2001 Words

Finally everything they had bought was packed up in neat parcels. When Charles paid for it in cash, Vanda looked the other way as she did not want to be embarrassed by thinking how grateful she must now be to the Earl. Worse still how humiliated she would be if she was exposed. It was getting on for six o’clock when they drove back to Park Lane. Charles threw himself back in the Hackney carriage saying, “If you are not exhausted, I am! I am so sorry for women that they have to endure all that dressing up.” “If you were a woman you would find it very stimulating,” Vanda countered. “I still cannot decide if I am on my head or my heels or flying in the sky on a cloud!” “You are going to have to work hard for everything you now possess,” Charles warned her. “Do not forget for a moment th

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