell me to calm down. What is wrong with Anna?” she cries “I don’t know the details Grandma, but she is bruised and swollen. There is also a lot of bleeding through her pants. I want Grandpa to be there to keep Dad from decimating Dark Hollow when he sees her” “It’s that bad Thane?” Grandpa asks “Yes, and when you think of why she is bleeding. Our conclusion is just making our hate for Dark Hollow worse” “I understand. We will be there” We hang up and ride the rest of the way in a somber silence
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