chapter 2

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daddy natoy:Sir, will Lloyd agree to that, I'm also thinking about Chandria daddy andrew:loyd can't do anything he obey, well i know yeah it's normal to think about chandria because she's a girl but you know loyd right he can't do what you're thinking, I know what you're thinking, so I hope you trust that he won't loyd can do that to chandria , ok natoy daddy natoy: ok sir, I trust you and my family, so I'm sorry daddy andrew:its ok natoy i understand daddy natoy: thank you sir, okay, I'm going to rest sir daddy andrew: wait there's 1 more thing daddy natoy:what 1 more thing sir ? daddy andrew: tell your daughter now you tell now because tomorrow we will take them there ok? *Natoy couldn't speak but he just answered ok sir* daddy natoy:Ok sir daddy andrew:ok goodnight daddy natoy:goodnight sir *natoy go inside their room and saw his daughter still awake, so he talked to her* daddy natoy: Chandria you are still awake at night go to sleep chandria: I'm not sleepy dad yet daddy natoy:yeah thats why you still wake up and why your not tired ?with the have of more work you and your mommy do, you are still not tired? chandria? chandria:I don't know dad daddy natoy: are you thinking about something, what are you thinking about? chandria:nothing dad I will I'll try to sleep, you too dad, go sleep too *Natoy was about to answer but he remembered that his boss told him to tell Chandria now what his boss told him, he thinking if he to tell or not* daddy natoy:chandria chandria:dad daddy natoy:I have something to tell you chandria:and what about dad daddy natoy:because sir andrew said something to me just now he said i should tell you about you and loyd chandria:ok dad and? daddy natoy:and chandria:and what dad daddy natoy:and ah and and you will be together in Lloyd's house tomorrow sir andrew will take you two to the house that will be the two of you *Chandria was quiet when her father said that she was shocked that she thought it was just an arranged marriage, but Lloyd's father still has a plan for them.* chandria:What do you mean, dad, Lloyd and I will live together in the same house without family daddy natoy:yes chandria:why why did you think that with sir andrew, loyd won't allow that to happen daddy natoy:sir andrew ,chandria planned this, sir andrew just told me the plan and told me to tell you, I said that I know Lloyd won't agree to that because you know Lloyd, right? chandria:yes I know lloyd cant agree the plan cant agree for that daddy natoy:yeah chandria: I think sir andrew is in trouble with his plan, because lloyd will not agree daddy natoy:yeah maybe *chandria thought but her daddy invited her to sleep and her daddy told her not to think anymore so they went to sleep* *it's morning* mommy leah:chandria chandria:yes mam mommy leah:are you doing something? chandria:I don't have doing things mam the true is I just woke up now why mam? mommy leah:You haven't had breakfast yet, have breakfast first chandria:ok mam? *chandria cooked in the kitchen and leah followed her and talked to her* mommy leah: Chandria can we talk chandria:yes mam what about mam mommy leah:Do you already know about sir andrew's plan with you and loyd (she said weakly) *Chandria couldn't answer Leah's question* *leah ask again* mommy leah:chandria do you know? chandria:am yes mam my dad told me that ,in yesterday night mommy leah:ah ok thats good *so Leah turned her back but she told Chandria to have breakfast and she was going to wake Loyd up, but Leah was about to start walking and Loyd was in front of her and Leah was shocked* mommy leah:oh loyd you shocked me you wake up? loyd:yeah so have breakfast now mommy leah:yes chandria cook loyd:good excuse *Lloyd took water and left in front of Chandria and Leah after taking water* *and Leah left in front of Chandria and Chandria continued cooking, later Chandria also ate because Leah and Lloyd were eating and Andrew just woke up too* daddy andrew:good morning(leah kiss) mommy leah:good morning loyd:eat breakfast dad daddy andrew:ok thank you, so loyd *Lloyd looked at his dad because he called him* *and loyd answer* loyd:what daddy andrew:did you know loyd:what I know daddy andrew:your mom not tell to you ,leah your not tell to loyd mommy leah:am I didnt daddy andrew:why I suggest to you to tell I said to you tell loyd about plan mommy leah:sorry loyd:plan plan again mommy leah:yes loyd plan again daddy andrew: ok i will say it mommy leah:ok *loyd was silent as he listened to his dad what was his dad's plan* daddy andrew: so heres my plan loyd i want you and chandria to live in the same house without us even chandria's parents are not together you understand *loyd was silent and looked at his mommy who was silent* daddy andrew:do you understand loyd *loyd answer* loyd:yes daddy andrew:thats good let's continue to eat breakfast *and loyd answer again* loyd:I can't do anything, you are my parents, so I will follow what you want even if I know it's wrong daddy andrew:Loyd, how can you tell us that our plan was wrong? Do we have a plan in our lives with your mommy that failed, tell me when did your mommy and I make a mistake? loyd: I don't know, all I know is that you are forcing me to do something I don't want and for me that is very wrong, it is wrong that as a parent you force your child to do that thing even if your child doesn't want it, what else people will say that I arranged merraige with our maid, dad, it's embarrassing if you don't have any shame, I have shame in life daddy andrew:that's what you say, it's a shame what people say to you, you know loyd, how will