chapter 5: Green eyes

1749 Words
Sabrina’s pov I slowly started opening my eyes, everything hurts, and my eyes hurt so much. The floor was cold and wet, wait the floor? Suddenly everything that had happened started coming to me. I opened my eyes and all I could see was darkness. As my eyes slowly adjusted, I could tell that they weakened my wolf, and then I remembered my parents. I quickly got up and I realized that I was in a dungeon, “please open, I need to see my parents. I need to make sure they are okay.” I said. I realized that I wasn’t the only one crying, they were others like me crying to go back to their families and loved ones. Where the hell am I? “Don’t bother kid, you will never see your parents again. The men that bought you here killed them.” said a voice. I turned around and found a girl, she was obviously older than me, but she was the epitome of malnutrition. I slowly sat down on the ground and the pain in my chest was too much, I felt like my heart was being ripped into a million pieces. My mom and dad, they can’t be dead, they can’t be dead? But I saw them, I saw them go down and I heard it as my mother’s heart stopped beating. I saw as my father’s eyes went lifeless and he stared at me with love and fear at the same time. They can’t be dead. “She is awake.” said someone behind me but I didn’t even have the energy to look around. I honestly didn’t care what was going on or where I was, I felt two hands grab me and drag me somewhere. We left the dungeon area, and they took me to a hallway full of doors, it kind of looked like those creepy Orochimaru hideouts. The hallway was quiet that you could even hear a pin drop, but then I could hear people screaming. They sounded happy, like a large crowd waiting for a match they were eagerly waiting to start. The more we walked the louder the screaming was, one of the men opened the door and then that’s when I found myself surrounded by a crowd. They were chanting and the moment their eyes landed on me they got happier like whoever they were waiting for just arrived. The man who was holding my hand pushed me into the middle, it looked like a boxing ring or those one would see in the fantastic beast movies. I fell down and one of the men looked at me and smirked, “don’t disappoint the boss hybrid.” he said and then threw a dagger my way. It landed on my feet and the crowd went wild at this, suddenly it was silent, too quiet for my liking and that’s when I heard it. Massive footsteps were coming my way, I looked up and looking at me was a man three times my size. He had a smirk on his face, tattoos covered his massive muscles, and he was only wearing shorts and no t-shirt. He smiled and before I could even process what was happening, he punched me. That’s when I realized what was happening here, they bought me here to fight this large man who seemed very strong. He then punched me again and again, I kept praying that he would stop, or someone would come and stop him, but my prayer wasn’t heard. The crowd kept going crazy, “kill her, kill her!” they chanted and then it hit me again, this is one of those battles where they can kill you. I don’t know the people that took me, but they are thugs that’s for sure which means they don’t care if I live or die. They will just find another kid to play in whatever this is, I was going to die, and I didn’t mind at all. My parents are dead so what do I have to live for? I closed my eyes and waited for it to be over when my brother’s face flashed before my eyes. I still have a brother, I have friends and people who must be turning the world upside down looking for me. Like instinct, I picked up the dagger that they threw at my feet and stabbed the man as he got close to me. He looked at me surprised and everyone in the room gasped at this, he looked at me and I could tell he was furious. ‘No matter what I have to live.’ That was all I could think about as I stabbed him over and over again until I was sure he was dead. When I opened my eyes, I looked at him, his eyes lifeless and the crowd cheered, but I didn’t care. My eyes were on the large and very dead man. I just killed a person, I killed a person... I looked at my hands and they were covered in blood. Someone picked me up and dragged me out, “that was brutal, did you have to stab him so much?” one of the men holding me asked laughing. I just felt numb, like this was all just a dream and this was real, I would wake up soon and find myself back at home. I will be woken up by the smell of pancakes that my mom made or the muffins my dad made. That I would be woken by Zac’s annoying voice as he was singing loud to his very loud music. I would wake up in the comforts of my pack, and my only worry would be to be noticed by my crush who is also my best friend’s brother. The cold floor that welcomed me when they threw me back into that dungeon told me exactly what I feared. I am not dreaming, this is all real. I quickly got up and there was a small mirror on the wall, I called forth my wolf and then looked in the mirror. At first, my eyes were blue and then I watched them turn green and it was like I got poured by a bucket of cold water. This is all real, my eyes are proof that I just killed a person. “Your first time huh? It hurts, doesn’t it?” the girl in the corner said. I didn’t say anything, she came closer to me and held my back as I sobbed. “Why are they doing this? Why did they take me? Why are you here? Why are we all here?” I asked her. “Well, it's underground combat operation, they make us fight each other to the death. Only one person can come out alive.” she said, and I looked at her. “How many people have you killed?” I asked her and she smiled a bit but then closed her eyes. I could tell that she was calling forth her wolf, when she opened her eyes, I gasped in shock and also fear. Her eyes were yellow, you see with werewolves the eye color depends on how many people you have killed. A werewolf who has never killed anyone has blue eyes, and a werewolf who has killed between 1 to 100 people has green eyes. A werewolf that has killed about 100 to 1000 has yellow eyes, and then we have orange which is for werewolves that have killed 1000 to 20 000 thousand people. That’s as far as a person can go, but I have heard stories that there was someone who once killed over 20 000 people. His eyes changed to red, and he became so powerful, but he was also soulless. He has killed over 20 000 people so that makes sense, who would kill so many people and still have some humanity left? “How long have you been here?” I asked her and she smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes. “It’s been 6 years, I came here when I was 18 years old and now I am 23 years old. By the way, my name is Rose.” she said extending her hand. I took it and looked at her, “don’t worry, they are coming for me. I am sure that they will free everyone here.” I said, and she chuckled. “Do you believe that? That’s never going to happen, kid, we move after every few months, so they will never find you” she said. “You should listen to her.” said another voice from a different dungeon. “I have been here for 7 years, no one is coming to save you.” said the girl in the corner. She opened her eyes and hers were yellow too. “By the way I am Marie.” she said. “They will come for me, I know they will.” I said with confidence and I heard an evil chuckle and I saw the girls freeze in fear when they heard it. “Listen to them Sabrina, no one is coming for you. Only people who were close to you knew about you being a hybrid, how do you think I found out?” the person asked. I turned around and found him standing there, he had an evil smirk on his face as he looked at me. “I don’t know how you knew, but I know that they are looking at me. you are so dead.” I said, but my confidence went down a bit when his smirk didn’t drop. “I asked you, how do you think you knew about your existence? It could be your half-brother, I mean you had both parents and maybe he resented you for it. Your parents clearly loved you more, or maybe it’s the Alpha Prince boy Bryan. He couldn’t have a weakling like you as his mate.” he said with a smirk. I looked at him confused, “what mate?” I said more to myself, but I knew he had heard me. “Ohhh, he didn’t even tell you? Bryan is your mate and maybe he is the one who told us about you” he said with a smirk. It can’t be true, I am not Bryan’s mate, I can’t be his mate, right? I mean he would tell me if I was right?
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