Chapter 3-Realization

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(Giada) I made my way towards the kitchen, feeling Nico right on my heels as he followed me silently. I tried my hardest not to hiss or show I was in pain, but as soon as my foot twisted wrong and I almost fell, that was when Nico stepped in. He suddenly swooped me up into his arms, causing me to stiffen immediately as I shut my eyes tight, afraid of what he might do to me. The memories from that nightmare playing in the back of my mind as my heart ached just from the thought of it alone. "What are you doing Nico?" I whispered awkwardly, afraid Isabella would see us..she has made my life a living hell these past three months, and if Nico showed me any attention she would make me pay for it somehow. I don't know how life got to this point..Nico seemed to see me as some type of lying and conniving b***h who bullied Isabella all of her life when in fact it was the exact opposite. I tried everything to prove I wasn't like that..I never said one bad word about her..I was never vindictive or cruel..I tried so damn hard to be true to myself..praying that Nico would come to his senses, but he never did. Now we are getting divorced and I will be moving out of the house in three days. I didn't ask for a single thing..I wanted nothing..since my dad moved to Italy two months ago, he offered for me to stay there with him and I haven't told anyone yet, but I planned to do just that. Nico set me down on the counter as I kept my eyes shut. I didn't want to see it..the hatred and the anger..I couldn't take it anymore. "Giada, open your eyes, you are going to fall off the damn counter." He spoke softly, surprising me as I finally opened my eyes and quickly glanced down at the floor. I couldn't bear to see the hatred today, I was ready for this to be over..I was ready to give him what he wanted. "What happened?" He asked, crouching down as he suddenly gripped my foot, making me jump as his touch practically burned my skin. Why was he touching me? "Hey, I am just checking your foot, okay?" He explained and I just stayed quiet. I felt his stare burning into me as I refused to meet his gaze. "Your acting so strange." He muttered under his breath before standing and walking towards the cabinet above the sink. I'm acting strange? Did Nico hit his head or something? Did he not remember how he left me on the floor bleeding after I cut myself on the glass from the coffee table he broke? He didn't seem to care then..or when I was in that hit-and-run accident? He didn't even come to the hospital..everything changed after Isabella came back.. Since that night at my dad's birthday party about four months ago.. Before then we might've had a chance..he was starting to warm up to me..he was starting to care. Isabella went overseas for work and we were free from her for a while..then she came back and it was never the same again. "How did you hurt yourself Giada?" Nico asked, surprising me by his close proximity and making me flinch. He quickly reached forward, his hand gripping my chin as he held me tight, reminding me of that nightmare and making me let out a loud gasp. His hand turned my face towards him as the instinct to close my eyes set in. I couldn't see it..I can't feel the heartbreak again. I can't see those hazel eyes that were always filled with so much hatred. "Open your eyes Giada, look at me!" He shouted, making fear rush through me as I did what he asked immediately. I opened my eyes, preparing myself for the worst as I met those green and brown orbs that searched my face eagerly..what I saw surprised me..concern..he actually looked worried. Was this for me? Did he think I was going to change my mind about the divorce or something? "Why are you acting like this, what happened Gia? Did somebody hurt you?" He kept his fingers on my chin, gripping me tightly as I swallowed hard. Gia, why did he call me Gia? He hasn't called me that in months. "Why are YOU acting like this? Are you afraid I won't go through with the divorce or something?" I asked accusingly, yanking my head out of his grasp as I glared up at his handsome face. Then I saw that anger I knew so well..there it was, there was the Nico I was always faced with. Just the sight of that anger alone made me pull back from him slightly. "Divorce? What the f**k are you talking about?" He asked loudly, making me flinch from the tone of his voice. "What? Is this some type of joke?" I scoffed, feeling bewildered by his behavior. "Are you serious Giada? Are you asking me for a divorce?!" He continued, sounding dumbfounded as his eyes stared at me intently. "I'm asking you for a divorce? You despise me Nico! You want nothing to do with me and I'm pretty sure if I dropped dead right at this moment it would be the best day of your life!" I shouted, my anger taking him aback as fear filled his face. "Don't say something like that." He rushed out and I couldn't take this anymore. I quickly slid off the