Fighting for Tammy

2164 Words

Hanna and Larson are sitting eating in their kitchen. They look happy as they know they can intimidate Rose to give Tammy to them. There is more than one reason they want Tammy. First, they want to punish Rose for leaving overnight and taking Tammy with her. Second, they need Hanna's parents' money for Tammy's education. Hanna's parents had life cover, and the two of them had already stolen Rose's as Rose did not know about it and the will. The only ones who knew about it were Hanna, Larson and their attorney. The lawyer is a friend of theirs, and he helped them get Rose's money in a non-legal way. He took a chance as the money was paid into his account and was supposed to be used for Rose's education. Now they want to do the same with Tammy's money and save themself from bankruptcy that w

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