69: Shadows

1093 Words

KATHERINE “Smokerhead?” I asked myself. “Who’s Smokerhead?” Rowan asked. I just laughed it over. It had been a while since I saw him. Maybe it was because it had been a while since I had been in any kind of trouble. Rowan left after a while and I changed into better clothes. Even though I won't be fazed. That would mean that my only source of information was gone and I would have to resort to other means. By the time I got downstairs, Smokehead was waiting for me. Of course, he wasn't happy that he had to take my annoying self anywhere and his facial expression said it all. Well, he actually didn’t have a facial expression but he wasn’t smiling either. We got in the car and that was when I realized I didn’t even know where he was staying. I opened my mouth to ask him if he knew whe

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