18 - To Kill a Killer

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Peterman’s expression changed and he looked worried. “The Ghost of Greece is a myth. He isn’t real. That is just stories hitmen tell each other to build up the profession… he is…”  “No, no, no…he is real. I know it because he is my half-brother Kristos.” Rayne looked to the door. How did Jaxx know this? Rayne was the only one that knew who Kristos Aleksander Drakos really was in the contract killing world. Rayne shifted forward wanting to take off towards the door and find if Kris was truly there. Peterman clicked his gun in warning and she held still. Suddenly, without warning, the sound of the door clicking open caused Jaxx to discharge his weapon several times. As the door swung open it was empty.  No one there, Nothing. In that moment, Jaxx turned to say something to Peterman without being able to have a word escape his lips. Jaxx’s body was falling to the ground with a pool of blood near the wound in the back of his skull seeping quickly onto the floor. Peterman shuddered and reached for Rayne, holding his gun firmly to her head.  Rayne was beyond pissed. If this were the end, she wouldn’t let this slime ball win without a fight. Watching the door with Peterman, Rayne waited for the man she knew better than most, to arrive. Still Nothing. Still No one. Peterman whispered in her ear.  “You won’t live through this but I will. And I will be sure tell your kids you screamed for them before you died. And then I am going to kill them.”  Rayne wriggled lightly and tried to break free but the gun at her head deterred too much determination. She was caught and wanted to help but waited knowing what Kristos was capable of. Hoping to God he was really there, Rayne let out a whistle of two quick tones. The response was quick and the same in return. Kristos was there. Rayne knew it was going to be just fine.  “It would be best for all involved if you let Rayne walk out now. We can settle this man on man. But I assure you only one of us men will walk out of here alive and it will be me. Up to you Peterman.” His voice seemed to echo throughout the room, seemingly coming from everywhere.  “f**k you washed up Ghost of Greece. You are just words in a story. If you were real, your prime is likely long since passed. How about I take her now and you can watch her lifeless form fall to the ground before your eyes.”  “Let the eagle land where it may. In three.” Kristos said loudly. Rayne knew what that meant. She counted to three and quickly stomped down on Peterman’s toes towards the front to cause the most pain possible before flinging forward past the barrel of the gun, he held to her head. The gun went off and she heard it fly past her head into the wall on far left. There were two more nearly silent puff sounds in the air and Rayne stood there as Peterman’s body fell behind her with a loud thud. Turning to look, Rayne watched the shocked face of Peterman with a single hole in the center of his forehead bleed out. Kristos rushing inside the door, he ran straight to Rayne. The embrace was one of love and thankfulness. Hugging her so hard she couldn’t breathe. After several kisses on her cheeks and forehead, Kris inhaled her deeply just to ensure the instance was real.  As Kris started to release her to the ground, it happened. Kristos wasn’t on guard, thinking it was over.  He had taken out Peterman and gained the woman he sought out in his arms to ensure her safety.  In almost slow motion, there was a man in the doorway pointing a gun at the back of Kristos’ head. He had obviously broken out of the room down the hall and taken out the hired gun. Brandon saw Jaxx laying in a pool of his own blood and let out a wail. Rayne had always guessed Brandon had a thing for Jaxx in more than a friendship way.  Knowing that Brandon would want to kill the murderer of his partner Jaxx, Rayne shoved Kris as hard has possible to the left of her. With instincts of killer, she grabbed the gun from Kris’ hand as he hit the ground hard. She pointed and shot three times with the precision of a marksman. Between her Krav Maga classes and the marksman training Kris had put her through, she was a damn good shot. The sound of the shot was like a light puff in the air thanks to the silencer. The way it cracked Brandon’s skull in repetition was sickening. She watched his eyes seem to light on fire, as brains exploded inside his head from the three rounds in the same spot.    When Dimitri and Darius entered the room the sight was not what they expected. There Rayne stood in the middle of many lying dead around her and Kristos on the floor looking shocked. Brandon hit the floor just as they walked into the room. His brains oozed out of every available orifice in his head.  There were bodies on the floor bleeding around her and she was the one holding a gun.  Kris stood and took the gun from Rayne who looked at him with confusion before looking down to see the blood soaking her tank top on the right side of her abdomen.  She fell to the floor as her eyes closed and the last words, she heard was her name being bellowed over and over.  Peterman was dead and her babies were safe forever. This was her last thought falling to the ground. 
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