that lift you up in life if you watch what people say to you in every move you make in life, your reason is very wrong, instead of lifting yourself up, you will also fall down in your personality, because you know you didn't inherit from your mommy, you only think about yourself ? loyd:(angry) *Loyd didn't say a word but he just left and left his food on the table. His mommy tried to call him but his dad stopped his mom* mommy leah: Loyd Loyd come back here daddy andrew: don't call him leah that's how he is, so if I'm with you Leah, don't babysit our son because he's growing up like that, he think we're fed up, but I'm the only one feeding to both of you, and he said it's a shame he has that wow *Leah just sit down and continued eating and didn't speak* *Loyd's parents finished eating and they took care of him themselves and they called Chandria's family* mommy mary:sir and mam you called us daddy andrew:yes mary mommy mary:why sir daddy andrew:your husband not tell to you what I said to him , natoy you don't said to your wife daddy natoy:no sir I said only to chandria daddy andrew:oh ok , just take your sit I will say about another plan and the plan is now will do mommy mary:what do you mean sir another plan mommy leah: Listen Mary to find out mommy mary:ok mam *Loyd's daddy has already tell, he explained his new plan, which is to bring Chandria and Loyd together in the same house* daddy andrew:Mary, I want Lloyd and Chandria to live together in the same house even if they are not married yet, do you agree Mary? *Mary looked at her husband and Leah* *sir Andrew ask again because Mary not answer* daddy andrew:mary do you agree? mommy mary:y-yes yes sir I -I agree daddy andrew:thats good?so chandria are you agree too? *chandria couldn't answer either, but later she was about to answer but loyd came down from his room* *so everyone's attention went to Lloyd* loyd:oh so whats going on here you are all complete daddy andrew:oh common loyd,why are you here loyd:it's just you guys talking,can we join I want join mommy leah:loyd please daddy andrew:its Ok leah so loyd are you prepared now because chandria I know she already prepared how about you? loyd: Wow, that's prepared Chandria, you're even more excited than me, after all, who wouldn't be excited, right? mommy leah:loyd loyd:what I telling that truth right chandria *Chandria was silent and did not answer* daddy andrew:can you please loyd don't involve chandria in your wrong brain and you already dressed we are leaving so chandria and you will take of you two for your own house two loyd:wow unbelievable mommy leah:why loyd:really you go ahead with this plan and you aunt really go ahead with this plan and you aunt mary uncle natoy you agree with my parents' plan think about your daughter aunt mary, uncle natoy you agree with my parents' plan think about your daughter first *natoy answer loyd* daddy natoy:sir loyd, I hope you don't think bad of us why we agree with their plan of mam and sir, we have had full trust in your family and you do the same in us so we are just sir loyd, I hope you don't think bad of us why we agree with their plan mam and sir, we have had full trust in your family and you do the same in us so we are just returning the trust to Your parents and I know that Chandria is in good hands loyd:(angry) *loyd's daddy thanked Natoy and later after they left they went to go chandria and loyd's house* daddy andrew:thank you natoy thank you for the trust? daddy natoy:your welcome sir *they have traveled to Lloyd and Chandria's house* *when they got to the house, they all immediately go inside in that house* daddy andrew:so heres the house? loyd:? chandria:so very beautiful sir daddy andrew:yes chandria thank you mommy leah:so just the two of you stay here Chandria and I hope you and Lloyd can get along loyd:hoping chandria:yes mam I will try my best to get along to sir loyd daddy andrew:thats great chandria chandria:? loyd: so where is the kitchen and two 2 rooms here , where the bathtub daddy andrew:in your room the bathtub is in your room and the room is only 1room loyd and chandria:what(saying at the same time) daddy andrew:oh easy just easy guys loyd:easy dad daddy Andrew:yes loyd: Do you think Chandria and I will be easy in 1 room then what about 1 bed are you ok dad daddy andrew:I'm Ok loyd loyd:wow daddy andrew:super wow ,so you and Chandria can easily start because of the same house and the same room, the same bed, all in the same loyd:are you out of your mind dad daddy andrew:sorry loyd but my mind is ok *Lloyd was quieted by what his dad said* mommy leah: so lets go guys so you can see your room and bath tub and the bed lets go *room* chandria: wow, it's beautiful here, ma'am? mommy leah: yes but by the way chandria dont call me mam call me mommy ok ? daddy andrew:and call me daddy , chandria chandria:ok mommy and daddy mommy leah:thats great chandria ? loyd: so this is serious, this is really going to be Chandria and I life, this is really mom and dad daddy andrew:yes loyd thats you and chandria life now *loyd kept quiet, and now that they have toured their house, their parents will leave them both there* daddy andrew: so loyd you take care of chandria Ok loyd:(fake smile) *Loyd just gave his daddy a thumbs up, and chandria talk her mommy Mary* chandria: Mom, don't worry about me here, I know that Lloyd and I will be okay together mommy mary:Ok chandria i will miss you chandria:I will miss you too mom and dad? daddy natoy:be careful ok chandria:yes dad(smile) daddy natoy:ok *Their parents Loyd and Chandria have said goodbye to them*
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