Chapter 11-The Party 2

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(Giada) The sound of applause filled the room around us, making me blink my eyes as I slowly lifted my hands and joined in. I knew my dad was announcing that he would be moving to Italy but then why was everyone looking at us? "Did you hear him Giada?" Nico asked, making my head swirl.. I wasn't sure if it was from the alcohol hitting me or the whiplash I was getting from Nico. "About Italy?" I asked, prompting Nico to turn me around, his hands resting on my hips as he hovered above me. "No Jellybean, about us renewing our vows." He whispered, making me pull back as I stared up at his face in confusion. "Our vows? But..we just got married two months ago." Had I lost my damm mind or is this really happening right now? "That wasn't a wedding Giada, that was a contract. This time I am going to do it right." He stated, making me speechless as I felt so damn confused. He wants to have a wedding.. Suddenly the memories of our first one flashed through my mind. Nico was physically there, but mentally, I could tell he checked out. He didn't give a s**t about any of it. The tux, flowers, food, music, venue..none of it..after a while it stopped becoming fun to plan our wedding and made me feel anxious because I had to guess what Nico would like. And to be honest..I knew nothing about adult Nico.. He held the wedding off as long as possible, but then his dad convinced him to finally go through with it. Victor always treated me like a daughter, even when we were young. After everything with Isabella, he became distant with Nico, and he blamed that on me too. Victor never liked Isabella, he saw past her facade but sadly I can't say the same for my own father. He thought we were friends at this point, that's why he invited her to the party. Isabella seemed to convince him that we were best friends. Nico reached up, his fingertips grazing across my collarbone as he looked down at me. "This dress is beautiful Gia, but not to be worn around other men again, do you understand me?" He said firmly, his tone finally snapping me back to reality as I was about to chew him out. Who is he to tell me what to wear? Not like he ever cared before. As I was about to say something, the witch herself strode over, making me stiffen as I immediately looked down. I began having that reaction after Nico wanted me to sign the divorce papers, I couldn't stand seeing Isabella's smug just made it all more real. Nico slid his arm around my waist, making me yelp as my body tingled all over. I would like to think it was from the alcohol and not Nico's touch...but who am I kidding. I have never been touched like this in my life. "Gia, so good to see you, you look as radiant as ever. It seems like married life is treating you well." She smiled, her sickeningly sweet tone making my stomach twist as I finally lifted my gaze, meeting hers. This was the moment, this was when Nico went with her and changed everything. "Isabella, how was Paris?" I asked, following the script as I waited for Nico's hand to fall from my waist. Do I dare peek and see his eyes roaming her body? Maybe that will be the thing that snaps me out of this marriage talk. I looked over, my eyes slowly gliding to Nico as I stiffened immediately..his eyes weren't roaming Isabella's body..they were roaming mine! His fingers dug into my hip, his hand coming over and gripping my chin as he suddenly bent down and pressed his lips to mine, kissing me deeply as I let out a gasp. His mouth opened as he slid his tongue out..shoving it down my damn throat as we just leapt over five different not even a full on hug yet? Or a peck on the cheek? After getting over the initial shock, I fluttered my eyes closed, I turned my body, pressing against Nico's chest as he tilted my head back granting him better access. I swear fireworks burst all around us, my body spinning around..well, maybe just my head..and then he finally pulled back. Those green orbs were wild and full of desire as he bent down once more, placing a soft kiss on my lips and then my cheek. His arms wrapping around my body and holding me tight like two lovers reuniting after a long time away. I thought Isabella would've left, but the wicked witch was still here as a tight smile was pulled on her lips and her eye twitched. "Nicky, I was wondering if we could have a word." She said between clenched teeth. Listen lady, I'm as shocked as you are! What the hell just happened?! "Anything you need to be said to me can be done in front of my wife." He stated, causing me to do a double take and I almost pointed to, I'm his wife? I thought to myself, and I swear Isabella looked like she was about to lose