11: Intimidate

1045 Words

KATHERINE Natasha managed to get me a single Tylenol, which I took immediately with a glass of water. She’d found it in her purse, but doesn’t remember where she got it from. I didn’t care what it came from. I just looked at the relief it would bring me. It didn’t do much to help. Not that I expected it to. But my brain and body weren’t exactly in the right frame of mind to heal. The natural nutrients I had have been sucked in by the devil, which is Alpha Rowan. Already, healing was hard, but with lack of food and drugs, it was harder and slower than it would have been. Natasha does everything for me which I didn’t expect. I guess she really did change. She would help me take a shower. And when I need to use the restroom, no matter how many times, she helps without complaining. I wan

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