Long Live The Devil - Cecily Anne Winters

2272 Words
Long live the Devil Chapter 1 - Sam Sam sighed, when his smartwatch dinged. Again. He knew who called him, and he knew the message would be the same as the last ten-ish times. “Son, it’s time. Stop fooling around and follow my summon. That’s an order.” The click when Lucifer hung up the phone at the end of each message was magically added. A trick his father had learned from watching too many bad B-picture movies. “More like C- or D-ones,” he murmured to no one in particular, spreading his arms wide over the edge of the sofa he sprawled on. Groaning, he leaned back his head and closed his eyes, blocking out the noise of his nightclub as best he could. Usually, it delighted and distracted him, but today it served as a reminder of what he’d lose if he followed his father’s orders. Why? He asked himself the same f*****g question he had asked himself after he had listened to the first message on his voice box. Why now? Or why ever? He groaned again, losing his train of thought when he felt one of his girls drop on her knees in front of him. “Boss, let me help you relax…” Sheila, the dainty looking she-devil he particularly fancied, said from behind him. She had probably organized this little distraction, he mused. Her chosen form for the earthly realm deceptively hid her demon strength, but he knew that her skilled hands unerringly found the perfect spots to knead on his shoulders… usually bringing him to his knees with a few well placed touches in between. But it seemed that tonight, she had decided he needed extra relaxation time. So, when his zipper was opened and his already half-erect p***s carefully freed from its close confinements, he couldn’t help but groan a third time. Why would his father want to destroy all this? And why would he need his son’s help in doing so? Chapter 2 - Lucifer Fuming, Lucifer threw his mobile on the table in front of him, nearly crashing it. He had summoned his wayward son too often already, without Sam even bothering to text back. Never mind following his orders. Agitated, the ruler of the seven hells walked back and forth through the office he had his demons build him during the last remodeling of the castle at the center of his realm. Sulfur whisked from his nostrils, and his left horn itched as it always did when he was angry. “I want this office bigger!” He irritatedly snapped at the demon standing guard at the entrance, when his tail hit the wall again. Obediently - and probably glad to be able to get away from his master before he exploded - he vanished to tell the architects about his demand. Menacingly, Lucifer’s hooves clicked on the polished floor when he stomped towards the table where his wife sat. “This boy is going to be the death of me!” He slapped his hands on its surface so loud, they nearly dented the table top and his wife all but jumped out of her seat. “I told you not to allow him to go to earth, remember?” She squealed accusingly at him. Her squeaky voice gave him an instant headache, and he couldn’t even remember why he had chosen her as the mother of his heir. The one destined to overthrow earth and finally make him, Lucifer, more important than that lazy old fart up there who called himself God. His tail shot forward, and its tip slung around her throat. “Remind me why I chose you as my queen, you b***h!” He roared at her. She tried to recoil in fear, but he wouldn’t have it. Instead, he squeezed her pretty little throat until she gasped, and the contempt in her eyes was replaced by fear. “Luce…” The hated nickname left her throat while her small hands closed around his tail and tugged, pleadingly. “Please, Luce. P…lease… let me… go.” “Now, why would I do that?” Smirking evilly, he bent closer to her and squeezed harder. “It’s obviously not me who that boy is listening to, so let’s find out to whom he does, shall we?” Coldly, he dragged her out of her seat, cutting her air supply further at the same time. “Please…” she coughed, now tugging desperately at his favorite weapon. “I… swear he won’t…” He didn’t let her finish. Instead, he raised her higher, watching her eyes bulge while he kept her up there. Ah, it was a fantastic feeling, seeing and feeling how she hung suspended in front of him, completely helpless and at his mercy. Clutching at his tail so weakly he hardly felt it. After all, she was nothing but a human w***e, serving a specific purpose in his plans. Stretching his wings, he straightened himself to his full height, looking her straight in the eyes. “It’s been way too long since I had some fun. Wanna try some of my… special tools… to see if Sam can be convinced by his mother’s pleas instead, my queen?” She lost the last bit of color, and redoubled her fruitless efforts to open the vice-like grip his tail had her in… which reminded him… The loud thud, followed by her scream of pain felt great and made him smile broader. She greedily drew in deep breaths, while tears of pain and snot streamed over her once beautiful face. “Oh, we’re going to have so much fun!” Gleefully, he rubbed his hands. Drawing on the uncanny abilities he had gained in centuries of torturing both people and souls, he already had a plan in place. “I can’t wait to show the pictures of our lovey-dovey session in my special chambers to our son. We’ll see how fast he’ll return to do my bidding then.” Chapter 3 - Sam The lovely little melody his phone played showed a message from his mother had come in. He hadn’t heard from her in quite some time, but then, communication between the realms was a bit unstable at times, and he had had a few intense things going on and… Well, he hadn’t been in the mood for another motherly tirade about why he never came to see her and when he’d finally start making grandchildren. His hand whisked through his hair, disheveling what might have remained of his usually stylish hairdo. Silently pondering if he should see what she’d sent, he couldn’t deny a tiny pang of guilt inside. “Family,” Sam all but cursed, “one can’t with or without them!” The opening picture was