Chapter 1

1255 Words
**************TRIGGER WARNING***************** This book contains scenes of physical abuse, s****l abuse and rape. These chapters will be tagged, and you can skip them and still enjoy the story. I am sitting in my dad’s office, which I do a lot lately. Since mom died three months ago, my dad and I are attached at the hip. Sometimes I do schoolwork in here or just read. Other times he shows me pack and business stuff. He calls it my pre-alpha training. He says hopefully by the time I’m older the ‘old farts’ of the council, will have realized a female can be an Alpha too, just like a man. We talk about mom a lot. He tells me about how they met and how she almost had to marry her beta to keep her pack. My mom and dad were fated mates, and they loved each other so much. Fated mates are joined together by the Moon Goddess. She joins together two wolves that are perfect for each other. This person is their other half, and once they meet this person, it is hard to live without them. Their joining is destiny. The mate bond is sacred among wolves. Each person becomes stronger individually and as a couple they are unbreakable. If the two respect and comply with the bond, those couples love and strength becomes formidable. Dad tells me the story of the mate bond and his joining with mom a lot since she died. Most mates don’t survive after their fated mate dies, especially if they are marked and mated. My dad has not been the same person since my mom died three months ago. He still performs his job as father, alpha, business manager and friend, but he is not as engaged as he used to be. When mom died, a piece of him died too. He says he is doing his best every day because he knows we need him. The pack and I need him. Both the pack and I know how hard he is trying, and we respect him and everything he is doing. We know every day he just wants to go be with my mom, but I thank him every day that he shows up for me instead. I really need my dad, especially not having my mom here anymore. He is telling me how it was the first time he saw my mother. He came to the pack with his brother, who is the Alpha in the Crystal Lake pack. As soon as my mom and dad saw each other, they fell in love. There were sparks and tingling every time they touched, and he said she smelled like roses. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She was kind, caring, supportive and strong. She cared for the pack and everyone in it. We were remembering and listing all the things we each love and remembered about mom when dad got a mindlink “Alpha rogues at the north and east borders. They have infiltrated the pack. They are being led by Clar…..” “William…William??” “Anna, something is wrong. There are rogues in the pack. I need you to run and hide. No matter what, don’t look back. You know the escape plan. Remember everything you need is in your charm bracelet. I love you so much, your mom and I will always love you!!!” he said and pushed me behind the secret door. I followed the secret tunnel to the woods right outside the pack border. The escape route was to take the tunnel to the woods and go to the special tree with the hidden phone and send the SOS message to my Uncle Derrick. After I sent the message, I was to take the special path that would take me from the Dark Hollow pack to the Crystal Lake pack. Daddy always said to run, never look back; no matter what I see, feel or hear. I did what he said. I got to the tree and sent the message. I then followed the path I had been taught since I was five. I must get to my uncle. I don’t know what’s going on, but it must be bad. I started to cry because I was worried about my dad; I can’t lose him; I just lost my mom. I am running and wiping tears from my face, then I am hit with an excruciating pain. My chest hurts like I am being stabbed. My head is hurting, and I started to sweat. I feel like there is wind rushing through my ears. I tried to keep running, but I fell over a tree stump and hit my head. Darkness takes over me. The next thing I remember is waking up in the Dark Hollow pack hospital. I slowly open one eye and see Beta Clarence and his brother Vance talking. I close my eyes and try to focus on what they are saying “We have all the pack members in front of the packhouse waiting for you” Vance says “Did we lose any pack members?” Clarence asks “A few omegas that were in the packhouse, nothing major. About half the warriors that refuse to join us and, of course, the Gamma” he replied “The alpha is dead in his office. We need to get all the dead so they can be burned. I will address the pack and whoever doesn’t comply with my new leadership will be executed. Marcia was supposed to choose me and make me Alpha. I am correcting her mistakes. After I address the pack, I will call the council and his brother with our story” Clarence says “Well, let me be the first to congratulate you, Alpha!” he says and shakes hands. They then smile and hug “Thank you, Beta” he says with a laugh “What are we going to do about her?” Vance asks, pointing to me “Nothing, we will see what happens when she wakes up. Come, let’s go address our pack” I keep my eyes closed as I listen to them leave my hospital room. They killed my father and took over the pack. They killed and will kill anyone who stands with my dad, anyone who doesn’t accept them as the new leaders. That includes me; I am the heir and should be the next alpha. If they see me as a threat, they will kill me. I got the message to my uncle, but coming here is not needed if they tell them me and my dad are dead. I am all alone now. I must survive to get out of here. They are going to do everything they can to keep me here, because I am a witness to their deception. I hear the Doctor come into my room “How long will she be sleeping, Doctor Campbell?” Warrior Tim asks “I can’t say. She hit her head pretty hard, she doesn’t have a wolf to help her heal. It could be hours or weeks. Then we don’t know what the effects may be. Such as memory loss or mental processing. We just have to wait and see Gamma” “I will have a warrior stationed outside this door 24/7. You call the Alpha as soon as she wakes up, no delay.” “Yes, sir” the Doctor says, and they leave my room
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