it. "Of course, I didn't mean it that way." She stated, looking just as confused as I felt. Nico had never spoken to Isabella like that. In fact, he was always more than willing to follow her. "'s okay, you can go." I sputtered almost welcoming this distraction for him as I felt like we were fully off script now. What do we do next? I didn't expect this.. Is this really how he feels or is he trying to save face at my father's party? He didn't seem to care before but now it seems like he is more conscious of his surroundings. "No, I'm staying with you. Now let's go, we need to talk." He declared, his arm wrapped around me tight as his large palm slid across my bare back, making me regret my dress choice. How would I know he would have his hands all over me?! We were walking through the crowd when suddenly a man carrying a tray with cocktails strode by, giving me the perfect opportunity to grab one and quickly chug it before Nico took it away from me and gave me a disapproving stare. "I will have to punish you for that later." He mumbled against my ear, causing my eyes to widen as I swallowed hard. Punish me how?! He quickly steered me through the party, seeming to avoid all waiters now as we made our way outside. I thought he would stop there but no, he dragged me further out and around the house before pressing me up against the wall and making me gasp. "You don't know how f*****g crazy this dress is making me." He groaned, causing me to squeak as he bent down, his mouth kissing my bare shoulder and making me shiver beneath him. "N..Nico..w..what are you doing?" I slurred out, that alcohol making everything warm and fuzzy as I gripped his arms trying not to topple over. "Doing what I should've done a long ass time ago. You are mine Giada Romano, and no one will ever have you but me." I quickly pushed on his chest, him using my legal name snapping me out of this. I changed my name the day we got married but he never called me that, not once. "Why..why did you call me that...what game are you playing Nico?" I snapped, my hands crossing in front of my chest as I looked away from him. Hearing him call me that name hurt so bad because I felt like that's all I ever wanted..and for him to finally say was bittersweet. I went through so much much trauma and now that he said it I finally broke down. My legs gave out, my body crouching down as I hugged my knees and buried my face between them. I felt the tears spilling out..the realization that the past might have ruined even this alternative universe where my memories will forever haunt me. "I'm so sorry.." Nico whispered, his hand sliding across my back as he held onto me..just letting me cry. "I know I have been a huge d**k Gia..I pushed you away and was so cold. I didn't mean to hurt you like this." He explained, this Nico thinking that was all he did. That him ignoring me for the past ten years was why I was crying. "I just don't know if I have anything else left to give Nico.." I cried softly, feeling embarrassed for breaking down yet again in front of him. I was afraid to see the disgust or the hatred, to I didn't even bother to look at him. "I promise you don't have to give me anymore..I won't ask for a single thing from you Gia..just let me be the one to give to you now..let me love you..." He gasped, his own voice choking up as I finally pulled my head back, looking up at Nico's handsome face. The moonlight revealing his tears as I reached forward, my trembling hand sliding across his face as he closed his eyes and let out a shuddering breath. He leaned into me, gripping my wrist as he help me in place. "I don't know if you had a bad dream or something..but I don't want her Gia..I want you and only you. I swear..with all of my heart, I promise you this, it's always been you." He confessed, his long eyelashes fluttering open as I met his fierce gaze. The look in his eyes one I never saw before, not even when he looked at Isabella. "Okay...but this is the last heart can't take anymore.." I sobbed, making him reach down and kiss my cheeks. His lips sliding across my nose and jaw, smothering me in kisses as my heart practically exploded. "I won't let this chance go..I swear Gia..I will never hurt you again." He mumbled across my skin, making me nod as he reached down and lifted me into his arms. "Now let's get home so I can get you out of this dress..I swear if another man stares at my wife's ass, I am going to snap." He declared and I felt my stomach flip about a million times as I looked up at my husband...actually seeing a husband for the first time since I married him.. Wait..what did he say? Does that mean...oh god..I wasn't prepared for this.
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