Problems and solutions

2275 Words

Dante wants to take Jennie to work. Jennie is used to being independent, and she does not like Dante taking over her life, but she loves him, and she knows he is overprotective of the ones he loves. Jennie looks at Dante with a sigh. Dante frowns as he hears the sigh. What did he do wrong? Why is Jennie looking at him like he did something wrong? Dante can see that Jennie is irritated, and he does not understand. He knows his mother gets annoyed with his father a lot when he gets too bossy or too jealous. It is in their blood. The Casella men can not help wanting to protect what is theirs. They are warm-blooded men and jealous of their women. "You want to go to work by yourself?" Dante asks. "Yes, I love you, Dante, but you do not have to always look out for me. I have been alone for e

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