counter, landing on my hurt foot as I didn't give a s**t. The pain made me wince involuntarily but I walked away had to be another ploy to hurt dare he say I am the one asking for this divorce. "Giada, you are tracking blood all over the kitchen. Please, just come back here so I can bandage you up at least." He rushed out behind me and I didn't care..I was ready to leave now. I didn't want to deal with this s**t anymore. "I'm leaving. I am giving you everything you want Nico, I have wasted so much time on you and I have finally had enough. You can be with Isabella and be happy, you can do whatever you want..I'm sorry I didn't fight this more, you were right, if I just would've said no then you would've never been stuck with me." I choked out, all of the pain and raw emotions finally spilling out as the rejection and heartbreak took over. I couldn't be near this man for one more second. I was about to head upstairs, and that's when two arms circled around me. The feel of Nico holding me in place caused my heart to leap into my throat as he suddenly enveloped me in a hug. "I know I have been cold to you. I know I have acted like I didn't want this..but, I want to do this Gia..I want to give this a shot..a real shot." He whispered against my ear, making my head spin as I didn't know what to think.. "Your dad's birthday party is in two days..please, let's just go and be a real married couple. I have been thinking about this for a few days, I just didn't know how to tell you." He explained and once again I was left baffled. "My dad's birthday.." I muttered, but..his birthday was June 9th.. "Yeah, it's on the 9th. Did you hit your head or something? Are you okay?" He suddenly asked, turning me quickly as he stared down at me. His eyes searched my face and head as he examined me carefully. "What..what is today?" I whispered, feeling my body going numb as my eyes were wide with shock. "Wednesday, June 7th." He answered slowly, and that's when my whole world began to spin. "I, I think I need to lay down." I breathed, the memories of the past four months crashing through me as I thought of everything that happened. "Let me take care of you first. Is it okay if I pick you up?" He asked, making me look at him hesitantly as he returned it nervously. I just nodded my head, feeling like I was losing my grasp on reality as I didn't know what to do or say. June 7th..four months..but then..does that mean Nico really killed me? Did I...did I somehow go back in time? I looked up at Nico warily, the image of his hands around my throat making my stomach twist into knots as he placed me on the counter once more. He did it..he really did it.. He went over to the first aid kit, his eyes darting towards me once more as I stared at him intently. Nico was going to kill me, he was going to hate me and despise me all over again..this had to be hell, to go through all of this once had to truly be hell. "How did you cut your foot Gia?" He asked softly, his tone of voice one I hadn't heard before. "A glass jar broke in my bathroom." I explained quietly, seeing Nico nod his head thoughtfully. " she back from her trip yet?" I asked, seeing Nico furrow his brow as he looked down at the gash in my foot. "Stop bringing Isabella up." He snapped, making my stomach twist as I looked down at his hand holding my ankle. He never touched me like this..not even before. At my dad's party, he did hold my hand, but it was only that one time. It was enough to keep me hanging on for four months though. "I just thought she was coming back soon." I finally spoke before flinching from the disinfectant Nico put on my cut, causing him to grip my ankle tighter. I can't lie, that action alone made my skin warm, causing me to curse myself internally as I hated reacting this way. He always made me feel things I wish I didn't. "I don't know, I haven't talked to her since the wedding." He said, and I didn't even realize that. He had no contact with her prior to this for two months? I furrowed my brow, watching Nico wrap my foot up carefully before standing and letting go of my ankle. "I know you never liked Isabella, but just don't worry about her okay?" He said cooly, and that infuriated me.. "I never liked her? The fact that you believed those lies so easily, that you didn't even question them once should've opened my eyes from the start. You never truly knew me Nico Romano, because if you would know everything she told you about me was a clear lie." I said coldly before jumping off the counter once more and storming through the kitchen, leaving a confused Nico behind. I was done playing this game..if Isabella wanted him so badly..then she could have him because my heart can no longer take it, and I refuse to suffer the same outcome that I did before. If this is truly a second chance at life..then I am going to take it. Get ready Isabella..because karma is a b***h and I'm about to deliver it my damn self.
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