" Just live your life"

1281 Words
 Angelina Knight:   “I can't tell you. I can't tell you, Angel. You can hate me as much as you want, but I won't tell you because I can't see tears in your eyes. I will bear your hatred, but I won't let you hurt yourself after knowing the truth.” My dad replied with tears in his eyes as he looked at mom.   “Sorry, my little witch, but I can't. My angel just woke up and I have been waiting for months to hear your voice, look into your eyes and hear you calling me dad. You can hate me for it, but I won't tell you anything and I won't let anyone tell you either.” My dad said and I reached for him, hugging him tightly. Dad wrapped his arms around me and sobbed with me.   “I missed you, my angel. I have missed you and love you very much, my daughter, but please trust me, trust your dad because what I am doing and whatever I do in the future is for your own good.” My dad said, pulling back a bit and cupping my face in his hands.   “I know, dad. I believe you, that's why I won't ask you and how can you ever think I would ever hate you? I could and will never hate you. Never ever. I can hate my mate for once in my life, but I can't hate you and my family. You guys are my everything and I may not remember anything regarding the past months when I was in a deep sleep, but what I do remember and always will remember is that in my life we Knights stick together.” I replied, kissing my dad's cheeks and smiling at him.    “I love you, dad.” I said, making him smile.   “I love you more, angel.” Dad replied and kissed my forehead, then smiled as he passed me to my mom who was impatiently waiting to hug me.   “My spoiled princess is back. You will hear me say this once and only once, that you can go and cause trouble for a few days if you want and I won’t mind one bit, but remember you are hearing me say this only once.” My mom said, making me laugh.   “Why? Did you miss my trouble? Please tell me you love my trouble deep down in your heart, just accept it.” I replied with a wicked grin.   “Oh, now you are taking advantage, Angelina Lillian Knight. Enjoy the next few days as much as you want because I am going to announce you as the new Queen for a few magical dimensions or maybe all of them.” My mom said, making me confused.   “But why some dimensions? Why not all of them? You know how long I have been waiting to rule the Kingdom like you.” I asked, confused.   “And I know my daughter will make me proud by ruling it better than me, but right now I just want my daughter to live her life. I want you to be carefree and leave me to handle everything until you are ready to.” My mom replied, cupping my face in her hands and kissing my forehead.   “My beautiful daughter, mommy loves you so much. Now you are never leaving your mother again, I will make sure of it.” My mom said, making me roll my eyes.   “Love you too, mom.” I replied, and heard my twin call me.   “What about your twin troublemaker?” Zediab asked and I pulled back from my mom, running straight to him and wrapping my arms around his waist, hugging him tightly.   “It's my fault. It's all my fault, I wasn't able to protect my twin.” Zediab said, crying slightly.   “Zediab Knight!” My mom and dad said at the same time and shook their heads, glaring at him.   “What happened? Now you have made me curious by saying that and I want to know the whole truth. What do you mean by you weren't able to protect me? At least tell me what happened to me? You are my twin, so don't you dare try to hide anything from me adn where is Victoria?” I asked, wanting to know what he was blaming himself for.   “You remember Victoria? How much do you remember?” Zed asked, both confused and scared at the same time.   “I just remember her from the club when you saw her for the first time and fighting with the vampires. After that, I don't remember anything. Did anything happen that night?” I asked.   “Ummm....yeah. One of the vampires bit you and your weak pulse made your condition critical so in order to save you mom put a spell on you and sent you into a deep sleep to heal you and your wolf. I tried to save my mate that night instead of you. I should have protected my twin too.” Zed replied, not telling me the whole truth.   “I know you are lying, Zed. I am not that weak, that any weak vampire can make my condition critical. Don't you know I can feel every emotion you feel inside of you? So, don't lie to me again.” I said, feeling myself getting frustrated.   “Angelina, you are awake?” I heard a feminine voice say and turned around to see Victoria, my brother's mate who was standing with two babies in her arms and making my eyes go wide in shock. I looked at Victoria, the babies and then at Zediab with tears in my eyes.   “How much have I missed, Zed?” I asked my twin and then looked at my parents.    “WHAT HAPPENED TO ME?” I shouted, wanting answers.   “Sister, you’re awake? I missed you, Angie. I missed you so much.” Christopher said and came running inside the room with tears in his eyes and threw his arms around me, sobbing.   “Missed you too, little bro.” I replied and kissed his cheek. When I kissed his cheek I saw a vision of Christopher's wolf dying.   “Chris, where is your wolf? What happened to your wolf?” I asked because I don't know why but I feel so many strange things.   “Nothing happened to my wolf, sister.” Christopher replied and looked behind me at Zediab who was glaring at him.   “ZED, STAY OUT OF IT!!!!” I screamed, breaking the ceiling of my room and began to fly out of it, when mom got in the air in front of me.   “Angelina! Where are you going?” My mom asked.   “To find the answers that you guys won't tell me.” I snapped at her because I feel like the biggest part of my life has been ripped out of me    “You want trouble, mom? I will bring it on.” I said and  then looked at dad, communicating with dad's wolf through the mind link when dad blocked the link    “Dad, please tell me. I beg you, please tell me what happened to me and why do I feel like I have lost a big part of me? I have you, mom, Zediab, Christopher, Victoria, and new additions over here.” I said and pointed at the babies in her arms    “EVERYONE IS SAFE, THEN WHY DO I FEEL LIKE I HAVE LOST SOMEONE?!!” I yelled and vanished from my room to my secret spot.
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