
1311 Words
I had never experienced c*********s before. It was a whole new experience for me and I surprisingly found it extremely pleasurable. Melvin sucked my button like a pro, it made me wonder how many girls he had been with. I wouldn't be surprised if they numbered in thousands, considering his lifestyle. I held on to his shoulders as he slid his fingers into my p***y. The feeling of his fingers thrusting into me and his mouth sucking me at the same time felt so wonderful, making me feel like I was about to explode. I screamed excitedly when a large amount of liquid was finally ejected from my p***y. I didn't know it was possible for me to experience this level of excitement. It was the first time I realized what squirting felt like. I never had it with John but this stranger who had disgusted me with his actions gave it to me. I had to admit though that Melvin made me feel good sexually. Under different circumstances, I may have considered him, but the guy was obviously a criminal, an insane one at that. I definitely needed to get away from him, no matter what it took. I stared at him, my eyes blinking and my body weak from intense pleasure. He finally entered me with his d**k and as he pounded me hard, I knew for a fact that I would never be the same again. When Melvin found his release, he kissed me lovingly before lying by my side. After a while, he stood up and walked out of the room without putting on any clothes and I couldn't help but wonder what he was up to. He came back soon enough with a glass of water and a pill in his hand. Putting the pill in my mouth, he said, "swallow it, I do not want any brat to impede our pleasures." After I drank the water, he caressed my face and said, "You are so beautiful Ella. I love you so much." I stared at him for a while before realizing that this was my chance. I decided to make small talk with him first. "You know almost everything about me, yet I know nothing about you. As your woman, I would like to know more about you." He kept silent for a while and I thought he wasn't going to reply, but then he said, "My name is Melvin Grant", but only the people closest to me know that." "So what name does the rest of the world know you by?" I asked. " It doesn't matter," was his reply. "For years my family have been the leaders of the White Dragon Mafia gang. It was recently passed on to me by my father. This means that every other gang has to show respect to the White Dragon gang if they want to continue existing. If I want, I can snuff out the life of anyone with just a snap of my fingers." I now understood why he had the tattoo of a dragon on his body. His background made me realize how dangerous he was. This fueled my determination to get away from him as soon as possible. I smiled and said, "I would love to cook for us. It's something I enjoy doing." As I spoke, I rubbed my fingers on his chest. He smiled and said "Okay, let me get you another shirt, then I'll show you to the kitchen." "Alright ," I said, giving him a kiss on his cheeks. He picked up his clothes from the floor and put them on. As he stood in front of me while dressing, I couldn't help but stare at his huge d**k. It was quite amazing. The moment he left the room, I stood up. I wanted to follow him and find out which of the rooms was his but I was too afraid. If he caught me, I would be done for. I sat back on the bed and waited for him. Soon enough, he came back with one of his shirts and helped me put it on. After that, he took me to the kitchen and showed me where I could find all the ingredients I would need. He said he was going to take a nap in his room and would be back in thirty minutes' time. As he left, I summoned up courage and followed him. When I saw him about to enter one of the rooms, I called out his name. Surprised, he turned and looked at me. I smiled innocently and said, "I wanted to ask you if I should bring the food to your room, in the event that you spend more than thirty minutes sleeping." He regarded me for a while before saying, "there would be no need for that. I am a light sleeper and I always keep to time." "Okay then, I quickly said. Enjoy your sleep." I walked back to the kitchen with my heart thumping loudly just as I heard him enter his room and shut the door. That was very close, I told myself. Now I knew where his room was. All I had to do was find a way and search for it in his absence. I was confident that I would find something in his room that carried the address of this house. I started cooking the food and, fortunately for me, I saw a pack of frozen chicken that was delivered two days ago. The house address was boldly written on it and I immediately committed it to memory. True to his words, Melvin came out about thirty minutes later. I quickly rounded up and served the food. I had made fried chicken and pasta since I noticed there was a pasta sauce in the fridge. We both ate in the kitchen and he seemed to enjoy the food a lot. After eating, he surprisingly took the plates and washed them. Looking at me lovingly, he said "thank you for lunch, it was delicious." I was surprised that someone like him had such manners. He said he wanted to have a meeting with his gang members outside and it would take a long time, so he asked me to go back into my room and wait for him. I said "okay" and started walking back to my room. When I turned back, I noticed he had opened the front door and gone outside. I quietly tiptoed to the door and opened it a little. I saw him surrounded by his gang members while addressing them. I observed them for a while and noticed that they were so engrossed in their meeting. I really wanted to open the door and run out but I knew I would never make it past them. So I closed the door and decided to search Melvin's room. If I could just find a phone, I would be able to call for help. I slowly opened the door to Melvin's room and entered inside. It was beautifully furnished, as opposed to the room I was given. I immediately started rummaging through his things. I noticed a phone in one of his drawers and immediately took it out. I silently praised myself for knowing mike's number by heart. I dialled it and he immediately picked it up. Without wasting any time, I said "Please help me Mike, I am being held captive at 15 Willow Groove." "Ella , calm down. Do you have any idea about who your kidnapper is?" As I opened my mouth to answer Mike's question, I felt someone tapping my back. Frightened, I immediately turned and in front of me stood Melvin. I screamed and dropped the phone in the process, while Melvin just stared at me with his arms folded and a sly smile plastered on his face.
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