Chapter 9: The Leader

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With great effort, Ajex pried Bob’s fingers from his shirt, gazing at his wide, unblinking eyes with a somber whisper,“If we make it back alive, I promise to take care of your family…”   But could they survive the journey back? Ajex stood up, his heart hollow, devoid of confidence.   Chris reached out, closing Bob’s staring eyes, and after a moment of silence, he said,“Three have died now.”   They had started as forty-three. Now, with Frank, the unnamed thin man, and Bob gone, they were down to forty.   James wiped the blood from his face, the goblin’s tail having left its mark, painful but not serious. Approaching the goblin’s corpse, he kicked it, saying,“Damn beast, it wasn’t afraid of us at all,” as he pulled out a knife embedded in the creature.   A short-haired youth spoke up,“Who knew such monsters existed here? Should we keep going? What if we encounter more? Should we go back and warn the others?”   His words betrayed his fear.   Several agreed, but Chris frowned,“Going back is pointless. Without food or water, how long could we last? We might as well wait for death together.”   Ajex nodded,“We have a slim chance if we fight. If we flee because of these goblins, we’re doomed.”   Ethan, known for his timidity, waved his knife,“Ajex is right. We have no choice but to fight.”   Henry teased,“Ethan, when did you become so brave?”   Ethan’s face reddened,“Bravery doesn’t matter. We have no choice.”   Fiona agreed,“Exactly. Regardless of what dangers lie ahead, we must press on. If we run at the first sign of danger, we’re as good as dead.”   The group rallied, and the short-haired youth, now flushed, added,“I wasn’t afraid. I just wondered if we should inform the others. But let’s stick to the plan.”   Henry chuckled, clapping him on the shoulder,“Well said, brother. What’s your name?”   “I’m Nickel,” the youth replied.   Henry introduced everyone, wrapping an arm around Nickel, who frowned at the sudden familiarity.   Ignoring Henry’s antics, Ajex looked at the bodies,“Remember the notice at the station? It said we need a‘Goblin’s Horn’ for the next leg of the journey.”   Eyes turned to the goblin’s horn.   James exclaimed,“Let’s take it!”   Chris shook his head,“No time. Let’s scout ahead. What do you think, Ajex?”   Ajex nodded,“The goblin’s flesh might be edible.”   The group, hungry and surprised, cheered at the prospect of food.   “But for hundreds of us, one goblin isn’t enough,” Fiona pointed out, dampening spirits.   Ajex sighed, looking at Bob’s body, then turned away,“Let’s leave these here and stick to the plan. We’ll discuss it when we return.”   Fiona nodded, following Ajex, with Ethan, James, and Chris close behind.   The forty-strong group departed, their eyes scanning the direction of the distant station, hoping for a plume of smoke. According to their agreement, any team that made a discovery could return to the station, signal with smoke, and inform the others. If they saw smoke, they could head back.   Unfortunately, the station remained hidden, its chimney silent.   Having already mapped the route, they moved swiftly. Soon, they reached the spot where Ajex had marked, then pressed on toward the thicket and the row of trees.   In the thicket, they selected long branches, while Chris directed others to collect vines clinging to nearby trees. They wove the vines into sturdy ropes, ready for emergencies—just in case someone fell into the treacherous mud pit.   “James, you’ve done well with these vines,” Chris said, adjusting his glasses after the task was complete.   James, strong and reliable, had been assigned the vine duty.   James hesitated; the bundle was heavy. He grumbled,“Chris, why don’t you carry it yourself?”   Annoyed at Chris’s casual orders, James wondered why he was treated like a subordinate. Weren’t they all equals?   Ajex, busy cutting a thick branch, overheard James’s complaint. To prevent an argument, he stepped in, hoisting the vines,“Let’s take turns. I’ll carry it first.”   James felt embarrassed. Ajex’s strength was evident, and he didn’t want to argue.“I was just joking. My strength can handle it better than yours.”   Suddenly, another figure appeared, snatching the vines from Ajex.“Enough bickering. I may not be as quick as you youngsters, and I might not handle goblins well, but carrying things? That’s my specialty.”   Ajex and the others stared at the middle-aged man who had joined them. His face was weathered, wrinkles etched deep, and he wore a plain flat cap. His hands, rough and calloused, spoke of hard labor—a farmer’s hands.   He grinned, lifting the heavy vines.“Call me Panda.”   “Thank you, Panda,” Chris said.“I’m Chris. How should we address you?”   Chris had a knack for winning people over, always polite and considerate. Occasionally, he acted self-centered, but he knew how to lead.   Panda chuckled, revealing his name—a rustic moniker that fit him perfectly.   “Remember, if you can’t manage, call me,” Ajex told Panda. He sensed that this unassuming man was dependable.   Panda laughed heartily.“I’m used to heavier sacks. This little thing won’t defeat me.”   Chris nodded. The group had also fashioned slender sticks from tree branches.“We’re good now.”   Though not the official leader, Chris’s talkative nature and sensible ideas had naturally made him the de facto commander. Some people loved giving orders, while others preferred following them.   As Chris glanced around, Fiona rolled her eyes. She suspected Chris wasn’t as capable as he seemed. His glasses and mild demeanor masked his true abilities. But somehow, he’d become their informal leader. When he spoke, many paused to listen.   Chris reveled in the attention, his face assuming a serious expression.“We have enough sticks. Let’s choose a few leaders to scout ahead. Each scout will have at least two protectors to guard against sudden goblin attacks.”   Initially, some hesitated to volunteer as scouts, fearing the danger. But knowing they’d have protection eased their minds.
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