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Thane’s POV “Rachel, what are you doing here?” I ask I truly don’t know why this girl is here. She was not invited, and I have told her multiple times there is nothing going on between us. We had drunken s*x a year ago, and I have used her as a release, but it was just s*x. I have never even invited her to the pack, she just shows up. Now I can't get rid of her. “I came to see you, baby” she says, trying to be sexy “First, don't call me baby. We are not in a relationship, so cute names are not okay. Second, I am busy and don’t have time for you. Since you also were not invited, you might as well go home” I state “Boy, you know this is my home” she says, trying to play it off as a joke I look at her like she has grown six heads. She then starts laughing, to brush off her comment “You know. I am just so comfortable here with you at Crystal Lake. It is like my second home” she says “As I said, I am busy, so go home” “You don’t have any time for me. I can wait and keep you company tonight” she whines “Go home Rachel, I have other things going on” “It better not be another woman. I am your woman!” “No, you are not! I have told you multiple times we are nothing to each other, and you don’t listen. I stopped having s*x with you months ago, and told you not to contact me anymore, but your delusional ass keeps coming back. I have been discreet and respectful, but now you are pushing me. Get the f**k out of my pack Rachel, now! You are no longer welcome here. I tried to be nice because of our alliance, but if you come here again, I will be contacting your father, and we will no longer be allies” I yell I turned to walk with my family to the hospital and hear Rachel crying. I see the look my parents are giving me “I’m sorry mom and dad, but I have spoken to her respectfully multiple times, and she will not listen” “We understand and agree with your actions. Just not sure if she will listen this time either” mom say “We will see. If it continues, I will need to contact her Alpha dad” I say “No problem, Thane. Now let’s go check on Anna” Alpha Derrick’s POV We all entered the hospital waiting area and I linked Robert to let him know we were there. He and Tara come in. I have already contacted Dr Lewis to cover for Robert today, and he agreed. He is the previous head doctor who has retired but will step in as necessary. I gave him the rundown on who Anna is and that she is to be priority and protected. We have also assigned guards to her room. Robert and Tara take a seat “The surgery's went well, but she has a long road to recovery, and that is just her medical status. We have her in an induced coma for now and plan to keep her that way for at least a week. This will allow her body to heal and her wolf to get stronger, eventually helping with her healing. We put the feeding tube down her throat and into her stomach to provide her nutrition. She will not be able to eat for a while. When we wake her up we will see how she does with liquids and go from there. Her vocal cords were severely damaged, and we are not sure if she will be able to speak again. We will have to wait until the swelling goes down to reassess. If it is operable she will need therapy to help her talk again. She has a chest tube in her left lung. It seems when they beat her it cracked her a rib and the rib punctured her lung. The chest tube is pulling the blood and fluid from her lung, so it will reinflate. Once the lung has healed and is working, it will be removed. The bruising will take time to heal, but once her wolf is stronger, that should be accelerated. The puncture marks on her neck did not hit anything major, so they will also heal. The rape hit came back positive for three different DNA samples, but there was another DNA sample on her skin but was not within the cavity. So she was raped by three guys but sexually assaulted by four. Her breasts have bruising and bite marks on them and there was saliva from the fourth person on them. There was both vaginal and rectal tearing. The vaginal tearing was repaired and there seems to be no damage to her uterus so she can still have children if she wants. The rectal tearing was more extensive, and we had to give her a colostomy, which is a special bag for her excrement to go into while her rectum heals. This surgery can be reversed once she is all healed. The beating to her abdomen resulted in damage to her spleen and liver. They were both lacerated. The liver will heal with time, and we will monitor her blood levels to ensure that no other damage is caused by it. Her spleen was damaged, and we had to remove a part of it. She can live a long happy life with a part of her spleen. Her busted orbital socket did not require repair and will heal in time, but we will have to see if her eye site was affected. All her injuries will just take time to heal. I have her on antibiotics to prevent any infection, along with pain medicine, IV fluids for hydration and the nutrition supplements in the tube. Like I said earlier, I will remove her from the coma next week. Now in regard to her mental state. We need a therapist here as soon as we wake her up. Whether she can talk or is even willing to, we must have someone here right away” By the time he is done, we are all crying. That includes him and Tara. I reach my hand out to him for support, and he grabs it. Opal and Tara are rubbing our backs “Derrick, no one should ever go through in a lifetime what she has gone through in one day. Let alone the six years of abuse. I have never seen anything like this before and to know she is David’s baby makes this so much harder. Whatever help you need to take down that pack, you count us in” Robert says with hurt and rage in his voice “You got it, brother. We will avenge both Anna and David. I need a full report with pictures and test results to give to the council” I reply “Robert, can we take turns staying with her? Derrick already has guards stationed for her protection, but we really would like to stay with her” my mom says “I have no problem with that, Mama Leah, but starting tomorrow. You all need sleep and food today. Starting tomorrow, one person can stay with her, and I am okay with you guys rotating out. I don’t want any more than three people in her room at one time” Robert replies “That’s fair”, Opal replies before anyone can contest We all sit for a bit longer, just drawing support from each other. We then all go home to rest. I schedule a meeting for the morning with my Beta Bastian and my Gamma Ronald.
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