Chapter 1-The Nightmare

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(Giada) How did it get to this point? How did he come to hate me so much when I so clearly thought the world of him. If I had known it would come to this, I would've never married Nico Romano. I would have begged on my knees for my father to break the engagement. But I was weak..I was blinded by the possibility that maybe one day he would see me..that he would love me, just like I loved him. I watched as my husband walked around the bed, my arms and legs bound to each metal post as his hate-filled eyes bore into mine. "Why did you lie Giada?" He shouted, making me flinch as I turned my head away from this handsome man who I would once do anything for..I didn't lie..I would never lie to him. Nico Romano was my everything..he was my reason, my purpose. I even accepted his relationship with Isabella..just three months ago he had decided to move her in. I sat back, watching her slowly take my place as I waited like a fool for him to finally see me..little did I know that I was competing with the devil. I was such a fool.. "Look at me!" He shouted, stomping over to the bed as he gripped my chin, his fingertips digging into my flesh as I let out a pathetic whimper. "Nic, I swear to you.." I began, watching as his hand raised above his head, the sound of a slap echoed through the room as the sting followed soon after. My vision blurred with tears, the metallic taste of blood coated my tongue as I looked up at him with pleading eyes. "I already signed the divorce papers..I did what you wanted..I won't bother you ever again." I pleaded, my throat dry and cracking as he stared down at me like I was the most disgusting thing he had ever seen. He didn't use to look at me like that..before those eyes used to be full of light and warmth. "Your mere existence bothers me, Giada Rossi." He said between clenched teeth, the way he said my name caused my stomach to turn as I tried to look away, feeling disgusted with myself. "You have been a burden to me since the day you were born..your family has ruined my life..they have taken the most precious thing from own mother and lied to knew this whole betrayed me!" He shouted in my face, his hands sliding to my throat as he hopped on the bed. The madness that filled his gaze made me squirm beneath him as he stared down at me with unblinking eyes. "Now I will take something precious from the Rossi family." He mumbled almost incoherently, panic filling every inch of me as I twisted and turned beneath him. " Nico..please..I love you, I promise I didn't know..I always loved you." I sobbed, the raw emotions coming out at so many moments flashed before my eyes. He was in every single one..I thought when we were kids he wanted me too..he told me he did..he promised me he would always protect me no matter what..I was a complete fool to believe it. The coldness in his eyes when we got married..I thought they would one day warm again..I thought he would realize how much I would give myself to him. But he never wanted me..he never looked at me like that again.. I was a mere inconvenience..I was a promise made by our parents and unwanted. I was nothing.. " loved me? You lied to me Giada, you fooled me into believing you cared and I will show you just how much I care about you." He hissed in my face, his fingers wrapping around my throat as he squeezed tight. The words he said made my heart shatter into pieces as my world crumbled right before my eyes..Isabella had warped his mind..the Nico I knew was long gone..he died that day with his mom and sister. I began to choke, his grip so tight I knew this was it..I knew this was the end and I regretted the day I ever met Nico Romano..I wished with all my heart that I could go back and change it all.. I would never love you, I would never give you a single piece of me and I would finally be happy..I would finally live.. The world turned dark, and Nico's cold hazel eyes burned into my mind as I floated in this darkness, knowing this was the end. The life I had was wasted on loving a man who would never love me in return.. And then I saw it..a small flicker of light..a small speck of hope as I floated towards it and that's when I reached for it, the feeling warming my skin as a blinding light rushed around me. I sprung up in bed, my hands circling around my throat as I gasped for air. The feeling of being choked slowly disappearing as I looked around the dark room that I was now in..confusion filled me as my brain felt foggy and delayed. I reached over, flipping on the lamp as I realized I was in bed at the villa where I lived with Nico and Isabella. I quickly jumped out of bed and ran to the standing mirror in the corner of my room. How did I get back here? Did I pass out and Nico took me back to the house? I stared at my reflection, turning and twisting my head from side to side as I gazed at the fair skin on my neck. bruises or marks whatsoever.. I walked back over to my bed, checking my phone as I noticed the time was 5:00 am.. Had I been sleeping for a few days or something? Last I remembered, Nico called me and said he wanted to meet up..then I had something placed over my mouth and woke up in that dark room. There was only one light that flickered and the bed was just a mattress with a metal frame. Had I been dreaming about that? I was about to move out and had met with the lawyers earlier that day, finishing up the divorce papers. I decided to finally let Isabella win..there was no competing with her and I knew Nico would never take my side. She was his whole world now..and I should've known he would believe her lies over me. He always had, ever since the accident happened, he changed that day. I slid the screen down, glancing at the date as my brow furrowed in confusion..Wed, June 7th..wait..that can't be's supposed to say October 8th.. Yesterday was October 7th, the day I had my appointment with the lawyers. This has to be a glitch on my phone or something, this can't be right. I opened up the browser and typed in "Today's Date." And what popped up baffled me even more. Wednesday, June 7th, 2023. I stared at the screen for a few more minutes..wracking my brain for what was going on as I went to walk to the bathroom. Suddenly I froze, my eyes settling at a spot on the wall as confusion filled me..this..this had been destroyed the day Isabella moved in. I took a tentative step forward, my hand reaching up as my fingers glided across the cool glass of the framed picture hanging on the wall. It wasn't the only one up there...but this one was the only one he had destroyed. It was our wedding photo..the picture my father took just after we finished the ceremony. My dad had told us both to smile and Nico couldn't even do that much. I still cherished it..I loved this photo and hung it up on the wall like an obsessed fan as I ignored the cold gaze in his eyes and the stiff posture. All the signs were there, I was just too blinded by love to see it. Nico hated me even on the day of our wedding. I backed up, those cold hazel eyes seeming to glare at me as a sharp pain jolted through my head, causing me to grip both sides as I suddenly tripped over something, landing on the floor with a thud. Then I saw the glass coffee table that Nico had shattered three weeks ago..he was angry because Isabella had said I called her a b***h and had purposely spilled hot coffee on her. Nico had kicked the table over, shattering the glass to pieces, cutting my feet and legs. I glanced down, going to look for the tiny scars that were left behind, and stopping immediately when I saw the ring.. "" I gasped, examining the thin plain rose gold band that wrapped around my finger. Nico had thought I would hate it..he got me the cheapest thing in the shop and didn't even look at it beforehand..but stupid me, I thought it was the most beautiful thing in the world. He had ripped it off of me last week, right after he threw the divorce papers onto the floor. No..what..what's happening.. Could this still be a dream? Perhaps I died by Nico's hands and was in some type of old memory? I ran into the bathroom my body folding over the sink as I turned on the water and began splashing my face. This doesn't seem right..there is no way... I continued to rub my face up and down, trying to stop this hallucination as I stumbled back, bumping into a cabinet and knocking down a glass jar of face cream. Making glass shatter across the floor. June 7th..that was four months ago.. This can't be way in hell..
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