Ghosts, Girls, & Other Phantasms

209 Words
Ghosts, Girls, & Other Phantasms by Stephen Goldin Published by Parsina Press Copyright Notices Ghosts, Girls, & Other Phantasms. Copyright 2011 by Stephen Goldin. All Rights Reserved. “Sweet Dreams, Melissa” Copyright 1968, 1996 by Stephen Goldin. All Rights Reserved. “The Girls on USSF 193” Copyright 1965, 1993 by Stephen Goldin. All Rights Reserved. “Nice Place to Visit” Copyright 1973 by Mankind Publishing Company. All Rights Reserved. “When There’s No Man Around” Copyright 1977 by Davis Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved. “Xenophobe” Copyright 1975 by Mankind Publishing Company. All Rights Reserved. “Grim Fairy Tale” Copyright 1972 by Knight Publishing Corporation. All Rights Reserved. “Of Love, Free Will And Gray Squirrels On A Summer Evening” Copyright 1974 by Mankind Publishing Company. All Rights Reserved. “Stubborn” Copyright 1972 by David Gerrold. All Rights Reserved. “But As A Soldier, For His Country” Copyright 1974 by Terry Carr. All Rights Reserved. “The World Where Wishes Worked” Copyright 1971, 1999 by Stephen Goldin. All Rights Reserved. “Apollyon Ex Machina” Copyright 1980 by Stephen Goldin. All Rights Reserved. “Prelude To A Symphony Of Unborn Shouts” Copyright 1975 by Roger Elwood. All Rights Reserved. “Portrait of the Artist as a Young God” Copyright 1977 by David Gerrold. All Rights Reserved. “The Last Ghost” Copyright 1971, 1999 by Stephen Goldin. All Rights Reserved. “Haunted Houses” Copyright 1991 by Stephen Goldin. All Rights Reserved Cover image Copyright Cristian Nitu.
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