of his beautiful, fair haired mother, lying stretched at an awkward angle over some weird-looking contraption. Her mouth seemed open in an anguished scream, tears stained her face, while his father grinned into the camera like he was on a field trip. On the next picture, he had gotten a close-up of what Sam assumed to be her hand. The only hint was the glinting band of obsidian his father had given her for a hellish wedding ring though… One finger had been cut off completely, the wound still steaming from cauterizing. All remaining fingers had their nails pulled, and various cuts were visible. A chill crept along Sam’s back, followed by an incredible amount of hate for the one he had called father for the past two hundred and something years. The phone cluttered onto the floor, while his human body couldn’t contain the burst of rage running through him. He literally burst, right along the middle of his body, raining bloody bits and pieces of his human shell through the room. An inhuman roar shook the entire building. Breathlessly, Sheila ran into the room, looking as disheveled and bloodied as him. She had been unable to withstand the surge of power he’d sent out in his fury. “Boss…” wide-eyed, her front also covered in blood and grime, she stared at him. “What’s going on?” With a disgusting sound, his wings finally broke free and he took to the air. Losing no time, he pointed at his phone: “Father uses mother to force me to follow his summons. Call our demons. It’s time to show him that we’re not his servants anymore. We’re going to return to hell tomorrow at midnight.” “But… it’s Halloween tomorrow…” “I know.” His burning gaze bore into her, while his huge, black wings grazed at the walls each time he flapped them. “He wants to start the apocalypse, he can get it. Let’s raise hell in hell.” Chapter 4 - Lucifer “Father!” Lucifer turned towards the faceless mess he had made of his former queen and smiled. “See? I told you he’d listen to you, my love.” Nothing but a gurgling sound answered him. He laughed, taking the few steps back to her side to pet her bloody remains. “Don’t you worry, it won’t be long now. But I can’t let the reapers get to you just yet - he needs to see what his irresponsible actions and his disobedience have done to you. He’s old enough now to not be pampered anymore. After all, he is my son. ” “Father!” He heard his son call again, even angrier than before. “I am here now! Where are you?” Lucifer c****d his head, thinking. Shouldn’t the guards have told Samadriel where he could be found? Weird. Still, his son was right. He had summoned him, it was only fair to greet him now. Especially, as time was running short. The stars were aligned perfectly tonight, and if they timed it right, he would finally be able to travel to earth himself. Ah, how he longed to see and feel the sun on his own, real face! How much fun he could have in corrupting people again, himself… All these years he’d been trapped here by the old fart who had not only thrown him out of heaven, on totally unfair grounds, but also banished him from earth! But soon… he’d finally be able to swap places with his son, thus being able to walk under humans again. Humming and smiling Lucifer walked outside of his personal torture chambers. As soon as he was through the door, slender arms embraced him. “Uncle Lucifer! Oh, it’s so nice to see you again after such a long time!” Looking down, he saw a beautiful she-devil standing there, smiling wide at him. Before he could even say something, she had somehow moved his arms further behind him and slipped something around his wrists. “What did you do?” She stepped back, her smile turning sinister. “Sheila followed my orders, father.” In front of him, Samadriel appeared, looking like a perfect copy of him but even bigger. Lucifer tried to bring his arms forward, but he couldn’t. Even worse, he couldn’t use his wings either… “What have you done? Don’t you know that handcuffs won’t work on me?” He tugged harder, but they didn’t budge. Slowly, it dawned at him that something wasn’t right. “Guards! Unchain me!” His demanding voice had a tinge of desperation to it. “Don’t bother calling your guards.” Sam spat the word out. “They won’t be able to help you. I have never understood why you insist on keeping these pitifully useless demons around, but… I can assure you, father, there’s no use in calling them.” They stared at each other for a long moment. “Unchain me, right this instance! I am your father and the king of this realm! I demand it!” He tugged again, but the cuffs didn’t give an inch. Sam smiled cruelly. “I have learned from the best, father. I don’t do things half-assed. You’ve tortured my mother just to bring me back here… and I wondered what exactly would make you so desperate to see me again. So, I asked a few good people some questions, and what I heard made it look like you planned to switch places with me. You wanted to force me to take your place so you could get back to earth… leaving me a prisoner here.” He stepped closer, toning down his voice to an almost whisper. “I don’t think so, father.” Staring coldly into his father’s eyes, he raised his arm until the claws on his finger glinted dangerously. “Give mother my best,” he whispered, and, using his demonic speed and strength, he clawed his fist into his father’s rib cage. With a squeaking noise, he tore free his heart and threw it above his head. Breathing deep, he sent a searing flame of hellfire directly at it, incinerating it within moments. Wide-eyed and bleeding, the former king of the seven hells stared at his son. A last roar, then he fell to his knees and shuddered. His throat worked, but before any more words could emerge, the fire sprang towards his unyielding form. In mere seconds, it consumed him until nothing but a pile of ash and a pair of golden handcuffs were left. Sheila turned, and bowed deeply. “The Devil is dead. Long live the Devil.” by Cecily Anne Winters F.B.K: Cecily Anne Winters - Author Inkitt: CA Winters The Mer King
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