4: Punished

1313 Words
KATHERINE I knew I had messed up the second when I woke up. I was on the cold ground and the place was so cold and I immediately started shivering. What happened before I was knocked out came crashing into my head. I don’t think it ever left. My whole body was aching. Pain racing through my bones. I winced as I sat up, my pounding head not making any of it easier. I had to blink a few times to be sure that my eyes were opened. I was seeing nothing but black, complete and total darkness. Where am I? I started to panic, looking around the place. I can see nothing because of how pitch black it is. Which part of the pack is this? Am I even in the pack? Maybe they killed me and buried me. Just as I had that thought. A scraping sound fills the room, the sound of a heavy door being moved. A streak of light shines through the room, letting me see the concrete wall in front of me. I screamed in fear when I saw the red paint on the walls. It wasn’t pain, but blood. I crawled on my hands and knees, pushing my body backwards. I hit something hard, like a metal. The sound when it goes crashing to the ground scares me even more. My body trembles in fear, terror, making me hyperventilate. Something wet touched my hand. I become too scared to check what it is or move. In the middle of all this, a figure appeared in the doorway. They blocked the streak of light that was letting me see where I was. Even if it was scary and horrendous. I couldn’t see their faces since they were blocking the light, but they were big. Was it even a man or a woman? “My pet.” They growled out. The timbre of the voice, deep and harsh, makes me tremble. And I shook my head in the dark. Heavy footsteps echo in the dark enclosed space. My heart thunders in my chest with every step that they take towards me. Dread settles low in my belly, something dark and heavy wrapping me up like a shroud. My vision starts to glow blurry and my focus fades. Just as I’m about to lose consciousness, a face appears before me. But before I could see who it really was, everything went black. I woke up with a startled gasp. Pain digs into my wrists when I try to sit up. “Wha—“ I couldn’t speak because of how heavy my tongue felt. What happened? I looked around the place, seeing it wasn’t shrouded in darkness like my dream. What did the dream even mean? Usually I could understand one or two things from my dream because it was always related to my reality. That was completely off. There was a man without a face, scary scary-looking. And the dark closed room? I wasn’t in a closed room. I was in my room, on my bed. I tried to move but found out that I couldn’t. I’ve been tied to my bed. And if the sting I feel when I move tells me anything. The ropes are soaked with wolfsbane. I closed my eyes, pain racing through me. “I wish I’d just died.” I whispered brokenly. My eyes sting, but the tears don’t fall. “Already tapping out? I thought you had more backbone.” I almost broke my neck in my attempt to turn and see the person that spoke. I recognised his voice. It was the same person that came to tell me their alpha was looking for him. Maybe he is the beta. He does all the dirty work for the alpha. He pulls the cigarette out of his mouth before blowing the smoke. I start to choke when the harsh smell of tobacco infiltrates my nostrils. The man only chuckles. “Little Cinderella. You tried to leave before the party even got started? You’re supposed to wait till after.” I closed my eyes, wishing the ceiling would fall and end up killing me. I would rather be dead than suffer through whatever they want to do to me. I’ve heard of how ruthless their alpha is. He is the definition of evil and he has no conscience. What have I ever done to deserve him as my mate? “The alpha doesn’t want to see you right now,” he says in a singsong voice. He is so tall that he can’t stand straight in my small attic room. With his head bent, he seems more sinister if that is even possible. “But I like you, so I’ll tell you this,” he stepped closer, “be ready for him when he comes. You’ve disrespected him twice already. There won’t be a third.” He walks out of the room, banging the door closed. I jumped at the loud sound. I huff out a breath through my mouth. Fear of what the alpha might do to me makes me squirm. My wolf is too weak and the wolfsbane that has been entering my body is making her even weaker. I can smell the metallic blood on my skin that has been cut open by the ropes. Healing it is going to be a b***h. I just hope I don’t get an infection. I was forced to stay in that room, with no food and water for a whole day. It felt like ten days before the door finally opened and the large smoker man came in. He untied my hands and legs then commanded me to follow him. I was so weak from the loss of blood and wolfsbane that I could barely move. But he didn’t care. He was watching me expectantly, waiting for me to move and do as he said. When I attempted to get off the bed, the world around me spun and I lost my footing. I fell to the ground the second I got up. He growled in annoyance before dragging me up by the hands. I bit my lip to hide my cry of pain when his rough hold made his fingers dig into my open wound more. Pain almost blinds me. “Oh f**k!” He curses, letting go of me as he stares at his bloodied hands. “The f**k!” He growled, his eyes turning black. His head snapped in my direction, looking sinister as he gave me a furious look. I felt the sting in my cheeks before I could even register what was happening. I’d been kneeling when he hit me, and the force of his slap had me falling back. I hit my head on the floor, my entire body reacting to it. He shouts loudly, making my pounding head feel like it is going to explode. “Pick this trash out. She should be ready in five minutes or the alpha will have your head.” I couldn’t see who he was talking to, but they replied. “What if she puts up a fight?” A voice asks, hesitantly. “Make sure she is ready in five minutes. I don’t care how you get it done, just get it done.” He stalks out. Two legs appear in the line of my hazy vision. One of them exhales a loud breath. “She is who the alpha likes?” “I think so. Heard she tried to run away.” They both snickered at that. “So f*****g stupid.” One said. “She won’t be able to walk when he is done with her.” More laughter. I couldn’t handle it anymore. I closed my eyes and let the darkness take me. I wished it would be the last time I would see light.
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