What do you need me to do?

1035 Words

Mike drove over to John's house and rang the doorbell when the security let him in. He felt relieved that John was at home but his hope was dashed into pieces when John came out of his house in a hurry, claiming he needed to go somewhere important. When John saw Mike, he recalled what Beth had told him. She had said that Mike was the one Ella truly loved but she didn't chose him because his income was measly as opposed to his'. He wondered what Ella saw in Mike since he was a handsomer man. He angrily pushed Mike out of the way as he began walking to his car and said, "make an appointment next time officer, because as you can see, I am a very busy man and I have important things to attend to." Mike began to feel his anger rise. John did not even deserve a minute of his time because he in

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