6:No Deal

1026 Words
KATHERINE I wished the ground would open up and swallow me. Since the universe couldn’t even offer me the option of death. It was the least it could do after all the s**t I have gone through my entire life. While people get lucky charms, I got unlucky and unfortunate ones. Always ending up in the basket containing the rotten eggs. I would take the eggs at this moment. It is a much better alternative to being here with this man. At least then, I wouldn’t have to see the man staring at me like I was the last piece of meat on the plate. My wolf seemed disgruntled. She didn’t feel safe with the man who was supposed to be her mate and that confused her. He was supposed to be our safe space, our peace. I never thought that would happen to me. I’m much too unlucky to even think I would get a mate. Ironic how I got the mate I never expected. And he is the absolute worst human on earth. That should hurt. It did hurt. I just didn’t care enough to want to focus on that. My wolf whimpered in pain. Slinking back into the dark corner of my mind, far from each, when the alpha growls my name out in warning. “When I talk to you, you respond and don’t leave me hanging like a fool.” He grips my hand as he says that. I gritted my teeth so hard I was surprised they didn’t break. What is with these people and messing with my already injured hand? “You said I shouldn’t talk back.” I spit out, since he was waiting for a response. He glares at me, but I see realization dawn on him. His handsome face twists before he sighs and steps back, almost looking disappointed. I felt like I could finally breathe again. I don’t exhale until he puts a lot of distance between us. He turns around, facing the window, much to my relief. “Your room has been prepared upstairs.” He spoke without bothering to look at me. “You’re to come down for breakfast every morning and dinner in the evening. Wear whatever has been picked out for you and be on your best behavior.” Finally, he turns around. “Don’t make the mistake you made the last time. I won’t be very forgiving.” My breath hitches in my throat at his warming. It is very clear in his eyes that he isn’t kidding. He means business. And seeing him standing there, his hands folded behind his back. His stance was powerful and commanding, and I felt myself wanting to submit. I refuse to let myself do that. Even if it would be the best option for me. Alphas have an aura they can release on people and make them do whatever they are told. Alpha command is what it is called. No one can defy the others they give with that, except their mate. I’m not stupid enough to use it on him. But I’m happy I don’t ‘have’ to do anything he says mindlessly. My mind has the ability to fight his authority. But I wouldn't outright tell him no. That is best for my survival. He has shown how merciless he can be, and I would rather not be on his bad side. I think the stars are finally starting to work in my favor. He didn't do anything to me, only told me to come and eat breakfast with him, since it was already time. He sat at the head of the table in the main dining room. I’d expected him to want to eat alone, but he asked me to eat with him. I didn’t mistake the act as something out of the goodness of his heart. He only wanted to make a statement by parading me around. He has made it clear he wasn't going to look at the women in the pack as anything but a warm body for him to sink into. The thought of her mate wanting nothing to do with her makes my wolf cry out in my head. The agony of her cries makes my human body want to give out too. Since being a werewolf means it is a fifty-fifty percent partnership. I feel everything she does, and she feels everything I do. Our emotions aren’t identical though, like many other things that we shared. I wanted nothing to do with this monster alpha, but it seems she has found a connection with his wolf. That has to be the only explanation why she wants to know him so badly. She felt the connection. After breakfast, I was taken to my room. Natasha’s old room. Everything was the same, even the bedsheets. They were the ones I’d brought out the last time I was here. I had no idea how to feel about that. I wanted to ask him about her and how she was coping. I made a promise to her and I intended on keeping it. He was about to leave when I heard myself speak. Yes, it shocked me as much as him when he heard my voice. Hesitant and shaky. “You said I had an option,” I kept my voice low. I didn’t want him to think I was challenging his authority. Alphas hated that. At least something good I’ve learned from how our late alpha treated me. “What did you just say?” I shook my head frantically, hoping I could take it all back. No magical powers appeared and took me from the room and to another place. Even a prison cell would be appreciated. “Don’t make me ask again.” He warns with a stern look. “I—I remember you saying I had a choice in—“ “You lost that part of the deal when you decided to play stupid.” He paused by the doorway, staring at me pointedly. “This is your punishment. So, next time when you try to play smart, you’ll remember this.”
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